Looksmaxing tips

Even if you're average or even ugly it's possible to looksmax yourself into getting a gf. Many tips for this?

Attached: e.jpg (620x400, 29K)

Who is this guy and how did he get such a hot gf?

>fit/low bf
>social skills/life
improving or manipulating those will improve your chances

oh and
>contacts/eye surgery/fashionable glasses

He's a good looking guy who has glasses on.

Also, women love a fascist.

just make loud smelly farts and laugh. girly love that kind of bold audacious behavior. best results if you make a wet bubbly one and yell UH OH and then laugh loudly

He has a goofy looking nose and prey eyes.

Some girls do, most are just weirded out that you've chosen views that will necessarily lower your status and they really don't understand self-sacrifice

But most people are just weirded out by fascists because, you know, they´re fascists.

What is fascism?