Be me at the gym for 2 months doing SS

>be me at the gym for 2 months doing SS
>this one guy that benches 4 pl8 in a hoodie who I've seen almost everyday comes up to me
>"Why do you squat so much? What are your goals?"
>Tell him I just want to get big/look good because being skinny sucks
>Tells me to stop squatting on both days
>Tells me to do more isolation work
>Says pull ups and dips will help a lot more If I add them at the end

I'm not going to argue with a guy that clearly knows what he's doing, but fit always tell me not to do anything with SS because it isn't SS at that point

What do?

My current routine is (now)
Incline Dumbbell press
Seated chest flys
One arm preacher curls

Barbell rows
The opposite of chest flys but for the back
Pull ups

How can I set my days out to go maybe 4 or 5 times a week and get more gains?

Attached: 1520846524191.jpg (1080x1080, 48K)

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If your goals are to get bigger then you definitely are going to need to do some isolation work

does this guy have big legs too?

didn't fucking think so now do five squats for questioning me you pussy

The point of STARTING strength is to create a base for beginners and people coming back to weightlifting. It's almost like it's geared towards starting STRENGTH in the major compound lifts.

Also just read the book, it explains this.

>>Tell him I just want to get big/look good because being skinny sucks

Why didn't you read the fucking program? SS is not to look good, SS is to get strong and with strength comes bloat.

The program also advices for some accessory work at the end of the workout, which you'd know if you had read it.

Because everyone always says "if you do anything other than SS at the start you're wasitng your time" "never gonna make it"

I don't want to be a power lifter, I don't want to be bear mode, I just want to look aesthetic.

What would you recommend I add/change about my current workout? Would it also be better if I go to the gym more often, say every weekday?

Is it a good idea to have 3 days and go

A - Chest + Arms
B - Shoulders + Back
C - Legs + Core ?

>I don't want to be a power lifter, I don't want to be bear mode, I just want to look aesthetic.
Do you not understand foundation? Just do it for the 3-6 months needed, change routines, and don't eat like a pig.

You should finish SS when it's right - when you are stalling on a lift(s). Then, deload to 70% of 1RM and start doing 10x5 of each lift, adding 5lbs to every lift a week. During that time, focus on your technique and don't rush anything. If you won't fuck up your diet, which should be basically a ton of protein and carbs after a workout, you'll be golden.

Include (weighted) pull-ups superset with pushing movements also in the 10x5 manner. This will tell realistically tell you if you aren't gaining too much fat on top of your muscle gains.

Never abandon fives in weightlifting completely, the compound lifts are best performed in this manner. As for accesories, it varies on the muscle you're trying to isolate. Laterals require a higher rep volume, but I've had guys do 5x5 on their biceps curl and they've skyrocketed (I was stunned to hear and see the results).

Just realise you are intermediate, and you shouldn't be looking to try 5/3/1 training regimes just yet.

Patience is key. Remember to eat well and work on overloading your body with that 10x5 volume and progression. 10x5 beats GVT mainly because it is hard to overtrain yourself and your CNS with 50 working reps, in comparison to 100. But it beats 15 or 25 reps in terms of a homeostatic overload effect, which you need to gain strength and size.