Is 143lbs good for 6'0?
Is 143lbs good for 6'0?
Nope, you're just a little lighter than me, were in the DYEL club
lol no. if you are sub 170 and >5'10" you are small
Are you female?
Nah, my friend is convinced im too skinny
Absolutely. I was that weight at 5'11" and a fucking skeleton
Meant to say absolutely not
>''man oh man now THIS is a question that deserves it's own thread''
Go fuck yourself fag
Suck my dick faggot, go back to your trap threads you DYEL twink
You weigh 143 lbs you anorexic faggot, a fresh breeze would knock you the fuck over
A fresh nigger dick would fill your twink ass up, now GTFO
>do a retarded thing
>user tells you you did this retarded thing
>scream and flail and get angry like a little child
How can anyone have so little self-awareness to allow themselves to behave like this? You are a sad, pathetic person.
>starts talking about black dick two replies into internet shitflinging session
Do you want to know how I know you're an American?
How am i an american, pls explain faggot
Because you start talking about black dick two replies into an internet shitflinging session you dumbass
my god
180-190 lbs on bulk. 170 on a cut is basically muscled adonis.
dude, shut the fuck up. lol. skeletor.
I'm 175 at 6'1 and I still feel small wtf
For a woman.
nigger 170 is ottermode if you're already decently muscular, 140 is auschwitz mode.
this is a good thread
Curling 143 isn't bad but where did you find 1.5lb plates?
At a few pounds to each at 6 foot and you’re good
Are you for real? You sound like you’re skin and bone. You won’t make any geinz if you eat fuck all so fix that shit
what about 6.4 255?
Please tell me that's not a trap...
you should be 300lbs at least
she has a big fat juicy dick dangling between her soft thighs.
Pic nigga, but you are almost definitely to skinny.
I am 148 6'0 w/ decent physique and lifts, 227 bench x1, 1pl8 ohp x5. You and i would be better off at 170 lean though. Don't try to put weight on fast though w/ gomad or some bullshit though.
Rattle rattle eat more cattle
You suffer from body dysphoria.
Do you have long limbs as well? Tips for ohp?
Weight isnt the important thing. Muscle mass is. Most of these 200lb people are carrying lots of excess bodyfat. Plus everyone doesn't have the same types of frames to pack on lots of muscle mass. Just look better naked than everyone
Well Jow Forums I'm 5'11, 138lbs but I have an attractive face and dress well so I still get looks from girls. Once I'm done my very slow bulk to 160 you should be able to feel my sexual gravity well from halfway around the world.
Who is this weeb semen demon?
Recent advice given to me by someone far stronger was to roll elbows forward a bit more to utilize more of your chest, and to use a suicide grip to lessen strain on wrists.
op kys dumb fucking faggot
I"m same height, but 118lbs.
No, it's not good.
I'm on the verge of collapsing daily.
Because amerifats are obsessed with niggers and their dicks for some fucked reason.
It always seems to come up with amerilards.
>Is 143lbs good for 5'8?
they are looking at your ribs user
I used to weigh slightly less at the same height before I started lifting. How are you on the verge of collapsing?
Nope, i'm 78kg 6'0" and it's not so good even that
Seriously, it's like some of you guys want to look like a concentration camp survivor.