I need your help Jow Forums

My best friend whom I'm visiting this summer just became a weedfag and a junkie. Every time I talk to him over Skype he's either smoking weed or drinking stolen henesy or some crap. He told me he now ordered shrooms and does something called "hotknifing" or some shit. Basically he's full on Degen.

As far as he tells me he does some workout (as far as I understand he just 'trains' abs a bit, pullups curls and triceps)

How do I make him stop being such a fag and make him stop taking drugs. I'm not even talking about making him start lifting because I know he won't do so unless he stops drinking/kiffing. What should I do?

Attached: cannabisleafepicstyle.jpg (250x250, 11K)

Let him know you think it's a problem, but if that's what he wants to do then he has every right to do it.

Make him fall in love with you. He will then change his body to whatever would please you the most.

I already told him he's a complete and udder fag and should stop

I lost friends over this, so if you'll listen to an oldfag, I have some information.

The first thing is that weed really isn't a big deal. Virtually everybody smokes it, and we're literally a couple years away from full legalization. The thing is that it becomes an issue if people become total tools about it and smoke like everyday forever.

I don't want to ask how old your friend is because I suspect this is a summer-post, but most people go through a stage when they're younger where they experiment with drugs and alcohol in order to be rebellious - not because they're actually interested in trying drugs. They do it because someone told them not to.

So what this means for you is that you can basically talk to him and just be up front. Tell him you want to live a healthy lifestyle and you're concerned about the fact that every time you talk he has a fucking joint in his mouth. He'll probably tell you to fuck off, at which point you just spend more time with cooler friends.

I know it sucks, but honestly people come in and out of your life. Things like this are usually the exits on the highway of life that cause people to merge out.

> it becomes an issue if people become total tools about it and smoke like everyday forever.
Yep. He's on that stage. When I mean every time I see him on skype he's puffing or drinking I mean it literally.

I've known the dude since kindergarden and I don't know what to do with him. I'm thinking of maybe just puffing it just one time with him and then not doing it ever again.

Should I maybe not engage in drug behavior but also not be agressive on his ass? I was really agressive when he was a fucking emo and it wore off after a while.

You should experience marijuana. It can actually better some people. Just dont abuse it

Doesn't it kill your test epic style? then again masturbation doesn't any less.

nice broscience my dude

>Virtually everyone smokes it

Delusional faggot.

If you smoke or ingest it excessively yeah. Moderation is key. I keep some edibles in my fridge for days I have nothing going on and just want to relax. I indulge like once a month maybe

Grow the fuck up kid, I'm a drug addict who considers the days where I just smoke weed to be sober days, and I would mogg the shit out of you.
Alienating your friend because he is trying new things will only help push him into addiction. Stop acting like your friend is a junkie, he is just a kid trying things, I am a junkie, and a junkie doesnt talk to kids on skype.

Not him but here are some numbers

Attached: imrs.jpg (600x278, 33K)

From what cunt are those stats?

Read, nigger

A large portion of the population has or does smoke. Weed is fucking everywhere bro, and less harmful that booze.

Weeds for fucking faggots, you're a gay cunt if you smoke/eat weed

Kill yourself weedcunts

Attached: v4-760px-Talk-Someone-out-of-Suicide-Step-7.jpg (760x570, 70K)

have fun destroying your liver alcopleb

I'm not an alcoholic you idiot, meanwhile you're universally looked down on as a literal scab on society

Wonkanda or what? it just says wonkblog. no cut mentioned

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Using any drug is just a sign of weakness. Unless you need it medically, you should not do any drug.

Not in a significant way unless your smoking like he is. What you want to avoid is smoking right before bed as weed interferes with REM for a few hours. This is pretty much why burnouts have such a foggy brain; they are in fact suffering long-term sleep deprivation.


Weakness towards what? Life? Life is fleeting. Experience it.

Not him but
>60 percent legalization approval in America
>health effects almost negligible (especially compared to alcohol)
>can be taken in ways wothout smoke too
>not an actual toxin

Yeah weed is better than booze. No one has yet to provide me with a valid argument against legalization. All I get is buzz words like "degenerate"(subjective rhetoric) and "junkie"(implies physical and mental dependancy which havent been seen with weed)

Lol git fukd. Weed doesn't ruin people lives(except black people who get arrested for it at 4 times the rate as white despite comparable rate of usage) and he can do what ever he want.

>except black people who get arrested for it at 4 times the rate as white despite comparable rate of usage)
because they commit crimes in general at way high rates and get posession charges tacked after robberies/assaults. Nice TYT-tier talking points nigger

Tell him he's a fucking cocksucking faggot and if he continues that shit you're gonna leave him behind.

Weed pauses your life and turns you into a useless faggot. Weed is for niggers and homosexuals.

t. ex smoker smoked for 8 years or so, was a black faggot then

this post is correct, and if you can't have this conversation with him, he isn't really your best friend