Ok, Jow Forums, I have never been here because I am a /b/ro NEET but I decided to stop being a NEET.
Problem is that I live in a back-country shithole where there are no jobs. And since I'm one of the few youngin' without a criminal record or meth in his system, I was offered a job as a "Hot Shot", which is a type of rapid-strike forest firefighter.
>3-mile hike with 45-pound pack in 45 min.
That's basically it.
Here's where I need you, Jow Forums: I am 5'9'', 225 lbs and haven't lifted a finger since high school.
I was told by my boss that I have to pass it within 6 months or they will let me go.
Put on a 45 lb backpack and start hiking 3 miles everyday until you can do it it under 45 minutes.
Isaac Cruz
Stop being a fag and commit yourself to improving your life for the better. Regular cardio, fix your diet, and read the sticky and get a program/ workout routine
Thomas Clark
You can easily walk and do a mile in fifteen minutes walking at 4mph. Semi leisurely. Not even power walking.
Landon Peterson
but that sounds really hard and maybe dangerous.
Why shouldn't I start out small?
Also, what about ankle/wrist weights so I don't mess up my knees?
Michael Green
just /fast/, bro. Then start hiking.
Fasting and hiking will make you a God amongst men.
t.faster from Denver
Dominic Edwards
the fuck? do you think you're goku or something? don't waste your money on stupid meme ankle/wrist weights and save that money on better shoes if anything. don't ask me what shoes. the best way to achieve your goal is to lose weight. lose weight by simulating the hiking test is even better. get a backpack, stick a few water bottles in it, and then hike for 1 hour straight every day. keep adding water bottles until you have 60 lbs of water bottles in your backpack, then do it again and again.
Mason Morgan
You didn't join the real and active Official Fitness Server on Discord yet?? Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc. Self improvement, nofap and even relationship advice. We also have some fun channels like memes. For those who want more adventure, we have a contest: post a pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then users vote and the winner gets prize money!
We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating you are most welcome! discord.gg/Dzj9HkQ
Jack Campbell
Are they accepting people again? Like a week or so ago they said they weren't because of assholes making multiple troll accounts or something.
Adrian Martin
>American fire fighter test means walking >just walking
lmao, here in the netherlands you need like a few months selection course. It's about as easy as joining the special forces.