>mfw I realised my hairline was maturing and I wasn’t balding at 20
Get in here bros!
Mfw I realised my hairline was maturing and I wasn’t balding at 20
Other urls found in this thread:
Whats the difference?
tony montanaing
My 23 year old brother and my 53 year old father have the same hairline as me
Feels good bro
There’s no such thing as ‘maturing’. You’re in denial. Your hairline will slowly creep back over the years. It may not be super noticeable in photos, but deep down you know. You’ll see in the mirror. You’ll see the density of your front hairs dwindle.
Idk bro my dad is 53 with no receding, and brown hair
i've had the same terrible hairline since 16. i'm 28. not sure what it means but i'll begrudgingly take it.
>mfw I realised I was balding and it wasn’t a mature hairline
Don’t worry bro
We’re all gonna make it
19 yo got mature hairline at 18 should I worry?