Just got hit with a huge red pill. Women want to brag about you to their friends...

Just got hit with a huge red pill. Women want to brag about you to their friends. They want to show their friends you're instagram and see a ripped guy with lots of money and friends and followers. They want to tell their friends you're an investment banker, or athlete, or actor etc. Imagine a girl saying "yeah my boyfriends a waiter at a restaurant". it doesn't conjure up any jealousy from the girls friends.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at 7.18.48 PM.png (512x884, 753K)

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you're a retarded faggot

That's called status, retard

If you have height, face, money, body, and personality you can offset a lack of status and vice versa

it took you THIS long to realize that?


im only 22

status is everything no quality girl is going to be with a loser

Well yeah thats what girls want. But in reality 90% of girls even attractive ones date losers, addicts etc. I know this because all my gfs were huge gossips. They ALWAYS told me shit and talked on speaker when i don't care to know

No woman has ever seen my penis and I have never seen a vagina in real life. I have bigger problems than this

Women will fuck anyone who looks good. They will even date a Chad who works at a grocery store. Even an average guy. Do you think people in retail not have gfs/wives and kids? Of course they do

Nobody fucks a deformed 1/10 who has status

I've posted this before but it comes down to this

Face = F
H = Height
M = Money
S = Status
B = Body
P = Personality

Value each variable 1-10 and if you get to a sum of 40, you have made it