Soy in everything

What the fucking fuck Jow Forums
>Go to supermarket
>grab bread
>look at ingredients
>wheat flour, salt, shit.... ONIONS FLOUR
>fuck it
>just go around the sweets corner
>grab dark choclate
> cocoa powder, sugar... ONIONS
>fuck it
>grab onions beans

tl;dr user went shopping and realised every basic product has onions in it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Daves Killer Bread is really good as soi free bread

What did I miss? I was here a few months ago and everything was about onions and now the last few days I've been seeing anons post about how bad onions are?

try typing S.O.Y. or S.O.Y.boy

Good thing onions literally has 0 negative impact on ANY anabolic or hormonal and overall health parameter.

"Presenting data now at #ACSM2018
showing no significant effects of onions protein supplementation on estrogen physiology, body fat, or the hypertrophic response to resistance training in young men after 12 weeks of supplementation and training."

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what the fucking fuck why did it censor s.o.y


>Be French
>Bread has no soï on it
>Chocolate has no soï in it
>Nothing bar the vegan shit has soï in it
Feels good

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Just make your own bread. You shouldn't be eating too much of the stuff anyway so you make a loaf once a week.

Also there is nothing wrong with soi I'm a vegan and stronger than most of the cucks here

Someone super trigger ass mad and admin to the point where SOI got word filter.

I’ve noticed this too, there’s even S.O.Y in fucking oats

>Be French

post boobs


Food is way better than pretty much any yuro country and the us.

Yeah but youre french

Tbf i never found soi in anything in stores. At best you'll find a soi milk and its like 5 times more expensive than normal milk n

Nuke Iowa. It's the only way to be sure

Lol hiroshimoot forgot to filter the title.

You think that's bad, imagine being allergic to that stuff and corn, I can't eat basically 90% of the stuff in the supermarket.

Be Mexican. Nothing but meat grease and corn. I wish I could get some lean defatted soi protein.

Have you not been here for the last 2 months?





>be basically anywhere outside MURRICA!
>have real bread
>and it doesn't have s.o.y
>grab dark chocolate
>it doesn't have s.o.y
>grab s.o.y
>it doesn' have any s.o.y


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onions = s.o.y
basedboy = s.o.y.b.o.y
onion = o.n.i.o.n



gimme summadat onion tho

Haha dumb insecure males
Their bodies can't fight a little of strogen

Backed your own bread. Literally two parts flour one part water and some yeast. Mix it and let it rise in the bowl for a few hours. Put on a pan, second rising optional, 25min at 350F.

>get bombed

onions and garlic are a god tier pair. I hope you never make gains.

>Not buying the can of oats that says ingredients: oats.

it's in your whey brah take a look at the label

there are lean meats and cabbage in Mexico , stop being lazy Juan Pico Rivera. learn to cook

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Fuck bros I need a cutie gf aready



fucking onions

Can you read nigger? S-o-y group had statistically significant lower test levels than whey group. Not even going to start on the kikery involving the use of untrained Males....

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make your own bread dude its easy as shit and taste awesome

wtf are you taking about? Mexico is great for getting quality food for little money

You stay out of my state. Nuke Minnesota, home of the basedboys.

this thread is propaganda

>do steriods
>take phrama grade anti-estrogen every night
>never have to worry about onions

Why haven't you hopped on the gear train yet boys? Its really not a big deal once you're on it.



The filter doesn't bother me desu
It carries the same meaning
mods can't kill an idea


>Be french
>be faggy enough already without soi

No onions in the title.

>make a loaf once a week
Alright faggot, let me learn you something. Homemade bread doesn't last a fucking week, it'll go stale and moldy before that without all the preservatives. Bread is typically made every day to every other day.

Nice try protein chef. Il stick to my normal bread you fucking manlet


How's your gyno faggot ?

Yeah lad, I made bread and it lasted 2-3 days before becoming too hard and stale

Freeze it nigga

Anons wouldn't shut the fuck up about it

>tfw no memelord gf

Is this the peak of female form? I can't imagine a better body and face than this

no, she's short

i think I would pay a grand to suck on those big mutt milkers desu

onions are anti-estrogenic you fucking autistic cunt

What is the (((real reason))) sóy been censored?

ah, the true bane of anyone's existence.
>find the perfect qt 3.14
>her dad is a manlet & overall very feminine.

I dont want my kids to have the chance of being short or ugly. I want to give them the best shot I can at having a perfect life.


who gives a fuck faggot
onions isn't the reason you're a beta low test bitch

yeah but if i type in onions will it come out as onions?

Who dis?

Sopa de ajo


>he thinks being short is in any way unattractive

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because zoyboy quickly became an obnoxious, watered-down meme insult that meant nothing but still managed to pop up literally everywhere on this website because you troglodytes aren't intelligent enough to avoid watering your own jargon down.

Just look at the word faggot. After just a few months of making us call each other candyassgots, that word shows up decidedly less often on Jow Forums across the board, albeit still being present. With any luck, the same thing is going to happen to s o y so that discussion on Jow Forums won't just be "I DISAGREE, YOU'RE A ZOYBOY FAGGOT REE"

weakest castle, tower is best

Fuck yeah, another iowa brah! Where at breh? I'm in North liberty/ coralville

its not $0¥ that makes people like that, its beer and plastic

A mere coincidence, gentiles.


Basically people forced a shitty meme, and now there's a wordfilter. Retarded jackasses think this is EPIC 4 TEH LULZ, and pretty much everyone else wishes it was possible to put everyone under the age of 20 on a single IP subnet and then range ban the whole fucking thing.

Can't be true, basedboy.

fucking basedboy

Stop blaming onions for your inability to control yourself and work out properly/get swole.

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who is this girl?

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>she is brazillian



Basedboys basedboy onions

Onions basedboy?

>Central de Abastos
>City Market
>Mercadito's on Sunday's
>food be cheap as fuck

Srs, you need to go full retard mode if you can't find quality food

Can't touch my onions, onionfags

just fucking die

brazil is whiiiiiite!

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