Is there any point in going beyond ottermode as a manlet?

is there any point in going beyond ottermode as a manlet?

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Otters are long and slender, manlets are short and stubby. You might want to compare yourself to a wombat, manlet.

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I think that guy's a big bigger than ottermode desu

Manlets should enter battle dwarf mode, lanklets otter mode.

You can get that physique from lifting for 2 months and cutting for 3.

If you're a manlet sure

b8 but post body

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I'm 6'3 and am 95/185/275/185 for reps

What physique would I have if I cut down?


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is there any point in being a manlet when HRT exists?


i think he is smaller than ottermode just very lean

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If you've earning enough money to buy HGH you sure as hell are not young enough to get taller from it.
>But what if your parents are rich
If you're rich you don't have to worry about being a manlet, kek. If you still do sure, get on all the hormone therapy you want.

answer pls

we dont know how you look, wtf is the point of that question

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My bro did powerlifting for years and looked like a manlet while doing so. Now he's slimmed down to ottermode from sprinting and everybody honestly thinks he looks taller. His friends even told me he looked like a stump whereas now not so much.

With those number you'd still be really small. Maybe otter maybe skelly, depending on how good your insertions look.

yes. he would look DYEL as shit in clothes that aren't obnoxiously tight. he would also look DYEL the moment he ate too much salt or too many carbs and lost that very cut look.

Why is your diddly so shit?

your arms look pathetic

Dont listen to the fatties on here. This guy has a solid amount of muscle. You'd be surprised how little muscle you have under your fat when you cut down to 10-12%. This guy definitely has been lifting heavy for years.

ottermode is good for people with long arms. otherwise stick to thorin oakenshield mode

i need serious answer
does this guy do dehydration thing before the photo? pretty much impossible to look that lean without dehyde right?

yup better stick to ottermode

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Holy fuck are you 5’2”? You’re like 14in taller than the light switch which is 48in in the US.

im not the guy on the pic i just used his pic from the CBT , no idea about his height
you can see being a stocky manlet its not a good look