Ditch dairy

Ditch dairy

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>what the health

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Type 1 is genetic. Nice b8 m8

>be a cow born at farm
>nothing to do but eat onions and other shit to grow up fast
>forcefully impregnated
>if your calf is male it gets slaughtered
>if it's female they'll take it to force feed like they did with you
>then they steal your milk for 3 years and repeat the process until your uterus can't anymore

Every other animal on the planet is better off than cows.

Friendly reminder that post industrial America 90% of the white mans diet was flour,eggs and milk.

>Ditch dairy

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No it's yummy

Want me to list the shit that can kill you a-z? Man up pussyboi this is life even breathing wrong will kill you

Switched to unsweetened almond milk a few months ago and feel a lot better. I am Mexican though, so I was probably lactose intolerant. Isn't cow's milk far more estrogenic than onions?

I don't care about milk or regular cheeses but I'm not ditching casein protein powder and lean cheeses / yoghurts like cottage cheese, twarog and skyr

yes goy. drink s.o y "milk" instead

how does skyr compare to greek yogurt? Seen it a few times but never tried it

am I on bizzaro fit? I thought they were the holy grail for Test increases like a month ago

forgot about word filter. s/o/y

>Ditch sugar and carbs
>No diseases

No it hasn’t


what the health is the shittiest documentary ever made, as in I've watched student documentaries better, not to mention all the blatant lies.
>Dairy as been strongly linked to
no it hasn't

Why out of a ditch? The benefits to being directionless like that are hard to perceive.

>eggs are worse than cigarettes
>actual study doesn't even mention eggs
vegan propaganda strikes again

Does whey count?

How to get enough calcium then?

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No, thanks, I'm white.

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no can do partner

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I drink 1-2 liters milk every single day, have been doing so since pretty much I was like 14

I have none of those things. in fact, those allergies I used to have went away. but not because of the milk. I had fish allergy so I kept eating those few fish that did not made me vomit for hours and slowly my body developed an acceptance for fish and now I can eat all fish with no issues

it's exactly the same thing in my experience

>I drink 1-2 liters milk every single day
r u me

I'm still getting the same caloric intake, but i stopped dairy and my abs look better than they ever have.

Fuck dairy, hello aesthetics

Growing up i used to drink a fuck ton of milk. I was also a fat kid, probably due to all the calories in the milk. All the men in my family have slight gyno, but we all grew up to become 6'3+ so i guess the milk gave and it also took. Nowadays i only drink water and coffee and i have no clue if i'm any healthier.

Lucky for me, I'm Dutch, which means I'm epigenetically fortified against the ill effects of dairy while still enjoying the benefits, like growing up tall.

Stay jelly, you lactose-intolerant manlets.

Yeh I'm German from a farming background. First to develop allergies and skin conditions. I suspect it comes from my mum being an alcoholic and smoking during the pregnancy and thus fucking up the gene pool.

Anyway, I quit milk and stopped having rashes, so there you go. I also don't do onions because allergies, oat milk is good for me

Onions. Not onions. Wtf

Oh okay I get it

You can't develop Type 1 retard.

Calcium is in literally everything.
Eggs, Fish (Esp. Sardines), Shrimp, Beans & Lentils, Fruits, Veggies, Nuts, even tap and mineral water.

well, there's your problem

>Dairy is bad for everybody
Nope. Just niggers

Dairy is fucking delicious and a thoroughly decent drink for gym goers.

How did you do it? 80% of our traditional dishes have dairy in them.

Jewish inspired racial shitflinging aside, I really like milk. I don't get gassy unless I knock back a half gallon in one sitting. Milk is fairly sugary, is my only complaint. I feel like I could drink a gallon of it a day and be just fine.

>eat weetabix with full fat milk and brown sugar
>feel like god
>animals start flocking to me
>live with animals
>play fight with rams and bulls and various other high test animals
>get big
>live forever

Not pigs or chickens. They have it just as bad if not worse.