Tfw have very recessed lower back

>tfw have very recessed lower back
>when I stand up straight my gut and ass sticks out and can feel the strain in my lower back like it's pressing forwards
>go to a doctor and ask him about it
>he just lightly feels my back with one hand while I'm sitting down and says nah it's fine
fuck doctors
my back is fucked and I want to know how to fix it god damn it

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Anterior pelvic tilt?

yeah that


That can be fixed. There's YouTube tutorials. Stick to a regimen strictly and fix yourself. You can do it

there's so much clickbait and quack shit regarding posture that I have no idea what to trust

Yo so I had the same issue and fixed it with what could be boiled down to obsessive attention and planking.
>sleep on your back
>take 30 minutes a day to close your eyes and feel out all the muscles in your core individually
>slowly move yourself in a way that aligns your hips and shoulders to a comfortable position
>flex your core gently, increasing intensity over time
>get used to activating those muscles
>try it standing
>try it walking
>supplement with 1 minute planks
Eventually you'll learn which muscles to relax and which to use, where to distribute your weight, and it'll become natural to the point that you don't even notice it. If you're prone to sleeping on your stomach that's probably the worst thing you could. Stand and sit up straight, don't do situps or crunches, and stretch your hips and legs every day.

literally just do deadlifts
strengthening your abs and glutes will solve this

i did glute bridges for like 2 weeks and i dont have apt anymore

Yeah seconding sleeping on your back, never sleep on your stomach
if you learn how to actually contract your core throughout the day you won't have a problem

I'm writing a book on a lot of issues like this but doubt any publishing house will take me up on the title, "Stop Being Retarded".

You’re a helpless lazy fuck. Immerse yourself in knowledge and you can easily tel what’s good and what’s not good. God I fucking hate millennials. We live in the age where everyone has access to the worlds information in their fucking pocket.

I usually sleep on my side, never on my stomach
I've tried standing in a mirror and flexing to correct it but I have to squeeze my glutes practically as much as I can't to get my pelvis straight and I obviously can't keep that up 24/7 nor does it feel natural either

It's because you're weak as fuck
Do you even lift? Serious question

fuck off you retard
there's burning garbage masquerading as information fucking everywhere especially about physical health, why don't you point out something reliable or god forbid make your own suggestion instead of getting your panties in a trust about muh millennials
I guarantee you're not even 30 anyway, just kill yourself

>do you even lift

Attached: where do you think we are.png (1067x800, 651K)

Nope, you don't want to flex your glutes or hip flexors much at all, that can just lead to tension in your interior. Seriously, try the slow, laying down method and pay close attention to your body. We get caught up in all these hyperactive cures and fast-tracks but you need to do some self inspection and get yourself straightened out, literally. Flexing isn't really the issue. Learning and effectively flexing the muscles that you need to use to keep your pelvis down, while relaxing the muscles that are now causing the tilt, and doing so constantly until the balance shifts, takes a lot of attentiveness an patience, but it is the only long term solution to this. You can look up exercises to strengthen your inner core/hip/leg groups, get your abdominal sheath tight, and support your posterior chain, but you still need to be able to identify them individually when you feel it. Slow, weightless squats, planks, lunges, forward folds and split stretches are perfect for this kind of stuff. Lay off any exercise that you have to raise your arms above your shoulders with heavy weights for a bit (i.e OHP, cleans, weighted squats) until your core is aligned. You'll probably experience a drop in power at first as your body is adjusting to the new distribution of weight and power.

I hate boomers as much as the next pansexual shim shark with student loans but he's got a point you know

What are the odds that the corrective exercises everybody recommends aren't bullshit? Maybe do those? Maybe do some stretching too? Are you helpless?

For srs, you're probably just late to the whole technology and internet thing and you don't really have that good of a grasp on it. Obviously and very obviously, and I can't believe I have to even say this, learn how to browse the internet lmao sorry I couldn't do it without laughing I tried

No offense, but do you have trouble reading people or making -good- friends as well? Genuinely curious.

>for srs
Neck yourself. The captcha for this post was to find bridges, you should do that for all of us.

Are you going to diagnose him with autism, because it's the only umbrella term you're familiar with, you fucking armchair?

>implying he isn't a larping 17 year old

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Get the fuck out of her, Dante, you degenerate manlet filth.

WHAT corrective exercises?
what fucking good is this board if your only response to someone asking a question is to laugh at them for not knowing the answer already?

>Becoming a supple leopard
Mobility and stretching Bible

Someone literally laid it out in very basic terms for you in the thread and you've just ignored it.

op you seemed angsty and I felt like making you angrier. I'm a dumb person and I'm sorry.