What kind of shoes are you wearing at the gym?

My old ass flat sole shoes are getting way too old, I need to change them.

I was thinking on getting weightlifting shoes, but seeing as I'm barely squatting lmao3pl8, are they worth it? Should I get Chuck Taylors instead?

I'm talking about shoes to wear at the gym generally, not just for a specific exercise, but these kinds of suggestions are welcome too

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bump cause I need new shoes too

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pls don't scroll past my thread

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Yes WL shoes are good, I use them for pretty much everything except deadlifting, which I do in socks.

unless youre competing you have no reason to lift in anything other than a pair of chucks. $200 lifting shoes vs $30 chucks, not even close to worth it. i know they sell cheaper weight lifting shoes, but cmon, that pair you REAAALLY want that look REAAALLY cool are the high end ones and you wont be satisfied until you get that specific pair. just work on your dorsiflexion.

wrestling shoes are great for lifting in, i sometimes wear my asic rulons

I wear Nike free run flyknits 2017 to the gym. Had em for a while, they're pretty good. They might cheap rn cuz they're a year old, maybe the 2018s are good too.

I'm using Metcon 4s. They're made for crossfit, or basically some light olympic weightlifting. They have some pretty decent weight on them, light enough for brosplit shit and heavy enough for a good squat. So if you're going for the casual heavy weightlifting with a side of aesthetic work I'd recommend them. They're pretty comfy too.

Powerlifts but I've worn the right heel out. Not sure whether I should get another pair or splurge a bit on Adipowers or Leistungs

Get a pair with a proper heel, Powerlifts have babby heels