Not eating insects

>not eating insects
never gonna make it

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> mimicking the behaviour of lesser animals by eating cheap and plenty food sources as opposed to eating highly refined and handpicked ones which were selected repeatedly over milennia to cater our taste

>missing the point entirely.

Enjoy catching them.

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Jesus that swarm is massive.
how do they still have blood in them?

Not eating human blood, never going to make it

Holy shit I want to died
Also those mosquitoes better be careful or they might get aids

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I'd eat powdered bugs. Think of how cheap that protein is per gram, hot damn.

>is that a mushed mosquito paddy??

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I unironically want to start buying powered packs of them for protein and antioxidants once I get bigger. Sustaining gets expensive and meat as a whole is too expensive outside of pork.

Please don't remind me of cockroach guy, I had almost forgotten

Thats actually pretty amazing, but fuck you can see why theyd get malaria

Insects also grow and reproduce more efficiently than large mammals. Crickets yield twice as much protien per pound of feed than cattle! Think of how much land we could repurpose if more people transitioned to an insectivorous diet!

Insects are a staple food in numerous societies, including Japan, Australia, China, Brazil, The Metherlands and Thailand. They prepaired with as much care and tradition as any dish.

Separating the animal kingdom into “lesser” and “greater” species is vain and self-serving. Humans have the largest brain-to-body ratio of any species on Earth. That is why we are the only species to posess this magnitude of population and technology.
But we are
>not the only sentient species
>not the only language users
>not the only tool users
>not the only cooperative hunters
>not the only shelter-builders
>not the only mating-dancers
>not the only food eaters, water drinkers or air breathers
and indeed
>not the only native inhabitants of spaceship Earth

Curb your ego worship and realize our inseparability from the tree of life.

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This is so full of half truths it makes me sad.

Sure, insects produce more effectively, but I wonder how many crickets it would take to equal 1000lbs of beef from a single cow. Not to mention we have no wide spread infrastructure for insect production. How are you going to produce trillions and trillions of insects in order to replace all the livestock? Add in the additional problems are getting people to change their multi-millenia palates, getting enough people to change their careers to agriculture and farming to make up the difference from lack of easily produced poultry, beef, pork, etc and it'd nearly impossible to do without force. Which is just the kind of thing fucking tree huggers like you would back. An unrealistic ideal that doesn't work in practice but makes you feel good because you're a holier than though virtue signaller.

Also. Insects are not "staples" in any of those countries. A staple would be something eaten in bulk pretty much every day. Rice is a staple. Flour is a staple. Poultry is a staple. Fish is. Bugs are not. That's just a lie.

And yeah humans may not be the only species to have each of those traits per se, but we are the only species to have all them at the same time and have them on such an order as to be incomparable to the any other species that has one or a few of the traits.

I fucking hate faggots like you. You probably complain about galactic athropocentricism and stuff because other species exist, but ignore the fact that humans undeniably dominate everything about Earth. We know of no comparable extraterrestrial species yet, so it would only make sense to operate with humans being the center of gravity... because we fucking are.

plus, the sheer number of insects required to compete with cattle, poultry, or fish would be more likely to spread diseases & could cause famine

I got some of this stuff just for fun. It was $30 for a lb. of it. It doesn't taste like much.

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Fuck off cunt you're making shit up. Not even aborigines eat insects as part of their regular diet anymore.

Those are midge flies. They look similar to mosquitoes but they lack biting mouth parts.

I would actually eat insects if they taste good.

Lightly salted grasshoppers taste amazing.

One pound of beef is 1,137 calories; 1,137,000 cal per 1,000lbs.
One pound of Australian Plague Locust is ~2,263 calories; 2,263,000 cal per 1,000lbs.
We could produce the caloric equivalent of 1,000lbs of beef with 502.4lbs of Locust. Not to mention mammals are constantly radiating heat energy thorough their growth; insects are strictly better at converting feed into calories.

Image source:

>How are you going to produce trillions and trillions of insects in order to replace all the livestock?
It's easier than it sounds; they're very small.

I am absolutely an anthropocentrist. Why else would I advocate for more responsible food consumption?

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From the same study: there are numerous insect species whose protein content is comparable or superior to that of beef, pork and chicken.

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>doesn't work in practice

You are never, ever going to successfully convince people to make 'Australian Plague Locust' a part of their weekly shop.

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>you are never going to convince people to eat potatoes, they grow underground!
>you are never going to convince people to eat tomatoes, they're cousins of the deadly nightshade berry!
>you are never going to convince people to eat lobster, feed them to prisoners!
>you are never going to convince people to eat hotdogs, they're made of pink slime!
>you are never going to convince people to eat plague locust, they're icky!
You are here.
>you are never going to convince people to eat mealworms, they're literally maggots!
>you are never going to convince people to eat ants, we're not chimpanzees!
>you are never going to convince people to eat algae, it's literally pond scum!
>you are never going to convince people to eat lab-grown meat, it's straight out of a science fiction horror movie!

Duck you buddy I dont eat hot dogs and I ain't eatin locusts

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>ermahgerd eating bugs is so gross lol
>hey user want to have shrimps with me

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Your loss; no one cares.

I'd rather eat intelligent animals that live in cages all their life in the grossest possible conditions than eat some farmed insects, that's just too gross

I would eat that

How come every primate eats insects but humans don't consider them food?
When did we unlearn to eat them?

Someone post the cockroach farm user screenshot

I imagine it has something to do with climate. Bug eating seems more common around the equator than otherwise.

Where can I order me some insects?
Never saw them in a store before.

>Listening to Jow Forums
Never gonna make it.

unironically this. Insects ARE the future food and you can't deny this. Only the rich will be able to eat beef. Chicken will stay for a while but beef will get expensive soon.

Where do I get cheap insects? so far I've only found them as luxury food that costs more than chicken.

I am with you on this. I think you can't find them for cheap yet but it once it becomes widespread its gonna be cheap gains all year round

>Where do I get cheap insects?
You can buy living ones pretty cheap as food for pets. 500 crickets for 10 bucks.

The freeze dried pre-packaged ones are expensive as hell though.

Can someone post the cockroach pic? I saw it in the Jow Forums humour thread yesterday but forgot to save it

>proudly eats processed foods

Eustace loves hotdogs though.

I’ve got a question: how do we farm them on a large scale? You can easily pen a cow, or even a large herd of cows with fencing and such. How do we “fence in” a large swarm of crickets without replacing a field or pasture with a large facility?

>he gladly eats highly processed, HFCS filled, enginered to be the most addictive possible food
>he doesn't want cheap, eco-sustainable, healthy, protein rich superfood
not gonna make it desu

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You are what you eat. Eat onions.

crickets farms takes much less space and are much more productive than other livestock farms

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Neat! I mean, you still paved over a field for a large facility. It’s far better than a chicken cage barn though.

Where do spiders rank?