
Does anyone even watch this guy anymore?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 57K)

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No and that's OK. He had a good run.

He's too busy driving his Mclaren and enjoying his shills to make decent content any more, but he was great for a while.

Wait, broscience is a person/channel?
I thought it was just a term for shit psudoscience and snake oil.

Are there any topics left for him anyway? There's only so many gym memes

he can't make decent content because there is no more content in this genre. He has milked the cow and then some

It is, he named his channel after it.

A big issue is that a lot of the content he wants to do ends up getting unmonetized.

Yeah, youtube is basically dying and people are eyeing facebook with deep suspiscion.

Most people are going to twitch, instagram, and making their own web pages now.
Youtube is just a place to put some of their videos and link them back to their real content and money makers.

Facebook killed Youtube? Damn. Aren't people resorting to Patreon now?