I'll start. please chime in with any random questions and hopefully answers
gut health - poop transplants are a thing. BUT I really like eating ass already. Is there an evolutionary reason I like it? benefits? negatives? discuss.
Creatine - anybody have negative response? just started.
Dumbbell only routine - sometimes is all I have access to. can real progress be made?
facial aesthetics - what are god tier products or techniques for skin gains
caffeine - how much is too much. any effect on progress?
creatine makes you bald faster, otherwise its great dumbbells are ok, hard to train legs heavy though retinols just drink 3-4 cups of quality coffee
Charles Rivera
I currently show no signs of balding does it only speed up symptoms if predisposed? Or can it actually make you start balding?
Ayden Richardson
And I'll add to the gut health thing.. Probiotics? Kimche? Seems sleep plays a big role in gains and fat loss what about gut health
Tyler Bell
Opinions on mewing?
Nathan Martin
Its good if your a cat
Henry Parker
if do grayskull lps your weeks sould be AxBxA AxBxA or AxBxA BxAxB?
Cameron Jones
It increases dht, which is what causes balding in people prone to it.
So if ur the type to bald it could accelerate the process. I'm not sure if it can trigger baldness in people that may otherwise not have gone bald despite being at risk tho
Mason Clark
Why the fuck is my DOMS so ducking terrible? I came back to the gym after like a year off because I was on rotation, and I’m fucking debilitated after deadlifting.
I still have a decent amount of strength, but a simple 1x5 at 315 is debilitating me for like multiple days. I don’t ever remember it being this terrible before.
Or am i just being a bitch about it?
Jason Rogers
I’m right there with you I just got back into the gym after a year off and am aching really bad and right now don’t even have fully mobility of my arms because it’s aching so bad. I think it’s just because we took so much time off then went straight into heavy lifting. But that’s just my guess