When I started lifting, all I wanted was to get a bunch of skinny ghetto thots pregnant. Now 3 years later, I'm more fit than I ever have been, and I have 3 kids with 2 more on the way from 4 different women.
Have I made it? I feel like I'm living my best life, but I guess I'll ask you guys. Is making it subjective, or is there an objective definition?
I have ads on the internet for wives that have ugly husbands with shit genetics that want me to impregnate them instead of their husbands. I’m 23, 190cm, handsome and muscular with black hair. So as long as their husbands have black and are white like me they’ll never know. I just go to their place while their husbands are at work and fuck them multiple times raw. So far 3 women have done it and are carrying my children, 1 of them wants another with me after she gives birth. Little do they know I have high functioning autism.
Do you also get payed? And how do you pay for the ads?
Landon Adams
I don't believe you
Brody Moore
No, i do it for free. I pay for it with my NEETbux which I can save because I live with my mum.
Jackson Nelson
Autistic chad strikes again
Ryder Powell
Zachary Roberts
This is the fucking shit right here boyos
Hunter Phillips
Only an autist would think someone who posts your ad doesn’t have autism so in reality your just giving autistic women autisotc offspring who will become mega autists
You're objectively succeeding as a male yes. As a father you could have done better sticking with one woman but that's another topic.
Easton Watson
Cool story, glowing in the dark spook.
Kayden Kelly
yeah, you made it. the Earth is not full enough yes
David Taylor
Yes you're making it from an evolutionary standpoint but bro. Child support is gonna fuck you up.
Dylan Smith
Morons. How is having kids out of wedlock making it. Kids thrive in a well-rounded family. You take away one of the parents and you're just creating misguided criminals.
Regardless, evolution, as well as the ball earth model and atom bombs are a lie. They are designed to make you feel defeated and apathetic for being so insignificant.
I wouldn't expect anyone on this board to be able to think for themselves, though. Public school never failed you, right? Not even once.
You must be one of them autists, a negative and a negative make a positive, so a mommy autist and a daddy autist will have a normal baby. Fucking retards some of you
David Sullivan
You must leave Jow Forums to make it.
Austin Rodriguez
>Christ cuck >Believes in flat Earth
Lmao Be glad there are people like OP out there to impregnate your wife so that you don't have dumbass low IQ spawn
Mason Young
Since I am a manlet I will never truly make it. However I have achieved a body I never thought I could have. I fuck sloots a couple of times then ditch them, as it should be. From time to time I come to this swamp to see if there are new things I could learn (like the neckpill), or to have fun in the FPH treads. I think I have made it, but to truly do it is to leave this mess of a website forever. Stay strong buhdee, stay true to your own beliefs, there are people here who think to "make it" is to smell farts from girls with fat asses, and other who want to fuck transgender people and yet not be gay lol. To each his own. If you are the temible "Tyrone" who fucks other peoples white wifes I despise your sole being, but I can respect you doing what you lift for.
Austin Cook
>Regardless, evolution, as well as the ball earth model and atom bombs are a lie.
Making it implies producing high quality offspring. Without proper father figure it is almost impossible. So no you are not making it. Right now you are producing slaves for those who are making it.
Ethan Morales
Departure has been scheduled for three hundred fifty degrees for thirty feet. Do you wish to think?
Grayson Gray
honest question are u a nigger?
Isaac Robinson
Where does he say he’s a christcuck?
Owen Lopez
100% you've made it. You are passing on your genes and because you are never going to be there for your nigger children they will get pregnant around 13 years old and have 5+ kids themselves. Your line is secure.
There is some cuck out there putting in all kinds of effort into raising a daughter that will just get knocked up by your son in middle school anyway. You win honestly
Justin Wood
>producing blasian children
I'm not sure how I feel about this, there aren't enough blasians for me to judge them like I can with hapas