15% to <10%

Those of you that are consistently single digit body fat - what did you do to finally break that plateau?

I'm definitely stalled at around 15%. I'm continuing to cut calories and carbs to go lower, but I feel like I'm losing more muscle than fat. I feel tired and I'm losing strength at the gym.

I am autistic with my diet, eat at a 500 cal deficit, don't drink, and I keep carbs below 30g a day.

Pic related summer goal body. I have the muscle mass, I just need to get the chub off.

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although im probably like 12 - 13% bf and kind of a dyel

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My nigga you probably slay.

What kind of cardio? Do you do LISS or is it the devil?

I do a bunch of volume and a lot of compound movements to train for strength and naturally stay low BF eating moderately and clean. Probably harder for bodybuilding goals

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5-6 hour rides 2 or 3 times a week. Usually just sub it out for leg day Also play basketball after lifting sometimes. Just running on the treadmill is boring

I need to get a bike. Sounds way better than leg day.

Very nice, man

Oh man you are preaching. I DESPISE running on the treadmill but force myself to do it. I'll definitely have to look into getting a bike.

Do you do much cardio?

How many inches are your arms
Also height and weight?

Off topic question. Opinion on trails instead of road for biking? The only running I can stand is on the trail but I hear mountain biking is dangerous as fuck.

You're scared of riding your bike in the dirt?

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None at all. Personally sets of 10 in squats/pulls/pushes like deadlift rows OHP etc. is enough conditioning for me.

Not sure sorry. Currently at 5’9 155 near the end of my cut

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Fair point.

But afaik you also lock your feet into the pedals so there isn't really a, I'll catch myself when I fall and its all pain in the desert.

fast bruh.

Sets of 10s, lad? What are your numbers?

Backsquat 385
Deadlift 407
Overhead press 175
Bench Press 255

I'm very lucky, naturally stay around 12% even when bulking.

Those are pretty good numbers. But jeez that's a lot of volume then unless you're just doing 1x10.

>mfw I need to bulk to 180 to get anywhere close to those numbers

Not who you were responding to, but for 10? Nice. Routine?

different user, but I did a 26 mile mountain bike charity event today. 6 on the road too. I fell probably 11 times and went over the handlebars twice, and am sore as fuck

You sound like you're on the right path diet wise. Just like other people are saying. Do more cardio. Swimming is my go to and it bike everywhere you need to go. Black coffee helps.

fasted fucking cardio. Or just do a 3-5 day fast, and make sure you lift during it.

More like 10-12% I guess.

Way more comfy because you don't have to worry about cars.

I usually get a little stoned, put on some music, and can go for hours admiring the scenery of the countryside