Foam rolling

is this foam rolling thing any good?
do i use as a strech alternative?

Attached: Foam-Roll-Increase-Flexibility.jpg (800x450, 45K)

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both stretching and rolling are practically completely useless waste of time but if it feels good for you to roll yourself do it

it's got good profit margins for whoever is making these meme rollers I'll tell you that

Honestly I never got any benefit from foam rolling.
How do you even feel muscle knots being released?

I couldnt tell you if it really makes you more flexible or whatever, but it feels fuckign good and is super relaxing

the most ignorant posts I've seen in literally 10 years of Jow Forums

>breaking scar tissue/hardened fascial tissue and increasing blood flow to tight muscle fibers doesn't do anything

I mean literally how stupid can you be

Fastest way to progress flexibility is to foam roll and then stretch the muscle afterwards imo

lay off the meme roller kool aid my dude

and physical therapy experts have these lying around everywhere why?

you can get them for five dollars and they last years, it is the antithesis of a meme

just learn to use them right dummy

Best $20 I've ever spent.

Really? My GF got one at 5 below for $5 for me

they are basically for retards, athletes just learn to stetch properly or do some Qigong.

Stretching doesn't break muscle knots/trigger points

Your post indicates you literally don't understand what foam rolling is, so you are disqualified from having an opinion.

its for people that don't want to get a massage, but still want to get a massage.

Chill man, it's bait

Someone post the best foam rolling routine pls.

Attached: 1508202390417.png (356x333, 120K)

If you have tight areas or are experiencing localized soreness or pain, yeah use a foam roller or a lacrosse ball. If not, foam rolling doesnt do much

Foam rolling makes my doms bearable

If I find my shit is particularly tight and fucked up I'll use the foam roller. I've noticed that because I'm in school again I have to do a lot more sitting down so my quads and hip flexors have gotten super tight, so foamrolling is a good idea.

But you're suppose to combine it with stretching not replace. And if you only did the one I'd stick with stretching.

The ones at my gym feel too soft to really do anything. What's a good hard roller to buy?





is this true?

I stopped foam rolling and stretching before my sessions and started warming up with the bar more and I've drastically increased my mobility. Stretching and rolling is a meme.

Stretching before training is retarded. Don't understand why people still do this. You are supposed to do it afterwards.

i use it on my hamstring because i overstreched it
feels good

I don't know the dudes saying they "dont feel it" or whatever, but when I hit 1/2/3/4 after 6 months of lifting my body was fucked up and foam rolling was a godsend. I mean I guess if you're just fucking around at the gym you won't have any use for it, but it's an extremely useful tool for people who actually push their bodies

Just my experience. Basing it off immediate flexibility gains. Haven't done that for a significant period of time so maybe just see for yourself

That is my experience as well. If you have knots in the muscle and release them using the foam roller the muscle feels elongated.

>is this foam rolling thing any good?

It's good for wasting your time in the gym, instead of doing something productive.

go watch elliot hulse on youtube

Ayooo, y all need to breathe into ya ballz n shieet

Im sure it only Takes 10min to do it, so 10min waste?

Just buy one theyre like 25 dollars and use it at home when sore

Is there any benefit to a ribbed foam roller over a regular one?

Hes older videos about nutsack breathing and such are fine, and actually quite okay, his newer content is guru shit tho...

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do it at home moron, why would you waste time in the gym on one?

>He had to roll his legs to stop being triggered

Attached: 1526069025640.jpg (1080x1075, 147K)

Proof you're not an athlete.

>he doesn't know how to recover quicker from workouts and take care of his body
enjoy falling apart at age 29

The beauty of foam rollers is that they can be used both before and after workouts. It's the best static stretch that you can do before a workout while not fucking you up with the downsides of doing static stretches before working out.
Best way to start a leg day, gives so much more mobility for diddys/squats and it helps eliminate the soreness after them.

Attached: maria maria-2.webm (1280x720, 2.12M)

Foam rolling has been scientifically proven to be almost completely useless. The pressure needed to actually affect tissue is far more than what can be manually applied to it. Instead, it merely alters perception of pain. There's multiple papers written about this.

>It's the best static stretch that you can do before a workout while not fucking you up with the downsides of doing static stretches before working out
Blatantly incorrect. Performing the movement that you are stretching to perform with a bit of added weight, such as a barbell is the best static stretch you can do.

just go from the lower body and work your way up.

>roll out gastroc and soleus
>roll out the muscles on both sides of your shins
>hams, adductors, quads
>attachments of IT bands (not for the faint of heart)
>both sides of the upper back
>arms, pecs, and neck

foam rolling is a godsend. it hurts like hell the fist time but your body gets used to it and you can eventually work your way up to a pvc pipe. gets rid of soreness and you can do it in fifteen minutes.

google myofascial release.

t. dyel