What sneakers do Jow Forumsizens wear when they workout?
For me, pic related.
What sneakers do Jow Forumsizens wear when they workout?
$50 basketball shoes
always the skinnyfags wearing adidas boosts and nike frees
my tubular shadow because they comfy as fuck, easy to put on and take off. look good on every outfit
>non flat shoes
Enjoy literally fucking your feet up and therefore your knees pelvid and spine.
Fucking cushion cuck. The answer should always be vans.
When you were partying, I studied the ASICS. When you were having premarital sex, I mastered tying my laces . While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, I cultivated inner strength. And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help.
Great deadlift shoes.
Bitch to get on an off.
god i hate modern fashion sneakers. niggers ruin everything.
>[citation needed]
NMD's are garbage
Bitch? Anything but
They are if you lace them up all the way.
Took me about 5 minutes to get them off the first time, had to almost take the laces out
There's this highly autistic dude at my gym who wears these. He's dyel as fuck but thinks he's huge it's great
Been looking in the mirror again?
oh no
i have these
are they really that bad?
No I have them aswell, I get slagged for them but idc because my dad bought them for me
I don't have workout gear like some kind of fuckin poser. I wear whatever shoes I happen to be wearing that day, supras dcs nike whatever. Basketball shorts and a t-shirt
How are these?
>all these people lifting in soft, squishy shoes
Let me guess, you all deadlift 2pl8 and squat 1pl8?
I use ASICS wrestling shoes. They're flat as fuck so they're great for squats and diddlys
You poorfags can't afford them though
t. Mr Stinkyfeet
Making your foot narrow
>you are the cuck
Oh yeah naah i wear them loose
I live in europe so NOBODY has these. I love it. #hometownrep
These but even shitter because they're a Chinese fake because I couldn't afford the real thing. The sole is incredibly flat though so I like using them when lifting.
Got these yesterday to replace Mizuno running shoes that I would use for all lifting. Though I feel like I may have purchased them compulsively - I'm a university student with not too much money and they cost me 150 leaf bucks. Hope they're worth it..
Oh for fucks sake
Oh fuck and I thought the thread was already a shitfest Jesus courier Christ
Bare feet. Shoes are for those that shall never make it.
who /adidias/ here
nike virgins gtfo
adidas sneakers
It is no longer middle school user shape up
do you wear the rest of the space suit as well?
jk they're cool i wish i had balenciagas
honestly if you don't wear squat shoes or chucks you're hindering your ability to lift heavy.
pic related, my shoe.
Adidas Powerlift on Squat day
Sabo Deadlift on Deadlift day
Saucony Triumph on Upper body days
Average Jow Forumsizen doesn't do enough compounds to warrant these shoes.
im triggered by that comment. everyone needs shoes that don't ruin their squat stance. i disagree, if you're the slightest interested in lifting, investing in a pair of proper shoes and some chalk is a no brainer. even the average Jow Forumsizen basedboy.
if you're somehow convinced that proper shoes aren't worth it or you're just a poor fag, knock off chucks are like 20€ and while not as good as proper lifting shoes, that's still a major step up from
cool trainer shoes
I don't understand how the proper shoes for lifting are either weight lifting shoes with a raised heel, or chucks with no heel at all
Not trying to say it's wrong, just doesn't make any sense to me
Chucks are better than regular tennis shoes because they aren't as squishy. They're not proper lifting shoes though.
Whats seems to be the problem officer
the common denominator is that they don't have a sole that deforms under pressure.
a raised sole helps you a lot in high bar squats if you do them, i don't. it helps marginally in low bar squats.
the main advantage to get lifting shoes over chucks is that they support your foot way more, making it more stable. you're more planted to the ground.
>wearing shoes
Everything that's comfy makes you weak.
I bet you guys don't even sleep on the floor.
You'll NEVER make it.
OP here looking to upgrade my shoes for lifting, cop or not?
What's Middle School got to do with it?
>cool trainer shoes
What did he mean by this?
The fact that the height of those shoes acceptability was in 2007?
Cmon bro don't do this to yourself you can still make it
Ahahahahahahahah s'true
The problem is you aren't Kareem Abdul jabar
They work pretty nicely for me. Used to use Converse 70s, but I crossed over and haven't noticed any difference, really. I wear them everywhere else, too; waiting at a restaurant, bouncing at a bar, walking around campus, etc. Plus they're punk as fuck.
>Basketball shorts
Actually laughing out loud dude what are you DOING
Good job faggot you managed to find fuck ugly shoes that are simultaneously bad for lifting (rounded bottom) AND bad for running (too much padding).
>inb4 t. local fuckboi
>Show me proof that altering your foot shape causes issues
desu never meant to be my lifting shoes, they were for casualwear but I'm a poorfag adult now so instead of putting them into the trash I wear them at gym
Any suggestions? Are classic chuck taylors a better choice than these?
Ordered a pair of these bad boys.
been wearing these for like a year. strength gains have been made. Before that I just used to wear NMDs or nike roshes
chucks are cheap and hard on the bottom. Anyone has access to them, they're not weightlifting shoes by any means, but they're comfortable, cheap, work great and most of all they're cheap.
fucking can't stand those anymore
please KYS
Literally underoath
allstars converse for leg day, adidas specials for other workouts
i am thinking about getting some proper shoes for the gym, preferably some that'll make it easier for me to squat deep. any tips?
Yeah Chuck's are good for lifting, second only to lifting shoes but significantly cheaper. If your gym lets you, just lifting in socks is pretty good for squats and deadlifts. Your shoes aren't ideal but should be fine for other lifts.
Yeah but also As I Lay Dying stopped being cool freshman year
So whats acceptable now? (not him) I really have no idea about normie fashion.
I went to /fa/ but honestly they are really faggy.
superstars / stan smith are a classic that will never go out of style
I see you wyatt
These or a pair of Nike Pegasus
mizuno ezruns for trainers
classic feiyues for lifting
The mizunos are great for budget shoes. The feiyues, well they were 10€.
The fuck are you on about
The bottom part looks like styrofoam lmao
yeah i don't give a shit what people think. Your lmao2pl8 deadlift for 3 reps in your supras isn't impressing anyone. Everyone in my gym asks me for compound help, programming help and like generally talks to me and is nice. Half of the dudes there started wearing chucks because of me.
Wearing anything while working out
>making it
Why does having clothes you dedicate to with out in and sweat in mane you a poser?
What's it like having no sense of style?