Any alcoholic Jow Forums bros here?

>wake up at 7am
>drink a combination of wine and vodka before stepping into shower
>drink protein shake infused with gin at gym

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Is that Amy?

I drink 15-20 beers every single night, been doing this for 3 years. it does bloat me a bit and empty calories but i mainly aim for strength not aesthetics

High functioning one, yes.
>literally about to graduate uni with CS degree in 13 days
>have already signed a 6 figure job offer
>about to be married to HS sweetheart a month after graduation
>she loves me deeply
>white 6'5" 216lb, blonde hair blue eyed uber-mensch
>not DYEL, but definitely not huge. Almost 1.5/2.5/3.5/4
>loving family, wonderful childhood
>drink half a bottle of vodka or more most nights
>wake up feeling like ass and hating myself, but do it again the next night after all my work is done
I mean, I have no reason to be an alcy and maybe i'm not totally I sometimes stop for days at a time with no issue, but left to my own will I drink like a fish every night and been doing so for the last few years. Its a problem. I wish I was making this shit up or larping but I'm not. How do I kick this habit? If I could just stop I could be a fucking god but instead im just muscular with a bit too much fat and a large amount of self hate. Im like 5 lbs of fat away from a nice 6 pack.

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Ever consider switching to liquor?

Can you guys explain the reasoning behind your behavior? Like, what does alcohol do for you? You're on Jow Forums so I imagine you're relatively healthy in other aspects of your life. I guess it can be a nice social lubricant, but it just dehydrates you and makes you tactless and uncoordinated from my experience.

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I drink beer almost every day. Alone most of the time

/ck/ banned the daily alcoholic threads because they bummed everyone out with how pathetic you all are.
Get help or find another board, we don't want this shit here, Jow Forums is about bettering yourself

I like having a beer or two on weekdays. Fridays I get on it pretty hard though because that's when I meet up with my old colleagues and they're some real fucking animals.

Same, I like having some alcohol with my diner. I am quitting that habit or at least downing it to just a couple times a week.

But it just sneaks in to do it daily. Same with drinking alcohol on the weekend though I've never had problems as bad as a friend of mine who drinks vodka with green Monster all day and smokes weed.

Worst is probably the guy from Louis Theroux who came by a rehab clinic every week or so because his stomach would be like a pregnant woman's from drinking. There woud be so much fluid in his abdomen that they had to drain him once in a while and buckets of some weird yellowy liquid would be drained from his body. He merely acted like it was a usual process (probably to cope and denial) but then he heard that he probably had about a month or so to live cause he didn't stop drinking and this thing kept on happening and he didn't give a shit.

I was alcoholic for a couple of years after coming back from Afghanistan, eventually falling in love taught me that life is worth living and I kicked the habit. Now I can't even enjoy getting buzzed, I have some kind of a physiological reaction that just makes me feel like shit if I drink. Totally worth it.

you drink because you are coping with some deep set issue in your life user, look within deeply. Emotional numbing or maybe you went the wrong direction in your life. It's never too late to change directions or paths. I understand these things from personal experience. If you've gone really far in your life and drink all the time because you maybe feel like you're living a lie or you don't like something about yourself, it's never too late to change. many founders of great companies and bands and great artists didn't get their break until mid-life-crisis time! so you got this bro not drinking isn't hard, think about how good you will feel once you're all healthy and stuff!
>pic related, it's an endless sea of hope

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>>drink protein shake infused with gin

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maybe she isn't the one just because shes the HS sweetheart who's virginity i took? fuck user I hope you're wrong but thank you for the insight.

Do you see people encouraging others to drink? Most of us are trying to find ways to deal with it. This is related to diet and health which affects strength, body composition, and cardiovascular fitness.

It’s important to cut back so you don’t get cancer and liver cirrhosis. It’s also better for your brain to have sober days throughout the week. I stopped drinking on work nights. I drink a bit on Friday night usually, but I buy extra beer for Saturday night that I keep hidden so when I’m done with a six pack and everyone is asleep, I’ll go get fucked up in private. I love getting drunk, so I still plan on it every couple weeks, but it’ll slowly make you lethargic without you realizing if you’re not vigilant.

Alcohol makes you fatter and it messes with protein absorption and recovery, so I always steer clear within a couple days after lifting. Running I’m not as concerned about; I’ve had some of my best runs the morning after getting absolutely assblasted.

Lately I have been having one beer when I get home from work. I tried two beers but it made me tired the next day, so I cut back to one beer.

I have alcoholism running through nearly every male on both sides of my family so it is playing with fire, but it is nice and doesn't seem to have a cumulative effect.

>I’ve had some of my best runs the morning after getting absolutely assblasted.

I've noticed this too. I seem to have better long runs the day after drinking.

While you can get hangovers, your cardio system can get somewhat of a 'bounceback' effect where even if your head is hurting you can have energy for miles. Its not common but some people get it

Part of the reason drinking became a problem for me is because my hangovers are not bad in any way. I have plenty of energy, everything seems funnier and more interesting, I don’t get headaches, and I always take a wonderful shit. Whatever that bounce back phenomenon is, that’s sometimes more enjoyable than drinking itself.

I read an interesting article about an Olympic gold medalist marathoner who was an alcoholic:

I can’t imagine being an alcoholic while being the best marathoner on the planet.

I was like that once. All that stopped when i got into my 20s. Now it's just pain and misery the next day.

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Yeah I am however I only allow myself to drink on days that I lift. It's been a good compromise.

I was like this untill december last year
I still drink in the weekends sometimes
the only thing I changed in my behavior was drinking alone
trust me boys it's worth it
if I could tell my younger self something it would be to stop drinking so much

It makes it easier to have two. Stop and make it every second day if you must

>you drink because you are coping with some deep set issue in your life

people say that, but it’s not always the case, it usually is a catalyst to drinking. At the end of the day alcoholism is a thing in and of itself, your brain rewires to crave it and you pretty much done goofed, The Sinclair Method seems to help many people, but for some it’s simply too late to unfuck their brains.
Don’t get me wrong, many alcoholics do have emotional/mental problems, but they’re by no means a prerequisite for an addiction

I’m 28. I’m sure it won’t last forever, but I can drink, stay up for 30 hours, sleep 10 hours, and feel fine. Then again, I hardly drank until I was 21, so maybe you got a head start on it.

for me it’s drink, stay up until the morning, pass out for 3 hours, wake up with crazy anxiety, depression and shame, start puking when I start sobering up (about two hours later) puke 4-5 times every half an hour or so

this is my ritual every Friday-Saturday and I’m powerless to stop it, also I guess it depends on how much you drink, I usually down a fifth in a night

This is when the wrong begins user, like smoking.

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Fortunately I developed a physical repulsion for hard liquor. I haven’t thrown up from drinking in years because I just drink beer, and I naturally pace myself since the abv is so much lower. Maybe you could try that out. It’s more calories, but knowing that I’ll be vomiting or have an upset stomach the next day is enough for me to stick to beer.

I used to drink 12-15 beers every friday and saturday night

Now it is 1 beer on weeknights, and 6 beers friday and saturday night. The light drinking during the week seems to help curb the binge on weeekends

Although to be honest the single most important factor for binge drinking is smoking. If I have smokes all bets are off

i'm ot Jow Forums, i'm not even dyel but i do light lifts and cardio and boozing let's me really get all Richard Aschcroft about it

Why are girls so cute?

>The light drinking during the week seems to help curb the binge on weeekends

Interesting, maybe I should try it to curb my weekend binge drinking. Do you find that the crave to get fucked up is less? Maybe it’s because it becomes an everyday thing instead of a “treat”
Also fuck smokes, I’ll usually smoke at least a pack during a night of drinking and then the voice will be fucked for days, also if I don’t buy any then I just go out to bars and that is even worse

I sipped champagne once, and had a sip of beer when I was 12 (over 20y ago) never had a 'drink' in my life.

>some kind of a physiological reaction

I think you mean psychosomatic, but that's cool, man. Good for you. I was an alcoholic of various levels of functionality from like 20-27 and have only just kicked the habit because it lost me my long time gf and almost fucked up my schooling. Replacing it with lifting was the best decision I've ever made. Only took me five months to go from years of permaskinnyfatbloat to twinkmode DYEL and this is infinitely better already.

I have two glasses of champagne everyday at the end of my night shift. I work 3 13 hour days and 2 6 hour shifts a week all of them ending around midnight. Never hungover but I find that I need something to wind down after a day of choas, focus and stress. Having a daily sauna might help me in recovery.
I never feel like drinking on the days I'm off.

>Do you find that the crave to get fucked up is less?

Yes, very much so. Before, any ingestion of alcohol at all was associated with this huge rush where I wanted to slam a bunch more. Now when I start drinking it is more of a relaxing, slower feeling.

There is still a feeling on Friday nights that I want to get really really drunk, but it's not because of an association with the taste or sensation of drinking alcohol. That feeling starts at like midday because I just miss getting really really drunk (though I still remember what the day after feels like, which allows me to stop after a reasonable amount)

i did that once for fun. tastes pretty good actually but doing it daily seems retarded

Wanna know how I know you're not European?

Post body. Isn't alcohol really bad for your muscles?

Because they're good liars

You're going to die very early.

>What does it do for you
You have to be 18 to post here

I drink because I hate myself and this world. But I'm trying to quit and get my life together. Alcohol has done nothing but cause me grief. And a LOT of money. There is literally not one good thing alcohol does. Alcohol has ruined two of my relationships, and recently I got a DUI and as a result had to drop out of uni. Alcohol is dog shit.
>Inb4 muh social lubricant.

My man take pure CDB oil. And say goodbye to hangovers.

Fuck dude, I know what you're saying. Hang in there and try to make subtle changes in your life gradually. For example, instead of drinking a half a bottle of vodka, Take one of your empties from the night before and pour a 1/4 of the new bottle in and drink from that. Smash yourself in the nuts if you try to reload.

>You're on Jow Forums so I imagine you're relatively healthy in other aspects of your life

Alcoholics Anonymous, go to 30 meetings, may seem like shit but give it a try.

Or go to treatment.

>fucking love beer
>recently been getting 2-3 day diarrhea after drinking beer
Granted I usually drink 3 days in a row, have massive diarrhea from monday-wednesday, fine thursday friday, repeat process in weekend.
Fuck it sucks,

>drinking alcohol
you never ever gonna make it

I lift 3 days a week and do cardio 2 days a week. I have a whiskey coffee at lunch and a few glasses neat at night. I go through about a bottle a week. More if I drink on weekends. I drink because honestly im not a huge fan of life but I aint a bitch and I go in like every man must. I wish I lived in the 50s and 60s where this was a common accepted attitude

Im recovered. Sobriety is something in grateful for everyday.

I never drink alone, only with friends, but it's every other day, I know it's not full blown alcoholism but I'm uncomfortable with how much I drink.

>not full-blown alcoholism

That varies per person. If it's causing you problems, you don't like it, and you can't stop your behavior, it doesn't matter how much or how often you drink, you fit the definition of alcoholic.

You can drink every day and not be an alcoholic, as long as it doesn't cause you problems.

t. binge quitter

>turn 21 a couple months ago
>haven't spent a night sober since

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Aye, drinking shitload of beer every Thursday-Sunday (included). Other days I try not to, at least not a shitload.

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lol, only months?

I spent my years from 19 to 24 drunk almost everyday. Got a huge depression because of lack of sleep when I was 23, but cutting toxic people, quitting fucking shit job and stopped drinking monday-thursday for sometime got me much better. I'm 25 now and only try to drink at weekends.

You're gonna be good.

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Struggled with drinking off and on for the past 12 years. At my lowest was drinking half a bottle of cheap bourbon every single night. Got it down now to drinking a maximum of 8 to 10 beers over the course of a week. Now Im working on getting that down to quitting almost entirely outside of special occasions.

30 year old boomer now, realize I wasted my late teens and 20's drinking. Graduated college this year and am in the best shape of my life.
It's hard but it gets better bros. Dont give up.

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I average around 10 beers a night. Sometimes I'll only have one or two but I have an 8-16 beer night 3-4 nights a week.

Female detected

>drink a significant amount nearly every day
>get concerned think I might be an alc
>go completely dry for a week
>not a single sign of withdrawal no sweats, tremors, vomiting, not even a headache
After that I thought withdrawals were just a meme until a friend of mine started having seizures when he quit. Either I'm lucky as fuck or you have to truly drink at the next level to get physical dependency.

Try taking a probiotic like Align. I had the same issue.

>drinknwone and vodka when you first wake up.
Dude, you need help

Can you degenerate fags get off my fitness board? Best day of my life when you got banned from /ck/

/alch/ got banned from /ck/? Fuck I haven't been there in at least a year but I loved those threads.

Nobody cares about how you take a shit. Keep some things to yourself.
Just so you know, you overshare.

I drink about three to four beers a night.

I'm usually just chilling, making music or something. Gf works late mon-Wed so I've started drinking later.

It's gotten better but I'd like to cut the frequency down. It's just a go-to. Get home. Shower. Have a few beers. Eat and pass out.


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It's not your fitness board pal. If you don't like the thread, close it and move on.
If you have a problem doing that, go see professional help, you arev a mental defect.

>is genetically prone to alcohol addiction
>consciously makes it a habit to drink every day
You deserve to wreck your body and your life.

I bet it was the best day of your life you pathetic neet

Put 2 shots of vodka in my protein shake before i hit the gym at 5am. Get tanked every night before i go to bed. I think at this point if I try to stop I'll just die.

From 1 beer/day before dinner wirh GF and maybe 4 during weekend, to zero now, i started three months ago.

The reason is GF broke with me and i don't feel, don't want to drink that beer alone now, feelings you understand. I know i could have sunk under alcool during this period but mental was strong enough.

I feel better now, also alcool made me do some little shit with her sometimes i'm sure.. I don't feel the need to drink anymore.

Also was not that much into strong alcool..

Oh and i said zero in three months, but i had just one with my dad for his birthday..


79 days sober here. I've come a long way guys. I used to down a bottle of vodka a day but 79 days ago I realized I'd hit rock bottom and decided I need to change or I was gonna drink myself into an early grave.

Sup mike

>be doctor
>after job go to the gym
>friday and saturday be drunk and drugged all day
>fuck whores who I pick up at techno parties
it does bore me tbqh

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Sorry, not mike.

Any of you alcoholic friends have trouble getting rid off viscelar fat? I am on maintenance, stopped drinking like I used to (only once a week/2 weeks atm), have visible abs but my belly is fucking bloated all the time, proly because I used to drink every other day in the past. How fix this?

I'll let you know in three weeks. Going on vacation and don't intend on drinking much. How much does beer cost in Croatia? If it's wicked cheap then plans off I'm going to lose all my gains and get shitfaced every night. If it's as expensive as the rest of Europe then I'm going to be dry.

My dad was an alcoholic but somehow I just never got addicted to it. I drink at most a few drinks on weekends.

Not passing judgement, but that shit will fuck you up so better to not go down the road in my opinion.


Used to get drunk almost every night until I started taking kratom. Now I'll rarely have more than 2 drinks in a night. Lost quite a bit of weight and feel way healthier. It's also cheaper

Croatia is cheap as fuck dude

do u get high from kratom?

yeah, you can depending on the dosage you take. The first time I ever took it it felt like I took a couple hydrocodones, but after you develop a tolerance it's more just extremely comfortable without being impaired.

are any of you guys terrified of what might be happening to your liver?

Drinking doesn’t really do shit to the liver. It’s just jew fear mongering.

>Jow Forums
>relatively healthy in other aspects of your life.

How new are you?

heavy habitual drinking will hurt the liver.

Define heavy and define habitual.

Yeah, and smoking doesn't really do shit to your lungs either.

>2 years sober
like night and day

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How do/did you guys do it? I feel weak, get joint pain and shit if I spend a day drinking


I'm minutes away from going out and getting tanked.

Alcohol ruined two of my relationships too, one with a girl who I still love and miss four years and several relationships later.

Driving while drunk is a scummy thing to do though. Just fucking walk, catch the train or have someone drive you.

pls don’t driver user
be safe
we’ll be here for you when you return

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