Brutal moggings

Post em

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Other urls found in this thread:

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stupid cunts

How will Loken ever recover?

Did he mog them?

wtf he already like 196cm these (wo)men should end their lives lmao

If you want a brutal mogging thread, it's probably best not to start with a fake picture.


the rock is 189 cm, not 196 cm

these women get hit everyday by dudes that are into taller chicks or taller dudes that are into tall chicks


Attached: canad.jpg (634x969, 148K)

they're like athletes or something, so their height serves a purpose, same as how manlet's have a purpose as jockeys or stunt person for child actors.

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>stunt person for child actors

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i thought rich piana died

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5'11 vs 6'0

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Black guy looks better.

Attached: 1517470778722.jpg (2048x1365, 238K)

brunnete titlet is the cutest

At least post the proper one

Attached: Richters Chad.jpg (528x960, 59K)

t. white woman

what is mogging?

me on the right


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Allow me to demonstrate.

Do you understand now?

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On the right facemogs
On the left brapmogs

Who do you chose fit?

Both aren't pretty tbqh

how about now

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t. niglet

>tfw only 6'2
should i just kill myself

You do realize that David Spade literally picks up a different 11/10 every single day without dumping money on them. This has been confirmed by dozens of his friends and associates. He's the ultimate Chad.

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some of these are subjective

why do they hit them is it punishment for their tallness

tall girls are hot you manlet fucking rettard.

Who's that troll doll on the right

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white def



>tfw foreheadmogged
Truly the most potent mogging

Nothing will top this mog


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Attached: 1503981715917.jpg (1080x1348, 282K)

absolutely fucking brutal

>famous celebrities can get chicks just by being famous

WOW user, you don't fucking say

>has lighter eyes AND a bigger chest
Wew lad the girl on the right is nearly invisible.

Attached: 1510188848314.jpg (754x850, 236K)


>the fuck did you just say foreheadlet?
>n-nothing Ms Magnon

>tfw mum has great big knockers
>growing up seeing a woman with a huge rack around the house all the time
>puberty hits, go out into the world
>everyone looks flat as a board, the girls with "big boobs" just look like regular girls and nothing's impressive

Attached: crying pepe.jpg (300x300, 13K)

Lizzydm is an absolute qt3.14

She clearly deserves more subs

Attached: lizzydm(2).jpg (1080x1080, 925K)

>Steroid Motivation : The Thread

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Just join the brapslave brotherhood lad

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kek, what a headlet

Don't forget working down mines digging up gems and being circus midgets.

Attached: mogged2.jpg (521x526, 115K)

i ktf, bro. I once dated a chick that only had perky D cup milkers. Wish they were low hanging F cups.

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Monied Glockenspiel did not die, but lives forever in our scoops.

I'm in the exact same situation as you.
Thing is I live in one of the biggest cities in the U.S. and yet I am an island in a sea of chestlets.
I think I need to move away from these west coast thots and find me some country-grown titcows.

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>T H I C C

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That's not a forehead, it's a twelvehead.

Judge Juden is mutton dressed as lamb. Still would though... gas her I mean.

That guy in the back left corner though


Anyone know their heights please?

>5'11" vs. 6'0"

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Submit myself to bbraaappp?

Imma need that rundown


Maybe a bit but the dudes 6'8" and a literal space marine

Attached: 6.jpg (640x640, 81K)

If I asked out the smaller girl would she be more likely to say yes because she’s attention starved?

Heres a picture of me with the same guy

Attached: 20170924_135431.jpg (4128x3096, 2.73M)

Thank god im 179 cm tall then. Thanks a user

you're a big guy

Neither is being mogged here, they're both little cuties

That pic is photoshopped. The real one is still pretty brutal though.

179 cm = 5'10"

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they mogged him with their gold medals

>I can deadlift you

Is he talking to an ant?

>beta bodz gym

They both look absurdly short

left 6'3" right 6'2"

Fucking kek, how fat do you have to be to have FOREHEAD FAT

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The black has two butts

thats the same guy

Getting shown up by someone bigger/taller/better looking than you

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