Well? What’s your excuse?
The sadness of living without sex bbc.co.uk
Well? What’s your excuse?
The sadness of living without sex bbc.co.uk
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Boring, shitty personality, passive and a coward.
Cause I'm a fat piece of shit and I've started taking my health and fitness far too late in my life, coupled with years of self-loathing and image issues stemming from being a fat loser
I am working on my social skills.
It helps losing virginity really soon, makes you less awkward
Hopefully this doesn't turn out to be me. I'm much more social now, and I'm losing weight for the first time in my life, so maybe I'm deluded, but I think it will happen eventually. Only 24 now, hoping I can make it happen this year.
This and add low sex drive into the mix
Just don’t fall for the incel pill mboys
I'm over the idea that I need sex, I've been spending my time in the gym and focused on school. I wasted study time on the last girl, and she two-timed me. After all of it, what did I get? I barely passed my math course because of it, that's what I got. Sex isn't worth sacrificing so much of your life, and jacking off is a net negative to emotional stability. If I meet a person who I can trust, who is worth investing time into, and safe to become emotionally involved with, then I'll have sex.
Wouldn't dream of it m8. It's not down to women/society that I've ruined my own life and I loathe myself.
good on you
sounds like it still resonates though. stop thinking that your life has been wasted. in all likelihood even if had been having sex life would still be unfulfilling. don’t mean to bring people down but life sucks p much regardless of who you are. memories don’t last forever, so don’t dwell on the past. It only defines you because you let it
>was fat and social autist
>lose weight
>now friendless social autist
desu better friendless than having fake friends:
>had 2 social numales friends since elementary school
>was the fat punchbag to them
>I was literally their best friend never let them down
>when I wanted to hang out they never wanted to hang out with me only playing vidya and watching movies
>every weekend they were hanging out and posting it on normiebook and when I asked them to go out they always gave excuses
>wasted teenage years being a dog to them
>when I told to then I want to lose the fat at 15 they were laughing at me and said I'll never gonna make it
>be me 17 yo senior high school
>they didn't like it when I made it so they started getting jealous saying shit like i will get fat back, isolating me even more
>hs ended never talked to them again
>if I see them ever again I will unironically punch them till they bleed now that I got muscle gains
I am thirsty for revenge, giving those manlets a lesson.
Not virgin but framecel and pretty ugly Tbh, sex is too much effort.
Wow look at this one, a violent pyschopath who wants to kill two people, the same two people that put up with his low self esteem throughout their child hood.
I'm not a virgin, but I've only had sex once after my ex and I broke up. At this point every woman in my life is already taken, and I'm not invested enough to try online dating/tinder anymore. Having to pretend I care about a woman's retarded non-issues is too much effort and not worth it, so it's either "I don't feel anything meaningful between us" or "why aren't you arguing with me?" at which point it's over. I probably should care about more things in life, but being that emotionally invested in meaningless shit is incredibly unattractive to me.
It's just easier to focus on other things in life right now, desu.
I have no social life and I'm terrified of intimacy.
If blowjobs don’t count then it is because the only tinder whore I took home was on her period.
I turned it down a few times in my late teens, mainly due to lack of self-esteem and not being interested in the girls themselves. Then, I was a depressed recluse for all my early 20s. I'm seeing a therapist now and 25 and starting to feel better. Really want to lose it before I turn 26 in November. I plan to just jump on Tinder and be really really honest. Hope it turns out ok.
So much cope here.
Literally nothing wrong with me. 6'3 with solid features, talented, hard-working, etc. Bitches just want to fuck guys who wear Adida's and sweatpants and other nigger clownsuits these days. It's the current social climate. If you're not aligned with trending black-culture then you're deemed "not cool". Just dropping the truth, and fuck you
>Boring, shitty personality, passive and a coward.
I think this was the motivation I needed, thanks loser
Nigga wtf are you even talking about?
lmfao what are you eastern yuropooran?
The problem with incel shit going mainstream is, co-workers are going to suspect I am the office virgin, when before they simply though I was weird/quirky, which I was perfectly happy with.
Fuck sake.
I doubt it's even low sex drive, but rather that porn addiction is taking care of it
Stop acting black. Don't say "nigga". This is what im taling about.
>unfairly portraying lonely people as strange or inadequate
but that's exactly what they are. sex is so fucking easy to get, it's relationships that people have the most trouble with.
the fact that these people never show any initiative to get either is proof that they are indeed inadequate. the fact that they hate being alone but never do anything to change it, is strange behavior.
Not even acting blood. I live in burgerland and I literally have no idea what you’re talking about. no white dude talks black and isn’t laughed at immediately. They seem to be doing juat fine
Are you white?
I know what you mean, and it pisses me off, too. Why a lot of people--especially girls that drink too much--have started acting this way I'm not sure, but it probably has to do with white guilt.
>the fact that they hate being alone but never do anything to change it, is strange behavior.
When you accept your place at the bottom of the hierarchy, that's what happens. You have absolutely nothing and you do absolutely nothing about it.
It's almost all inside your head, reinforced by experiences throughout your life, but in your head nonetheless. Naturally produced drugs in your brain keep you afraid, passive and cowardly
The only way to escape is to create positive experiences, feel better about yourself, and you can then take the initiative on even more positive experiences
the only way to escape is to do do literally anything else than what you normally do. it doesn't have to be inherently positive. it just has to be something different.
F A C E.
Well sure, when you're at the bottom of society, anything different is positive, because it can't be any worse than what you are doing now.
Except, you know, mind-altering drugs, alcohol, self-harm, suicide
Lol plenty of fat people have sex. That’s no excuse. Go pork another fatty. It’s better than nothing especially for your mental health.
Nope. I don’t like white people acting that way either but I doubt its a requirement for all but the trashiest women.
>”Everybody tryna be a nigga, but nobody wanna be a nigga”
-Paul Mooney
Black culture is cool. White people have always tried to steal it. e.g. jazz, rock, all dance moves, hip hop
>i don't want to be alone
>i know i'll do all these other things that have nothing to do with not being alone, like mind-altering drugs, alcohol, self-harm, suicide
these are coping mechanisms, not changes in behavior that directly affect the thing they want to change.
I don't blame women or niggers or society. I blame it on the fact that all I can talk about is NBC weapon proliferation and the intersectionality of global terror network ideologies and Central Asian power dynamics. The last date I had was four years ago, and the girl ended it by essentially saying "why are you so obsessed by people dying" after I spent about an hour explaining Sayyid Qutb and wahabism.
I'm not autistic and only mildly ugly and I make decent money. I just have no traits that are interesting to women. I can't talk about music or food or sports or TV, just African jihad cells.
>The sadness of living without sex
buy an onahole for sex
play video games with friends
buy a dog for companionship
no women needed
>I would try and keep as much distance between myself and them, for fear of someone else discovering my shame
>Knowing that she was allergic to peanuts, I began carrying around Snickers bars and making a great show of snacking on them
holy shit
Jazz had standards of musicianship and quality, much like older white culture did too. Nearly everything nowadays is pure shit, black or white. There are still good artists, but they are usually flawed and/or not mainstream
So, fuck what's cool and popular
I’m not s virgin though
Just put work into yourself now man
I stopped having sec with women because it’s too much work and I’m afraid of getting metoo’d. Not that I would ever rape a woman but girls can do crazy stuff just to get back at you. I’m intentionally celibate for six months now
>I'm not autistic
>[I can only talk about] African Jihad cells
I'm so sorry user. I just hope it's not terminal.
is this a clickhole piece? lol
Sex is not worth it now. The opportunity cost is too high and the return is too low. Your time could be better utilized now to make you better off in your future.
It's only gotten worse since grad school, so probably.
>I spent about an hour explaining Sayyid Qutb and wahabism.
I'd date you
I'm a guy tho
no homo
thanks fren
where do you stand on Bashar al-Assad?
based dubya. the most Jow Forums grandpa
I think he's the product of Hafez Assad's interaction with the West. He knows Syria's role in the power struggle between the west and political Islam and the resource interests in the region and is rightly distrustful of foreign influence in his sphere. Whether his initial violent reaction towards Arab Spring protesters was proportional or not, it's clear that he doesn't sponsor any terror groups and is likely severely regretting his reliance on Iran right now.
He's trying to be a good monarch but if you follow the money there's no way Syrians win in the end. He either found himself bombing his own citizens or yielding to faceless internationals and jihadists.
I had a whole second comment typed out before I realized maybe I am autistic.
i had sex, my number is 15 chicks. some were wicked hot. some were the fatties we all hate. and you know? it doesnt matter. this is why Europe is being raped by the Arab. Their religion is stronger than ours. Christ without the cross aka Islam is stronger than the Cross without Christ. its the same reason why I lift and got fit in the first place. If your to dumb to see a religious war breaking out in the next 75 years when the towelheads finally are ready to attack. then there is no hope.
>had sex with 15 girls
>goes on a religion rant
You better confess that shit nibba.
>all I can talk about is african jihad cells
user I...
already have. its been hard as fuck. ironically my last gf was super religious. thats when I realized. its a joke to say your catholic or Christian or whatever to then turn around and fuck guys. drink underage (i was 24 she was 19, which I didnt help with) the whole point is your supposed to resist temptation. not submit to it and beg for forgiveness every fucking time. thats like a smoker quitting and smoking every break by bumming cigs from others, did he really quit? or does he just sound more self righteous than his peers?
Wow, you yanks really are as dumb as you seem.
good kind of autism though. Proud of you user. to many idiots are uninformed in the world today. kinda no fapish. but close enough to main topic.
Welcome to catholic guilt. Get given the model of the perfect godly man, be told you'll never match his example, but then get told it's your holy duty to get as close as possible. With every failure, realize that you really could have stopped yourself if you'd just tried a little harder. Come face to face with your own inadequacy on a daily basis, in spite of the relatively simple rules to follow, then realize how desperately you need forgiveness if it's that easy to fuck up.
It makes one appreciate how reasonable self flagellation was, in principle.
wow, thanks user. your post is so enlightening. keep trying to be passive aggressive on the internet. I'll still pray for your sad existence and hope you come around.
I'm not a virgin but I didn't fuck until I was 20 because I was shy as hell and never took the first step.
Dude the "towelheads" are not preparing some "attack".
This is why I blame white people and not sandniggers for the misunderstanding, white people don't know whit about Islam and the many different people an culture that follows it.
I'm muslim and I'm telling you bro, we just wanna live our lives, walk hand in hand to the eternal reward with our christian and jew friends.
Don't let the fucking media separate us.
The "muslim" you see on TV, shooting civilians, explode themselves n shit, also the sandniggers in the european hood with no education are not Islam.
Blaming every good muslim for that is same as blaming every jews for Isreal's doing or every christian for the many many rape on young folks by the church.
I'm a sandniggers myself just to be clear.
I love you all my fellow belivers, we pray the same God.
The true evil, is the gay/lgbt/fatacceptance/genderfluid shit.
Let's group together friends
this so much. My neighbor is my Mentor, he has been amazing in helping me. and he is 60. always tells me. you never become a true catholic. its a life journey.
>I just have no traits that are interesting to women.
lol I wonder why.
I've taken religious classes. it tells you in the Qu'ran or Koran (however you want to spell it, im to tired to care) that you kill or convert the nonbelievers. True Islamics, are the ones shooting guns. killing the innocents. tell me when Mohammad attacked cities sacking them and killing the citizens, is that the peace your talking about? I will agree that the Jews, and their media power is great for fearmongering. but you cant tell me that Islam is a religion of peace. if so why are your countrymen in Syria, Iraq, Iran etc. beheading people. stoning gays. etc. Why are they leaving their homes to flee if it is so peaceful? why are your ayatollahs allowing this?
I'm fat, my cock is extremely bent and I have phimosis
should have read the whole lost before replying. im not mad at you. i agree with you. im just old and smart enough to know there will never be world peace as long as isreal exsists and people need to control Jerusalem. As for the democrats and their agenda aka the LGBTQ and fat acceptance thats what i mean. they push people away. If you have the time to sit and listen. you need to hear this. very interesting.was what sold me on my faith.
dumbass me forgot link
Whether the entire Islamic world is on the march is irrelevant. The human race is perpetually a single generation away from famine, cataclysmic holy war, global pandemic and economic collapse. And there are ideologies that want to accelerate those outcomes. And the simple fact is, there's a persistent thread in some schools of islamic thought that are just as happy to impose Dar al Islam on the rest of the world. There are similar trends in basically every religion, but there aren't any Hindus flying their planes into our shit.
Neoconservatism is a bitch, but it's hard to change the gears of the security state quickly.
>Bullied all through grade school
>Probably have asbergers, but never went to a doctor to get it diagnosed
>socially inept, rarely use social media for contacting others
>Finding and using Jow Forums at 15 and using it 2012-now
I masturbate once every couple weeks and very rarely to porn.
Nice. Your problem is actually a blessing. You will only become excited when you are with a girl who truly matters to you.
You don't have to always worry about your dick begging you to fuck things and watch porn. You made it don't FUCK IT UP. You have already trained yourself to react to the real deal. The pheromones, the actual connection. Actual love.
And thats exactly where people get nofap twisted. Yes you lose your sex drive toward phantoms on a screen and sluts in a studio, thats the point! You've trained yourself to only react to a true connection.
please don't make fun of me
I'm not attracted to people that're in my league of attractiveness, and it's also extremely easy and much less time consuming to masturbate. Being around people for too long just makes me irritated, to the point where I can't imagine having to share my life with another person for a single afternoon.
good attitude user keep it up
Not a virgin but I remember girls whispering about me being scary like in a school shooter way back in school lol. I got tired of acting like a normie when talking to girls so now I just don't talk to them anymore.
The Prophet attacked the cities because him and his followers had been casted away and their possesion taken away by the ruler from this time who btw were known to be everything the religion was against; stealed the poor, kill the civilian, worship idols, rape women ect.
And I don't know where d'you get that civilian were killed is absolutely false, in the day civilian weren't involved in such conflict, but ofc they were probably minimal human loses.
>if so why are your countrymen in Syria, Iraq, Iran etc
They're are not my countrymen, I'm moroccan, North-Africa we have no bounds with the actual arab world.
>Syria, Iraq, Iran
Iran do not behead or stone poeple, this country have his non muslim part and are not arab either.
>Syria, Iraq
Well here you got a point, but the only reason is that atfer 'Murrica came to ake want they wanted, atfer they kill civilian trying to defend their country, the extremist took the power pretty quick thankful to that anti-american hate, so now they are pretty hard with religion n shit.
But you have to know this Syria was a paradise on earth before the war, not the sandnigger bomb beheading shit you think it is now.
I've seen it with my own eyes back then.
This is what I was telling about white people ignorance, you don't know shit, you just eat information from the TV, if you could have the muslim world point of view i'm sure white and sandniggers would have been friends dicne a long time
>be me
>miss out on a teenage love because of bad personal decisions (have no one to blame but me)
>also didn't make any friends due to the bad decisions, spend teenage years a drifting loner
>enlist in military after barely getting high school diploma
>meet other people and make life long friends, realize through them what I had missed out on
>get fucked with mercilessly for being a virgin, have no luck with the ladies at all
>decide to get it over with a fuck a hooker, end up fucking hookers 3 more times before enlistment ends
>out now, realize my perception of sex and relationships are fucked
>straighten life out, start lifting, going to school, save up some money
>start going to church, start playing music, start to meet people
>life is starting to come together, meeting church qts and practicing social skills
>can feel myself getting better and better at it, even start getting told some of said qts are into me
>mfw despite coming to terms with past sins, still feel regret for not just waiting
I coulda done it right Jow Forums, wish I could go back in time and tell my retarded self not to do it. A lot of you on here seem to be the sentimental types when it comes to girls, do yourselves a favor and don't fuck a hooker, you'll just make everything worse
All these excuses for not having sex
You're right my dude, I won't contest this.
But if you still think 2 boeing 767 could have melt the world trade center towers, you're pretty naive.
I don't tell Muricca did this, but they used it to invade petrol land, and you know it.
>implying history books are wrong
i get that. like i said i dont know why you feel the nees to attack me personally. i told you i learned all of this. my local mosque told me about this things. my textbooks told me about these things. why do shias hate sunnis? why do you have a massive civil war if your so peaceful. at least the Catholics admitted to the clusterfuck that was the crusades.
I may be mistaken, but last i knew Iran was a religious country first and formost. did they not lead the change into sharia law? is it still not practiced there? why is it that they flee their shitholes with sharia law. to come to europe and etc. and they try to implement sharia law. that is literally the definition of insanity. I know many middle easterns. my good friend is from syria. lost his family is isis attacks. im not pretending to know his pain. but the
For me it's definitely not sex life or women which results in my loneliness and bitterness but the feeling of saudade and nostalgia as I come to age. As you grow and realize how people in real life behave in college, the in grad school, then where you work, the feeling that you're going to make friends like you had as a kid slips away and it just feels very empty. Your parents start getting old and sick, your old friends are off somewhere starting their families and whatnot, too busy to return your texts. You've been through a few relationships to pretend like you're normal like everyone else, eventually soured or grew apart. Late 20s is seriously a painful time. All that's really keeping me alive is a job that I love and hobbies that distract me.
Got molested by an older girl when I was 5, can't be intimate with women after that. Technically, I had an orgasm before I could ejaculate I guess. Kinda wish I was gay, it'd be easier than being attracted to women but can't be intimate with them.
I'm blunt to the point of offense, I have no empathy for others, swear a lot, and I therefore attract the opposite kind of women I'm interested in.
I honestly do see how people find parts of the official story inadequate, but I just don't think the people in charge are competent enough to pull something like that off. For one thing they wouldn't have set a bunch of Saudis up as the fall guys, since there's no way we would retaliate against Saudi Arabia. There are much more convenient patsies to pin the whole thing on.
I don't doubt that there are people in charge who WOULD have planned something like 9/11, it was just handled so shittily that I believe they didn't.
I didn't attacked you personally dude.
Shias don't hate sunnis, it is basically the opposite, you would know that if you took some real Islam lessons. Because of the next succesor after the Prophet died, those things does not concern me, it is simply politics, if they're people stupid enough to kill each other for that this is not Islam related people are just stupid.
And btw the "problem" between shias and sunnis are rare and only occur when the madmen for ISIS and Al-Quaida shoot shia when they're praying in a mosque during ramadan, of can you white people still consider those guys from ISIS, EI, Al-Q muslims, it hurt us, really. They are not massive civil war at all, they are some comflict isolate in arab lands wich we again have no bounds with.
Yes Iran is a religious country, with sharia ect, but this doesn't mean they beahead people every day dude. They're not flyng from their shitholes dudes, certainly not Iran which is a well developped country.
Dude they're are literraly no muslim who wants sharia in Europe this is a television fiction. Beside UK THERE ARE NOT MUSLIM GROUP SUPPORTIN SHARIA IN ANY EU COUNTRY. I'm 100% deadly serious here, i'm myself muslim and I do not want sharia law in my european home country.
Dude this is why I was telling you know nothing, how can you have thoughs about all of this when you don't even know the basis.
Here we have nearly begun the real discussion, with the question of the muslim identity, the 30+ muslim diffrent lands, with their different cultulre, different way to pratice Islam, different Islam interpretation ect.
The terrorist, ect the help of the terrorist by Saudi Arabia n1 weapon buyer from amerian ect ect ect I can go on for ever.
Dude, this is not an insult but please educated yourself, to know and see the truth.
Islam is not the real problem
>be me
>office virgin
>coworkers watch the news and are worried
>casually talk to them about shooting my guns at the range
>coworkers start treating me really nice, taking me out to lunch etc
Being the office virgin is pretty neat
Back when I still had social interactions, it was a weird mixture of completely baseless self confidence (I thought the girls I liked would just fall into my lap without me doing anything) and 0 self confidence so I couldn't bring myself to talk to girls. Then I realized I was unattractive and uninteresting, and for the last ~6 years I barely never put myself in social interactions so I don't meet new people.
Will you be my autist friend nohomo? I'm interested in that stuff.
School isnt worth it
When it all comes to an end, what will you most be proud of, how many books you memorized, or how many people you had a meaningful relationship
Modern human beings spend too much time and stress studying, its retarded
>28 year old virgin
>only kissed a girl before
>havent had job in 7 years
>total neet
>get job
>clean self up
>start flirting with women coworkers
>skinny girl with huge ass wants to plow me
>flail around like dead fish in bed
>lose virgin status
not that hard
I've stopped worrying about it because I realised that I've wasted my life already and I know that whatever I do I'll never be happy. Even when I have a chance or opportunity I don't take it because I don't see the point of starting so late anyways. I'll never catch up and I just wanna be left alone now
i cant get a job much less a career and my mother allows me to live like a NEET so i dont feel the drive to improve myself
i lift to pass the time
Lost my virginity at 17, AMA
how big was he
get laid pusssaaaaaayyyy
school is for fags anyways just bully some pajeet into doing your homework
Lmao, cope harder brainlet