is a thicc butt aesthetic on men?
Is a thicc butt aesthetic on men?
Yes. Girls and guys both love ass. Do you think some slut wants to grab on to your pathetic bony ass while you're pounding her pooner? Get real.
as long as the shape is not heart shaped its amazing
i dont think its possible for men to have heartshaped butts
what type of underwear do you guys with big butts wear? trunks always roll up and briefs are usually too tight
go commando dude if you have big quads too youve probably given up the idea of tight fitting pants
>wanting that jock itch fungal infection
Levi’s 502’s my guy. Extra room for the thighs and ass.
Jockstraps are the only answer, no homo
rate my butt Jow Forums
it aint tight thats for sure
Disgusting insecure faggot/10
regular but just larger.
Yes. But it won't give you instant 4+ to your rating because women work differently than me. It's just a nice bonus, like a dessert, after the main course. You need to have a good face and money first.
no wonder white women like black guys, theyre thicc all over ;)
No, but it's still great to mogg girls.
Whos an /asslet/ here? It hurts brehvs.
Except they don't.
lmao at asian women.
dunno but i hope so
kek put me in the screencap