Routine Thread

>Day A
Incline dumbbell bench 10, 12, 10, 5, 5
Flat barbell bench 10,10, 8, 6, 6, last set until failure
incline flys 3x10
dips 3x20
barbell curls standing 12, 10, 8
scott curls 4x10
hammer curls 3x10
french press 3x10
triceps extensions 12, 10 , 8
Triceps rope pushdowns 10, 8, 6 dont know if underhanded grip is the correct name

>Day B
Crunch with 10kg pl8 12, 10, 8 ,8
Oblique lift 3x12
cable twists 3x10
dragon flag 3x10
crunch 2x10

>Day C
Diddly 2 warm up sets + 5x5
pull ups 20, 15, 12, 10, 10
chin ups 12, 10, 8
cable rows 3x10
dumbbell rows 10, 8, 6, 6
neck raises 15, 12, 10, 8
OHP 2 warm up sets 3-4 sets 5 reps
Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raises 15, 12, 10
Rear lateral raise 2x10
Dips 3x20
face pulls 20, 10, 10

>Day D
leg extensions 20, 15, 20
squat 2 warm up sets + 5x5
leg press 10, 8, 8, 6, 4
leg curls 20, 15, 12
standing calf raises 15, 12, 12, 10, 8

Should i do neck exercises on Day B too?
Its the only day i have time without having Day E and dont have to exercise over 2h.
Is PPL better?
But i guess i have to go 6 days a week then?
Should i do squats on day A after or before chest?
I have problems with leg gains desu so i need more intense maybe?
Rate pls

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Did you make it yourself
It looks like shit to be frank

What intensities for, lets say first thing
Bench press

Way too high exercise selection
>leg gains
No shit when you have so much shit for upper body and barely squat at all

>Did you make it yourself
Not excactly, i just added a few exercises like deadlifts, face pulls and whole Day B.

>It looks like shit to be frank

>Bench press
10kgx10(per Side) 15kgx10 8x20kg 6x25kg 6x30kg 35kg until failure

>Way too high exercise selection
How should it look like?

p-pls respond

Push (A)
Overhead press 4x10
Weighted Push ups 4x12
Tricep extension 4x10

Pull (B)
Weighted Pull-ups 4x6-8
Yates 4x10
Weighted Bw Rows 4x10
Curls/ Weighted Chin-ups 4x10

1. Last set is amrap
2. If amrap is more than 8 reps, progress the weight appropriately.


I have a home gym, and I dont have money for a bench. That's why I do weighted pushups. I also like to sneak in a few accessories and sets here and there if I have the time (basically all the time)

>No leg exercises
Are you retarded?

i can tell that you look like shit, you've got shit lifts and you're a vain little faggot bitch.

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Post body

you have absolutely no idea what you're doing. you're a vain little manlet faggot and you look like shit. fuck off.

Post body

>show up
>always start with squats
>do whatever i feel like but hit everything

t. faggot midget that looks like shit and has shit lifts. i guarantee you look like a pile of shit stinking shit as well you fucking retard.

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OP proving that he's an insecure idiot and has dog shit lifts. fuck off, moron. i KNOW you won't post pictures of yourself because you look like a pudgy, slimy pile of mule shit. kys, reatrd.

I already post in cbt, but its ok, idc what youre saying since you start with insults. :3
And since im at the gym i wont post.

6x6 Dumbbell Lunges 8 directions

6x6 One legged explosive weighted calf jump

6x6 Rack pulls

6x6 Back extensions

6x6 T-bar row with towel

6x6 Landmine 180’s

6x6 Single arm linear jammer

6x6 Skullcrushers

6x6 Guillotine high cable curl

6x6 Reverse close grip bench press

6x6 Toe curls

Do floor press
Im running a similar push pull routine but with no rest days, so far so good

Need some critique on my bulking routine. Is 2x squats and 2x DL per week too much? I'm not having any trouble with it so far but only been doing it 3 weeks.

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I have big meaty legs from cycling and asian manlet genetics. No need for more leg work

Thanks, i'm gonna try this

What routine do you recommend for OP now?

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Might as well post my absolutely superior patrician routine in here

Day A:
Light cardio warm up
4xfailure pull ups
4x5 + warm up set bench press
3x8 kroc rows
3x10 db incline bench press
3x10 monkey rows
2x8 db pullovers
3x10 lat pulldown
2xfailure dips

Cardio day: 30 mins of running, varying intensity

Day B:
Light cardio warm up
1x5 + as many singes as I want + warm up set deadlift
3x5 lowbar back squats
3x5 bulgarian split squats
3x5 + warm up set OHP
3x10 face pulls
3x10 triceps pushdowns and bicep curls (superset on cables)
2 circuits of captains chair leg raises and oblique raises for each side to failure

Mobility and balance day:
Plank, side planks and reverse plank followed by balance exercises, then foam rolling and then stretching routine


Jeff said you shouldnt do planks.

Push (A)
Incline dumbbell benchpress 4 x 10
Plate press 3 x 20
Cable flys 3 x 10
Dumbbell shoulder press 4 x 10
Tricep pull down, superset with dips 3 x 10

Assisted pull-ups 4 x 10
Lat pull down 4 x 10
Dumbbell rows 4 x 10
Bicep 21’s, 3 sets
Dumbbell curls 3 x 8

ATG squats 4 x 10
Weighted lunges 3 x 20
Hamstring curls 3 x 10
Calf raises 3 x 10

Started lifting a little over 9 months, and tips would be appreciated. I feel like my pull day is really lacking

G-go easy on me. This is my current routine, still tweaking. I'm only three months in, been a couch potato all of my life.

Flat Barbell Bench Press 4 x 10
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 15, 12, 12, 10
Incline Cable Chest Press 15, 12, 12, 10
Decline Cable Chest Press 15, 12, 12, 10
Seated Machine Fly 15, 12, 12, 10
Dumbbell Pullover 12 x 4
Standing DB Preacher Curl 15, 12, 12, 10
EZ-Bar Curl 4 x 12
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 4 x 12

Seated Cable Row 15, 12, 12, 10
Dumbbell Row 4 x 12
Bent-Over Lateral Raise 4 x 12
Lat Pull-Down 4 x 12
Barbell Row 15, 12, 12, 10
DB Overhead Triceps Extension 4 x 12
Bench Dips 4 x 12
Rope Push Down 15, 12, 12, 10

Seated Dumbbell Press 15, 12, 12, 10
Cable Shoulder Press 4 x 12
Standing Low-Pulley Front Raise 15, 12, 12, 10
Dumbbell Internal Rotation 4 x 12
Dumbbell External Rotation 4 x 12
Shoulder External Rotation 4 x 12
Lateral Raises 4 x 12
Upright Barbell Row 4 x 12

Squat 4 x 10
Hip Abduction Machine 15, 12, 12, 10
Hip Adduction Machine 15, 12, 12, 10
Incline Leg Press 4 x 12
Lying Leg Curl Machine 15, 12, 12, 10
Vertical Leg Curl Machine 15, 12, 12, 10
Dumbbell Lunge 4 x 12
Seated Calf Raise Machine 15, 12, 12, 10

CORE (Distributed on the other days)
Crunches 4 x 12
Planks 4 x 60s
Push Ups 4 x 15
Hyperextensions 4 x 15

I do 15-20 minutes of cardio before each workout and stretch after I finish.

while i may not be an expert, you definetely dont need more than 48-72h to recover from a workout, so you missing some gains
i also feel like you do way too many exercises

>spends hours at the gym doing every machine, isolation and meme exercise in there, 3 variations of bicep curls
>only high rep low weight sets
>extra day for shoulders lmao
>squats just once, no dls

3 months from now you’ll still be lifting the same weight famalam
Did you straight up rip this from some GQ „how 2 be a bodybuilder with no functional strenght and spend your life at the gym by adding as much unnecessary volume as you possibly can from the beginning“ article, written by middle aged women?

Same poster, I want to add deadlifts somewhere but I feel like it doesn’t fit anywhere. Squats and deadlifts on the same day sounds like suicide. Should I just put them on pull day?

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>Squats and deadlifts on the same day sounds like suicide

U really on some weak shit my boy

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I should've mentioned that I don't do all exercises at once, I include variations in there (I don't do DB BP and Barbell BP on the same session for instance). Been thinking of doing full body routine later on.

I've been steadily increasing weight so until I start to stagnate, I won't switch it up. I've been thinking of combining shoulders with push day though.

Oh... ok :(

Dont listen to this fucktard.
DL is better on pullday.

What's wrong with planks?

Guess what?

U on some weak shit too

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Day A:

Day B:
Chin ups

if you ever squatted and deadlifted heavy weights on the same day you wouldnt keep making these mongoloid posts

Seems really intense but i like it so far but why not chin up/ pull up switch on pull days?

Gimme a superior PPL-split, lads!

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Even basic SS has you dreidellifting and squatting on the same day
Should be managable if you’re not gay or impaired
I doubt somebody like you lifts actually heavy weight anyway.

U a nappy headed weak ass hoe son

>stopped reading there

Now it’s official

Weak ass bitch confirmed


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>focused on aesthetics
>not a weak bitch
Choose 1

Also nice projection
>I’m too weak and my CNS wears out too quickly from doing 3x100 curls, so I can’t squat and dl on the same day
>that means NOBODY can do that, because I fail to accept that there are people who can while not changing my approach either

Good luck making it

I've just started Candito's linear program (the power/hypertrophy) after about 2 months of SS, before I realized that SS is shit. Does that sound good for a newbie lifter? I want to get to this level one day

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>cable rows
>seated lever flys

Oh I forgot dips on day B


Warmup: running for 10 minutes at 8kmh

DB Shoulder Press
Incline DB Flies
Some Tricep Isolation
DB Pullover

T-Bar Rows
Lat Pulldown
Some Bicep Isolation

Quad Extension
Calf Raises
Some additional Ab work

Can't do Squats and OHP for reason. Also go running 2-3 times a week.
How retarded is this routine?