How do you guys feel about fasting one day and eating the next day for weight loss? (40 hour fast minimum, 8 hour max eating window.) Is this on par with regular calorie cutting eating every day, or better?
Alternate day fast
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I lost 50 lbs over the last few months by doing 72s and being active.
If you're a fatass, fast as long as possible, drink salty water (1tsp pink salt, 1tsp nosalt in two liters of water) and you'll be all good my guy.
just eat one meal every 48 hours you fucking fatass
See I tried this, but I could never keep going. Longest I went was 100 hours. Is 40 hours not gonna cut it?
>2,000 calories in one meal
But that's retarded. Easier to just break it up and actually enjoy the food.
Stop making these fucking threads. It's no wonder people hate us when we keep shitting up the board with this shit. Just go to the fucking general you dumb faggot.
>Longest I went was 100 hours
Go 100 hours again. The longer you fast, the easier it gets, and the more body fat you burn.
Add some light exercises, maybe ride your bike for an hour if you have one.
Just keep drinking the salt water after day 3.
I don't think there's one up right now
I only made this shit because there is no /fast/ thread.
Maybe, might try it again but I'll probably need to drink salt water from day 1. I felt like shit at the end of those 100 hours because I only started drinking it around day 3. I'm in no rush though.
you dont need to eat 2000 calories when you refeed fatty
If you need it day 1 then drink it from day 1. I was only saying it's imperative you start drinking after 3 day, especially if you're active.
How many calories do you think I need then?