Rate her work out Jow Forums

Rate her work out Jow Forums

Attached: FarawaySilverClumber.webm (640x800, 2.48M)

I don't know, she's fat so it doesn't seem to work well.

hyper-lordosis / 10

Love me some hamsluts


Prepare for trouble. And make it double.


ahhh yes


there trying atleast

Attached: Sesdster.webm (1080x1920, 2.68M)

>If I run i'll lose weight XD

Someone please educate these bitches

Fat pig. Next

Most do it just for the video once its done they hope off that treadmill and hit the snacks

Attached: FlashyFormalKingfisher.webm (480x600, 1.34M)

my goodness

I’m checking these dubs

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Wow I love jiggly butts thanks for boner OP but Im 3 months into nofap so Ill save the test for workout later

Rate hers

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This gymthot trend of world only your legs/ass is pure cringe. I can't wait for the day that they realize they look fucking ridiculous, and eventually have issues due to upperbody/lowerbody muscle imbalance

working out*
not world

only fit one in this thread

I dont think shes using the equipment right

Attached: szdbeetle.webm (480x480, 1.83M)

>baboon ass
When will this shit stop?

>not holding weight up against chest
>probably not keeping centre of mass over heels
>doesn't hit depth for every rep
>probably has cellulite
0/10 user you can do better

ass too big

dirty nigger's making the gym smell like a ghetto

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Does this even work?

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is that from the new alien movie where the alien bursts from the ass fat?

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what's the point of wearing clothes at this point?

>cardio is ineffective at weight loss

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i mean that was just embarrasing

>the gym milf braphog is teasing you from across the free weight area again

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women at the gym are a crime kek
>"im going to dance with a band around my ankles, that sure is going to give me a nice body"

>increase your daily caloric expenditure by 200 calories while constantly eating at a 500 calorie excess
>lose weight
pick one

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Does she workout at McDonalds usually ?

hairy ass arms

there is no such thing as upper body lower body imbalance

working out only your lower body has only benefits , and in some ways is even better than working out everything since you weigh less from your upper body


Rip knees. She should use the elliptical first to burn off some of that lard.

Come on, Sauce?

Cardio should always be supplemented with weight training for effective weight loss.

The stick covers this. But that doesn't mean cardio is ineffective at weight loss. Especially depends on the form. Skipping for long periods is especially good as a high intensity exercise: IIRC its twice as effective as biking.

made for bbc

legs too widely spread, not going low enough, hip thrusting after going up for some reason
>doing more than 8 reps for anything
0/10 see me after clASS

>butt wink
>not going parallel

inevitable brown skilled children / 10


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>completely missing the point in every way possible

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La creatura de la jimnasio

>not having a valid point to begin with
You're basically saying cardio is useless if you still eat too much. When the goal is weight loss this true about any form of exercise you brainlet. And why you assume the person in the webm eats at a surplus still is beyond me. That's just autism at work I suppose.

9/10 desu

>And why you assume the person in the webm eats at a surplus
firstly learn to fucking write
secondly she's a fat bitch that's doing cardio instead of doing fork putdowns x failure
you're retarded stop replying to me

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>no real response
>you're dumb go away
Never gonna make it man. Shame

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i'm not the guy you're arguing with but

>she's ... doing cardio instead of doing fork putdowns x failure

you literally have ZERO (0) evidence that she is not on a diet as well. kys

Why is she making that face? Pathetic bitch.

>you don't know if she's eating at a surplus
>yes i do because of the stated reasons
literally 0 IQ

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>only 7 seconds on the battle ropes

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>what is inductive argument
we're not in court you brainlet

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Why does it seem like every exercise these bitches do is so they can take dick better?

Fucking sluts

I was on day 4 of NO FAP thanks guys

>asks me to leave him alone
>keeps responding
Is your brain on or..

Attached: 33547496_170143980327514_887204002696003584_n.webm (640x640, 2.91M)

>hurr we're not in court, so i can just make shit up if it serves my "argument".

this is your last (You). get check for autism.

Jello-butt be quakin'.


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her IG is sophiesselfies224 shes also 6 feet tall

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>doesn't know what an inductive argument is

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those are not mutually exclusive

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perfect form

These woman should be ashamed of themselves for leaving thier post at the undead asylum

Attached: Dat+ass+hehe+assylum+_79e3f6448604a6e1f98f6ed349a1ff83.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

why did she have to finish it off with shaking her ass. do women even want to be respected?

>also 6 feet tall
that bitch weighs WELL over 200lbs

Gotta get dat snu-snu

she's a big girl

thing is with different genetics she would have a huge gut.

>if things were different then things would be different

>The thing is though, if she was a man she would have a penis
Do you imbecile incels even listen to whats going on in your head?

This thread

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Imagine the smell

unironically this

thank you so much for this thread OP. great test boost.

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dirty whores and whore enablers

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For you


Except cyclists ride for 1.5-3 hours, good luck skipping more than 30 minutes

Shes a single mom
By the looks of it she was indeed made for bbc

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-06-01-19-02-384_com.instagram.android.png (1080x1920, 855K)

>snatching 55lbs and shaking your ass afterwards
Women were a mistake

>Single mother white brapphog with a 56% child and dreads

Make the stereotypes stop

>these creatures can vote


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t. homo

>If you don't worship thots you're gay!!

Attached: irish_fairway.jpg (500x281, 52K)

shes from la ofc she has a black baby its like jew central

Imagine humping it haha as a joke you know? It would be a funny prank