Can’t stand this cunt

Can’t stand this cunt

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What caused him to go nuts?

How much do those tattoos reduce his IQ?

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What does it matter? The man was more successful than you before he even started the 'professional' strongman circuit.

He benches 6plate for ten reps, easy

What do you bench

He seems pretty cool to me. Goes a bit overboard on the "showmanship" sometimes, but in interviews and such he seems like a decent bloke.

He goes a little batshit around the time his career ends

one of the strongest man on earth, have a total of more than 2500lbs, his personality doesn't matter that much
i love klokov though, dude is a total beast

link? I must have missed that. Gathered that he busted his foot before the 2018 strongman, but didnt hear anything after that

also my body weight :^)

now thats a meme i haven't heard for a long time

Go find it yourself. He was filmed going on a screed about how the holocaust is bullshit and jews control the world

Where is the lie tho

So he visits Jow Forums?

So hes a sensible man?

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He's right

You don’t have to like him. His career is impressive. That’s it. He’s one of the strongest dudes to ever walk the earth. He could advocate for feminism for all I care.

he's actually right though

the holocaust did happen, but it's greatly exaggerated

cant find it

both of those statements are true

i wish i was raised by klokov

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yeah he didn't say that

He's super likable 2bh


Tbh, he got legitimately cunty after he won WSM. He talked shit about Bjornsson for a whole year, then dodged him at every major comp this year.

I guess he knows that Björnsson will win several WSM, not just one.
I think it's over for Shaw.
Kieliszkowski will rise to the top after Björnsson

>the holocaust did happen, but it's greatly exaggerated

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Epic wojak meme, fellow redditor. Give this man his gold!

I'm convinced Kieliszkowski is a terminator. His performance on the truck pulls the last couple years and the stone at the Arnold were just stupid. He gives up so many points on the deadlift, though.

He's 25,right? Björnsson is 30. Give him one or two more years and he will fuck shit up

It'll depend on how motivated and focused Thor can stay now, he's already won everything and has a big tv and movie career already.

Not even, he's still 24. Probably started training as soon as he could walk after seeing Pudz. He's the flagbearer for dudes going right into strongman instead of doing something else first.

cringe. fuck off back to your containment board you bitter faggot incels.

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If only.
That would be awesome

Oh hahahaha! Referencing reddit as a means of conveying derision and sarcasm whilst whilst simultaneously attempting to alienate them based on your perception of them using another website to communicate. How unique and refreshing! I’ll take my gold now, thanks. Here, have an upvote.

Can we all just agree that Hall is the strongest man alive and the holocaust didn't happen (but it will)?

Every person who can deadlift 500 kg is allowed to wear such a tattoo without looking ridiculous.

kys normie

hell yeah brother

I hope he got an increase in his Patreon after that.

Sorry you can't accept the facts you limp wristed faggot

Pretty much this lol

Noone cares if you can't stand him OP, dude set himself up for life by picking 500kg's up off the floor once, now makes a living just by being that guy

Tf have you been doing?

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You can really reach people by playing it cool and just being sincere. The bluepills have been told for decades that we're unhinged violent maniacs, and are now being told we're pathetic virgins. If you just play it straight and keep cool, it will catch people's attention because it contradicts the narrative.


But Jews do control the world.

fuck off to pol brainlet

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>the holocaust is bullshit

>jews control the world

fucking pathetic, bunch of incels

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Fuck off kike

Cringe. I really hope you are either american or g*rman, that would be extra ironic

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He is correct

>has "kaka" written on his chest
fucking kek
(I know it is probably supposed to be the strength kanji)

Charlottesville proved that will never work, because describing you as incel cucks with violent tendencies hits the mark spot on. Fuck off to /pol to rant about how jews are corrupting hannah montana or whatever

I find it amusing how on every board, inevitably, the jewish scourge is brought up.

>describing you as incel cucks with violent tendencies hits the mark spot on
Unfortunately it is not entirely untrue, but like many things that are politicized in society, it's largely an exaggeration. The "spot on" cases get national attention, but in reality that is an extreme minority. #NotAllWhites