Is Simpson a Chad?

Observing simpson over the years
he has a good stable job
>loyal to marge and disregards the thots
>has a son who doesn't take no for an answer and keeps challenging him where he loses some and wins some
>hates betabois like flanders and instead of giving him shit, tells him, no actually shouts why he sucks so that he can improve on himself

So, anyway my friend was saying duff,flanders was a chad, and simspson cant be a chad without lifting. dont know if i agree with him because sometimes he lifts crazy stuff so maybe he was bear mode but kinda let himself go for a while. what gains did he have if he ever lifted?

what do you faggots think about this?

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hairlet, fat, wagecuck

Jow Forums isn't the "chad" board, okay, we're a fitness board, stop it with this "who's chad" nonsense

>contemplating the important things in life

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Flanders is the Chad you mong.
>Loving wife who doesn't nag and give him shit constantly like Marge does to Homer
>Lives by principles dear to his heart. Doesn't care that he gets ridiculed for it by normies.
>Birthed two successful sons instead of a loser brat and an 8-year-old vegan feminist
>Has a mustache
>Actually lifts

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ah a /tv/ connoisseur.
also fpbp

who pissed in your face today? chill


>extremely cucked by being "correct" and manners, to the point of being a pushover nice guy.
>successful sons
really? successful?

Flanders is the real chad
Both him an wife make bank
Religious and has taught his children to be devout
He’s so happy in his life that betas like homer are always jealous

Also he’s Jow Forums

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uhhhh sweetie that's wrong

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he cute

>t. low standards

Marge would have jumped on the Flanders dick if he wasn't such a moralfag.

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>disregards thots
He smashed that nuclear plant co-worker when they went on a business trip together.

so, a chad then.

>two successful sons

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The whole point of the simpsons is it's an intentionally flawed outlook on the "sub-average" american family.

The Simpson family simultaneously has:
>4 Bedrooms
>2 cars
>Medium-sized backyard and front yard
>Medium-size kitchen
>Dining, family, and TV rooms
>Basement (sometimes a crawlspace depending on episode)
>Enough money to not only feed everyone, but to support homer's gluttony and regular get-togethers.
>Semi-regular doctor checkups
>Homer is the provider for the house but manages to regularly slack off at work
>At the same time the house is seemingly constantly in-need of repairs
>Not to mention it's a fucking 4-bedroom house with front yard and back in a good neighborhood, so mortgage can't be cheap.

The whole episode "Homer's Enemy" is about how non-sensical their situation is. There is no possible way they could afford that with his salary.

t. simpsonsfag

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he works in a fucking nuclear plant. do you know how difficult it is to get into that even at entry level? pretty sure his dad also never helped him with the job.

Yes, because every job in a nuclear plant is definitely 150k+ a year

they literally have an episode where they show his pay.

its not a lot.

>he works in a fucking nuclear plant. do you know how difficult it is to get into that even at entry level?

lol millennial detected.

Homer is a boomer. Due to the post ww2 labor shortage you could get any job doing anything you wanted wherever you wanted and almost any time.

lol poorfag detected. What you described is literally ever middle class family.

I grew up with even more shit than the simpsons and neither of my parents had jobs and were just living off welfare, some savings and a little inheritance.


It's also the reason why most of the current generation is in so much debt. The requirements are crazy higher and basically boomers set up everything as business for the last 30 years, so now that the new kids are up-to-bat no one has any money.

I'm serious. Literally everything you described but a slightly better house and we had more than two cars.

As for regular doctor checkups. Just lol @ americans. Shit is 100% free.

Based Sneedposter

>Just lol @ americans. Shit is 100% free.
If you're not american you can't really compare dumbass. Healthcare is retarded in america and seriously eats up money. Without insurance a simple checkup is like $500, and even then Healthcare can easily be thousands of dollars a year for just one person, and depending on the issue it may not even cover it.

you really don't have anything to contribute to society do you

Homer is a boomer and Grimey is a millenial.

they're the same age

>>Semi-regular doctor checkups
to be fair, in several episodes they talk about how a doctors visit puts a strain on the family, like when they have to take Santa's Little Helper to the vet

Further proof Flanders is literally uncuckable

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because he is the cuck. pretty sure his wife gets fucked on the daily when flanders is reading his religious sermons.

Flanders can't be a cuck because his wife is dead