Hey Jow Forums

Hey Jow Forums
I have decided that 2/3/4/5 is for pussies.
So i'm going for 3/4/5/6.

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Good luck with that.

You're gonna fucking need it.

post 100kgs ohp or gtfo

I haven't even reached a 60kg yet

why bother with setting goals for 140 kgs when you can't push even half of it?

nice. that's the spirit boy

It breaks down at that point to be honest. A 3 plate strict press is far more impressive than a 6 plate deadlift

Reminder that lmao3pl8 ohp puts you in the top 2% on this godforsaken planet

2.5/3.5/5/6.5 Seems more realistic desu

Wtf I didn't say desu I said desu

yeah well fuck you. I'm going for 5/6/7/8

>Top 2%
So you're trying to tell me that 1 in 50 people can OHP 3pl8's? No way, more like top 0.002%

i think you meant to say top .00002%

even that might be generous

yeah lol now that I think about it

that's your problem you fucking retard, you don't think, you just post.

shut the FUCK up fag

Tfw already have 2 of those

>top 2%
there's not even that many people with a 3pl8 ohp that come to my mind right now
klokov, berestov, SHW weightlifters, kevin oak and maybe larry wheels, you see what kind of elite level athlete we're talking about
even most elite powerlifters with 5+pl8 benches don't get close to 3pl8 because they don't train it enough

Imagine being this retarded

Get a load of this fucking idiot.

thats mean user

It's semi-required if you want to be a competitive strongman at 231 or open (though there's a few guys with relatively shitty strict presses but enough skill/speed to get away with it). A handful of the big guys can do 405 without a push.

>Jow Forums - fitness
no homo

okay yeah sure, of course all strongmen too
but to think that this small pool of heavyweight to superheavyweight weightlifters, roidmaxxed powerlifters and strongmen makes up any sizable pool of the general population is hilarious.
Thinking of it, I doubt ANYONE in my small country (switzerland) can OHP 3pl8, as we don't have strongman scene nor big weightlifting scene, and even the most roided up bodybuilders don't come close to that without specific PL training

Same big Guy. We're gonna make it

suck my dick niggers

desu you said desu

I'm aiming for

>"klokov, berestov, SHW weightlifters, kevin oak and maybe larry wheels"
>forgetting about literally every single pro strongman on earth
but yeah it's still probably much less than a one in a million thing. ffs even a 60kg clean and strict press is like top 1%

>ffs even a 60kg clean and strict press is like top 1%

Attached: hysterical-laughing-gif-9.gif (320x240, 1.06M)

compared to the whole population it actually is
average adult man presses something between 40-50 kg for 1RM, and that's the not out of shape ones. Modern Söyboys get to 30-35 kg at most

not OP.
I've done 86kg for 3.
still, I'd even go as far as saying most people *in gyms* can't strict press 60kg


A friend told me that he saw a guy strict pressing 130 kgs for 2 reps at his gym, then he did another rep but while pushing with the knees.

>Thinking of it, I doubt ANYONE in my small country (switzerland) can OHP 3pl8
eyyyy brudi
you might be correct now, but not in a few years
because i am absolutely going to press 3pl8

isn't ninjatyler 13 year-old natural bodybuilder swiss though?

2/3/4/5 puts you in the top 1% of humanity


Can everyone here stop talking in metric so i dont have to go and translate every post. Reminder that Jow Forums is an american website.

always thought he was from some ex soviet country, he jokingly says switzerland but it might just be because he likes the country
>1% of humanity
far less than that. Maybe 1% of the training population is more accurate