wheyfus with attitude edition
wheyfus with attitude edition
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Well? Go on?
why do females get a god-tier drug like anavar while males don't
men can't handle the var
She was such a gorgeous little petite fucktoy. What a shame and a waste of premium fuck holes.
No way that's not a dude
dont you mean "no whey"
she's not a dude
I need my dick crushed between those thighs
>tfw the var kicks in
Not only that, men have different body compositions, so much so that theres 50 type of divisions, for gymcels its > Ottter, Athletic, Shredded etc
While for women its > Basic bitch, Wheyfu, SHEHULKSMASH
All they need is a little definition and thats it
Steph Ferris
Had my girl once on Anavar, gave the meanest handjobs imaginable, but after sex the entire flat stank like entire football teams gym changing room because of her
Thank you user
How mentally ill does a woman need to be to inject test and start developing the secondary sexual characteristics of males
.t assmad roastie
Alright faggot, sorry if I made you question your choice of sucking on big fat juicy dickclits.
Why is it so hard to get wheyfu gf
I'm tired of normie girls
That tiny waist is insane. Name?
Why are they called wheyfu? You can't tell they're supplementing whey based on physique alone. They could be using onions protein isolate, eating shit loads of chicken.
What these women clearly all do have in common is Anavar usage.
Hu dat?
They just want to feel more confident
Because it is a play on the term "waifu" stop over thinking things
>tfw no 5'10" 200lbs gf to bully my 5'3" skelly ass
>want to be bullied by stronk girls
>no girls that are stronger and taller than me
No way that you are a dude shitstain
>ITT: women under 6’
This is the worst possible feel in the world
>tfw no /deltporn/ gf
Being a dicklet manlet who wants to be dominant is arguably worse.
>tfw none of these grills will rape you
>as if a girl this mentally damaged + dedicated to body modification could ever even be tolerated
There is a reason why these types of girls form ltr's with omega-tier men.
>just like dating any juicehead really; you are signing up to be a punching bag.
life is pain
I want her to hold me!
>only posts trans man
I want her to beat me up, spit in my mouth, and sit on my face
>mfw she’s got a twin who lifts too
>It's true
can't men just take anavar though?
honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college
nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"
with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"
anyway whats this thread about?
var only makes women blow up like crazy
Does fuck all for them compared to women.
Did her gurldoodle grow?
I'm in love with this woman.
>literally no ass
at this point she may as well be male
Mental illness
insecure male virgins
another insecure male virgin
Based. Please have sex on me
No. You just have masculinity problems making you want to fuck a male body lol
I like some muscle girls but a lot of these seem way out of proportion. Like guys who only do upper body, or that one dude who just did NOTHING but shoulders for like an entire year.
Ladies please, balance is important.
t. man with pedophile tendencies who wants to fuck skinnyfat "petite" girls, aka chicks with the physiques of children
Except she didn’t gonna hit upper body, instead she reached out to one of her many beta orbiters and sought validation from them.
I think you got a mental illness too mate
Men have been raiding and raping teenagers for millenia.
If she bleeds, she breeds
Why does this girl ignite my loins more than any of the others?
because thighs
She did lift the weight though, props to her. Now be a bro and hand a spray bottle and 3 washrags.
For 1 plate?
Now that's respectable.
moar boar wants moar pls
those knees are fucked
Perfection. Sorry bro but im going to rim her.
I'll pull in a hectic brap and cough it up for you