>that guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Aaron King
Nicholas Hernandez
Well else are we supposed to wear? Not all of us can afford or pull of GymsharkTM shorts
Julian Thompson
Oh... I don't know. Maybe gym shorts.
Henry Barnes
>not wearing leggings
Luis Ortiz
Basketball shorts are for playing basketball. If you're going to the gym, you wear gym shorts. The only acceptable time to wear basketball shorts at the gym is if your gym has a basketball court, and you're specifically going to the gym to play basketball.
Jason Martinez
>not wearing a toga to the gym
Austin Ortiz
What's the difference?
>inb4 not gonna make it
Noah Murphy
what's the fucking difference? Over the knees vs above the knees?
Christopher Sanders
Hmm. I wonder what the difference between GYM SHORTS and BASKETBALL SHORTS are
Julian Thomas
>That guy who cares what others are wearing in the gym