>Whats up, guys, jeff cavaliere, athlean-x dooot coooom
Okay, i laughed, but serious thoughts about him?
Is he the best fitness youtuber out there?
100% clickbait, 100% good advice?
>Whats up, guys, jeff cavaliere, athlean-x dooot coooom
Okay, i laughed, but serious thoughts about him?
Is he the best fitness youtuber out there?
100% clickbait, 100% good advice?
AtheanX has best info on keeping injury free through proper prehab, stretching, foam rolling, etc.
Blaha has best info on routine/lifts
Combine the two and you'll get the best results possible and stay injury/pain free.
Titles are 100% clickbait.
Actual videos are 100% better than the clickbait.
Why doesn't he train neck man. He already spends his life in the gym.
Worst fitness channel on Youtube, fuck this rat looking motherfucker.
> Blaha has best info on routine/lifts
I doubt that
Since Jesse is in his vids its awful.
does he explain his diet? damn he's peeled
> Blaha has best info on routine/lifts
Oh you must be 30 and a corporate drone
>user.. who are these guys you're watching on YouTube? Don't you just... Naturally know how to be a Man?
>does he explain his diet? damn he's peeled
as far as i remember he hasn't given his own day to day food intake if that's what you mean. he does however almost every video hint at the importance of a good diet, and there are quite a few videos of his that give tips on foods to avoid and such
No Im just someone whose been lifting for 7 years and already wasted several of those years on meme fake natty body part splits to just end up weak and pathetic.
Blaha despite of all his autisms and fake merc shit opened my eyes to the full body routines and heavy compounds.
Everybody tells you to do heavy compunds, bruh
the best fuck the haters, coaches pro level athletes, this motherfucker has a video hitting pullups with 90 lbs added weight for 6 reps, hes gotta be under 200 pounds. tought me how to lift safely especially with regaurd to shoulders, fuck the haters
Unsubbed because clickbate cancer faggotry. If I need specific advice I do loom him up though.
i liked him in star trek
But I'm a girl.
Daniel Vadnal has better advice for prehab and Brian Alsruhe has better training advice. Fite me. No seriously, stop watching athleanx.
>laha has best info on routine/lifts
You're the type of guy to get training advice by watching a Callum Von Moger chest day video, aren't you?
Oh fuck lmao
>you either follow blaha or fake natties
fucking idiots dont follow anybody, read some books and make your own routine
one carrot cake a year.
that's all you need.
He cruises on a diet of horse meat year round to maintain that condition into his 40s.