Hey Jow Forums. I'm gonna try to get the bloatlord to give me a interview. Would you see it? What should i ask him?
Hey Jow Forums. I'm gonna try to get the bloatlord to give me a interview. Would you see it? What should i ask him?
Really? No one would like to see the Bloatlord speak his gospel truth?
Great. But what question is worthy of such a Man?
I guess i'd ask him his maxes, some meme and trivial things.
his diet plan. how to bloat without the most crucial ingredient?
Sure. I thought about asking him how much and what he eats. Does he take any supp's or gear and similar things.
ask him how to achieve his look on a Vegan diet?
How do we make Europe great again?
All right, this is what we have so far:
Tell me something about yourself.
What does your diet consist of?
What is the biggest and smallest you've ever been?
What is your favorite food?
What do you think of veganism?
You compete bruh?
You have to live it is your slogan, do you mind talking more about it?
What is your diet plan?
Do you take any supplements? Which ones?
What do you think about about Politics and such?
What car do you drive?
How do you feel about being a meme?
Have you ever cut?
What made you start going to the gym?
How do we make Europe great again?