Look at that picture and then at his picture: a fucking HOBO living on the streets doing some push ups on the streets while using way less shit than him that looks 1000x better
Depending on what you're doing for your back workouts it could get a little rough on your lower back
Ethan Bell
>jawline coming back >face looks better >hair getting thicker >so much fucking hair on my head
Thank you so much cut, I love you I'll never bulk again. All I need to get rid of now are the bags under my eyes and the skin under my chin.
Blake Martinez
Is fasting and running test + clen a bad idea?
Samuel Lopez
I wouldn't do chest and back on one day.
Just make sure you hit your weak points once/twice a week. The other just once a week. Try to start your workout hitting your weakest muscles first
How does you face look shredded? I only saw it bloated
Juan Cook
Because hes a nigger lover. He sucks copious amounts of black cocks, he practically inhales it. Thats the way he copes because hes an ugly white fucknut Fact
Jeremiah Cook
>black men are genetically superior
Lay off the BLACKED.com dude.
Jaxson Young
Mo: Chest + tris Tue: Sq, DL, Legs Thu: Bench + Shoulders + Tris Fr: DL + Back
Bentley Miller
guys any way to lower anxiety on test?
Carson Foster
Last year, facial structure changed alot. Uploading now in a sec.
Can you read with those ugly eyes of yours? In bodybuilding they have the best genetics.
Face still looks pretty bloated in the picture, but you just started just cutting right. My face was bloated as you but is sort of looking like this one now
I would also get those eye bags fixed. But that was already the plan right?
Did you change the shape of your eyebrows or? Any before and after pictures?
How is your fat distribution? Fat always goes away quickly in my face but last in my ass and around the lower abs
Good. Seriously it will make you feel a lot better. FUCK those fucking faggots that cope with their muhh just be yourself. Also that surgery is really common same with eyelid surgery so there a lot of specialist in the fields. At the clinic where i did my surgery there were a lot of people doing it
Btw are there magic power in that lip piercing. Why don't you want to drop it?
What happend to the plastic pussy? Is it still alive?
Fat distribution is weird. Arms remain mostly untouched, yet my lower belly, lower body and love handles remain. I've always had a puffy face so I'll need to he insane shredded to make that work.
My only issue is recovery, 2 weeks stuck at home not being allowed to do anything will drive me insane.
Sentimental reasons, I've had many girls drool over them (snakebites) back in my emo phase, my girlfriend still loves it and even people at work like me having it. In the end I feel like something is missing taking them out.
Josiah Cook
why do you always have a pout like you're about to say something gay and snooty
Samuel Foster
I honestly think its a major improvement for you.
Bentley Edwards
it is not just the difference in lighting btw i tried to get close to the same lighting as i could between them and angle etc
Elijah Perry
maybe because im a snooty faggot? idiot thanks bro it looks fucking weird in the mirror though. especially at first i was scared because it starts out black then lightens up lmao
Wyatt Collins
looks way better now
Luke Edwards
1) not me 2) >paying over a grand for GH ISHYGDDT
Adrian Martin
I don't see the relation. Anime is for fucking wizards
Better, seems like finally have some eyebrows now. Is that also the shape of your own eyebrows?
How did you do it?
Same as my little brother. He always has those fat cheeks of him. I am happy i don't have his fat distribution genetics
I have had the same with my surgery. Couldn't lift for 2 weeks, just sitting at home with some minor pain. But it will pay off big time. What is 2 weeks against all those years you're probably still live right?
So you just do it for other people then? Other people control how you should look like?
David King
Are there any incels in /fraud/?
Brayden Barnes
>falling for duckface's memes Pls dont let him transfer his crippling body dysmorphia over to you bby
>~6$/iu for US pharma grade gh >you're gonna want to run it for a long fucking time (lets say 24 weeks) at say an average of 4 iu/day >6*4*7*24= 4032
Lucas Bennett
Can't always have it all right. Gotta work with what you got and make a 110% effort out of it.
And yeah 2 weeks long term is nothing, hence why I'll go trough with it.
Final reason for keeping them is my biggest reason, something is missing when its out. I'd honestly want more, including tattoo's and a more alternative hairstyle.
Parker Collins
its a dye you mix with cream then apply it to your hair then let it sit for a few mins and wash it off yeah its my natural eyebrow shape because i just put it onto the hairs that were already there, it says it doesnt work on skin. I could do more shaping with it but i did not know enough about good eyebrow shape or how to style it so i just tried to dye the hair that was already somewhat visible. Do you think itd be better to dye all the hairs that are there? Even ones that are above my current visible brow? thats not duckface sweety
If the pictures are accurate keep them as is, the have a good natural shape.
Only pluck stray hairs that are a few mm away from your eyebrow.
Landon Moore
Melanotan casualty?
Jaxson Davis
Work on forearms, mirin delts are upper part of the arms.
What are you running?
Landon Campbell
LOl he's not doing the duck face dumb fuck, kek. You probably have thin pencil lips that and get fucking lip MOGGED left and right and now coping with everyone must doing the duck face because he got better lips than me
Just take longer then people who don't have it. If you cut long enough you will have a shredded face nevertheless
Good decision, especially when it bothers you it will benefit greatly
I would never change the shape of your own eyebrows. Just make a little bit more visible that's it, then you're good to go
>roiding for this
jk arms and shoulder are def on point. Good job
Andrew Jackson
MT2 is amazing, I’m gonna make a before and after when I got some time but sheesh
600 tren 600 mast 500 test 300 deca 5iu generic HGH
Really tryna bring up core and legs and they’re responding decently well, thanks
Jaxon Allen
alright i will leave them now. now i just need the fuckin sun to come back so i can get a tan going
Camden Turner
Thats alot of gear. Glad it works for you.
Tan makes such a difference in terms of physique, its a major reason I look worse now. Get mt2 if you can, its so good.
Christian Myers
i cant run mt2 because i work outside and its impossible to avoid getting a farmer tan
Charles Thomas
>no abs >no lower gut bump
>you have abs >you also have lower gut bump
there is no justice in this world
Ryder Nguyen
Low dose it then, just 0.25mg twice a week to maintain the tan nicely without ever going nigger tier.
John Sullivan
Why did I start coughing after this quad injection? I wasn't injecting tren and there was no blood squirting out after the injection, so I couldn't have hit a vein. I don't have a cold.
Asher King
Maybe you did nick a vein and some oil managed to slip in but none of that leaked out of the skin. It happens.
John Walker
Cant fucking unsee, but not even a bad look. Fucking kuwabara best boy
Adrian Brooks
Since when does USPS deliver on a Sunday wtf
Isaac Allen
Enjoy prison
Jace Cruz
Uh Im holding the package
James Walker
Jonathan Price
A wigger called me a fag today for wearing a vneck
Luis Turner
was he cute?
Luke Gomez
can I double dose aspirin?
Isaiah Phillips
Yeah he was 5’4 and dressed like vanilla ice. I bet he was just turned on by my pecs.
Ryder Diaz
yeah if you don’t mind the occasional ulcer
Brayden Butler
rip i guess i just gotta do more cardio for bp
Nolan Robinson
Lower your estrogen, whenever my BP is high it’s because I’m carrying water.
Easton Morris
>two test injections left in vial >source still hasn't shipped my order
why are these pharma t3 tablets so small legit 1cm
Joseph Hughes
can i order from 'underground labs'
srs responses from pepo who did this please
Jaxson Bailey
For anyone attempting this too: Be careful with the eyebrow kits, some are quite strong. Start with 30sec unless you want super dark brows which look ridiculous and fake Source: a grill
Jose Watson
I don't need any ai at 600 MG/wk test and I want to begin a new cycle including tren e. I'm thinking 400 mg/wk tren and 250 mg/wk test. Since tren doesn't aromatize and displacement of test would be minimal, I'm thinking of starting off without an ai for this cycle too. Is this retardation?
James Ramirez
If you’re using less of an aromatizing compound why would you need any more AI than you do now you brainlet fuck?
Austin Rodriguez
tren doesnt produce estradiol but it produces prolactin which makes your tits grow and even lactate.
You would need caber but if you are too poor or greedy just run a mega dose of vitamin b and zink
Most people say that the tren has greater binding affinity to the androgen receptor and shbg which displaces test into free form in the serum thus exposing it to aromatase in higher concentrations than expected without tren present. But I haven't found peer reviewed research on this yet so I'm not sure, thought I'd ask.
Sure that's an idea but my dose of tren is far below the level at which I've found any anecdotal reports of lactation.
Christopher Parker
As long as I’m not on any orals my liver values should be fine right? Getting a blood test for a police job and fucked liver values are disqualifying.
Xavier Fisher
No source talk faggot
Logan Green
Oh also trenbolone has progestin receptor activity which augments the stimulatory effects of estrogens on mammary tissue growth. There is strong synergy between these two hormones such that gynecomastia might occur with the help of progestins even without excessive estrogen levels. This is from Llewellyn 9th edition anabolics textbook.
Logan Allen
So how stop the (pair) of bad effects you can (gain?) Get on tren? Shorter on time and longer pct? Or just a stronger pct?
Samuel Wright
I will be getting my first batch of test soon lads, I just need to decide. Inject or pill? I was thinking inject and just get my GF to pin me... I know either way I'm ducking my body up but which is less bad?
Nolan Watson
I HIGHLY doubt that you have read the wiki faggot. You should do that before attempting to dump the emotional labor of explaining why you are a retard and are almost certainly getting scammed upon the peaceful denizens of /fraud/.
Benjamin Gonzalez
I have read it. I was just wondering what most people here do. Faggot.