Tfw its that time of the minute

sshhh, only coffee now

Attached: sipboty.png (246x205, 8K)

*sips big*

Attached: big boy sss2.png (299x250, 26K)

Just call me when you're done

Can you stop posting this same gay thread every single day?

Shhh, no talkie 'till coffee

Attached: 1498547209393.gif (300x250, 9K)

This meme is great because there are legit millions of people like this in corporate environments. I used to work nightshift in an office building (security) and in the morning as I was finishing up all the normies would come in and start slurping coffee with no talking, literally just slurping and sounds of "urgghh aggghh" as they receive their hit of jewfee.

Completely degenerate stuff my dude.
Parents and friends try to pressure you into becoming a druggie from 15yo and up

This meme is stale dude.

Attached: 1526125880974.jpg (300x250, 81K)

Attached: da rules.png (512x433, 40K)