>caring about your health
Caring about your health
Everything starts going downhill after 30 anyways.
Will off myself before that most likely.
you can always roid
No they don’t. You’re sad if you think that...
>not caring about the only thing in life that actually belongs to you
Yes goy, keep chasing that money, status and whore women.
The wheels of consumptionism arent going to spin themselves.
>neglecting your health for the sake of momentary pleasures
Sweet mother of reddit
not eating onions
not being best friends with girls
not listening to the psychological drama chad does to them
not studying a steam subject with girls and being the submissive best friend for them
not being liberal
You have no idea how true this is, and how powerless you feel because of it. It's like overnight your body simply becomes this fragile piece of shit.
But if you are healthy you will be a much better slave part of the rat race much longer
Good goy keep eating Kale