Tfw no gf

>tfw no gf

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tfw no gf virgin at 25

is it over?

tfw no gf kissless virgin at 28

It gets better.. r-right guys?

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also, super fit related thread you have here bro! :D

again. kys.


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>Tfw I forgot to call ahead and reserve a bench this evening
>had to wait about an hour to start lifting

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>tfw have a few gfs over the last decade
>been single last 2 years
>go on a few dates with girl i have no reason to not like
>realize i'd rather enjoy my free time alone
>hate paying for her
>mfw she constantly texts now and I just want to be left alone
>mfw i've chosen to be single forever now

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To all the virgins ITT just lower your standards and get it over with.

>tfw know a couple of girls like me
>tfw don't know what to do
>tfw doesn't matter since I'll be going away for 3 months soon

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Fuck is this me? I just realized every serious girlfriend I’ve ever had pursued ME. I always end up ghosting girls I go on dates with. Why do I not let girls get close to me unless they force it?

lmao look what's happening in /fa/ after a tomboy posts.

>no gf for 8 years
>go on a date after screwing up two others
>screw it up
>drunk text apology about nervousness
>somehow second date through this
>bungle it up again
>friends make fun of how obvious the signs were (really bad)
>still was super cute and got kisses, just totally ignored all her signals for further
>somehow is still totally into me and sends cute flirty texts
>talking about how her week will be better since she'll get to see me soon and all that
I'm so confused. All I can do is doubt myself every single time I talk to her.
Anyone who has seen our convos is adamant in telling me how interested she is but I can't help it. I nonstop worry that every single text I send will be the one that just instantly makes her want to stop talking to me. It stresses me out because this all feels abnormal to me. I'm not used to being shown interest at all, usually it's just me showing interest and them ghosting me for it.
Maybe I should be happy about how well this is going but I can't stop imagining worst case scenarios

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Born in 1988 and still a virgin. Am I going to make it?

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>Born '89 kissless virgin
Right behind you brother.

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Wtf how

>talk to ex on the phone
>she’s drunk
>tells she’s been fucking other guys
>tells me I have the best dick out of all them
>she’s still my only one

Feels bittersweet

>>talk to ex on the phone

>Sorry for your weight sir

tfw no gf is a good thing faggot

Imagine being a 32 year old virgin

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>When the perfect girl only exists in the 2nd dimension
How much longer do I have to fast until I reach 2D mode.

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I don't know, freedom feels good, it's not like I'm doing anything I wouldn't be able to do with a GF though, but still, the mere thought is satisfying. But no cuddles though...

The worst feel would be acquiring a GF with terrible life values, status obsessed, materialstic, devoted to social conventions and stuff.

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89 here. We are gonna make it

no dafak are you doing you are 30

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You have to stop imagining the barrier between how to interact with a girl and how you interact with your friends. You know she likes you so just relax.

>tfw no gf

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>tfw no gf

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>tfw no gf

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>tfw no gf

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another '89 KHV reporting in.

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>tfw no gf

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You are fucked!

86 here, we're all gonna maybe make it

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Same here
Once i realize i could have a girl i lose all interest

>user I think there's a reason we met.. I think we're supposed to be more than friends
>ok, wanna go out tomorrow?
Women confuse and irritate me.

98 regular virgin

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>literally every single person at work is in a relationship except me