I'm going to the beach with my family in a few months and I want to look good, so I want to lose a bit of weight fast...

I'm going to the beach with my family in a few months and I want to look good, so I want to lose a bit of weight fast. If I'm doing SL 5x5 is it okay to stop all of my squats and do cardio instead every other day?

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that face though :(

Would smash

Do both... there’s no reason to stop the squats. They burn a good amount of calories. Throw in cardio at the end of the workout

Lol fuck no. Do both. Do cardio on off days.

that's a face that can be fixed by losing the weight.

>The skindentation power level is way too high.

Attached: 618.gif (257x194, 2.14M)

but they hurt

>squats hurt

What kind of hurt?

Like my muscles hurt

If it's knee pain the only left cardio choice for you is elliptical trainer. I'd still consult with doctor. If you're just a whining fag gtfo

That's because you use them retard

She's cute user.

Attached: C0zn2SiVEAAIvOF.jpg:orig.jpg (600x960, 66K)

Any more pictures of op image in that outfit?

Attached: IMG_20180521_080732.jpg (395x702, 119K)

Attached: 1458786152938.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

Thank you kindly

I don’t like it I don’t even want big legs so why should I do it

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squats work more than just your legs retard

You can do whatever you want man. Nobody said you have to squat.

is this pepe ok?

Great, time to fap for the umpteenth time. I can't even feel my dick anymore.


dude some of her porn is really fucking hot
it's well worth the fap


That's the good type of hurt. Don't stop.

Just keep doing what you do with a slight caloric deficit

Add in some cardio here and there

made for Big Balkan Cock