What are these?

Found these on my wifes back. They are about twice the size of a pencil eraser. Should I be worried?

Attached: IMG_6105.png (719x1280, 1.22M)

She says they are very itchy.

That's dermal herpes user, its got a high infection rate in caucasoid females, although negroid males are the most prolific carriers of the strain.

I'm not looking for stupid replies..I am seriously concerned, but she won't go to a dermatologist.

Dump her, you don't have to put up with a woman who doesn't take care of her skin

post more of ur wife's skin

Attached: 1511377101816.jpg (215x228, 7K)

Go to the doctor if you are actually concerned you mong

I just found them tonight. I asked her to make an appointment but she says she doesn't want to. I just want to know if anyone has seen anything similar and what it is. It is not the run of the mill mole.

>seriously concerned
>posts pics on a tibetan pool cleaning forun

user, i have some bad news news for you

as bad as the herpes on your wife is

it pales in comparison to your autism

Its actually herpes. He may be memeing the BLACKED stuff but the herpes part is correct.