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Do aussies actually eat kangaroo?

Anyone else realize Zyzz physique is subpar after becoming Jow Forums? He is borderline ottermode and that's with gear.

>diet is by far the most important aspect
what about the roids

Still better than 90 percent of bodies posted here, and no I'm not a fanboy

Yes but this is a troll post

Not pictured: Gear taken

he's not huge but he's very lean and aesthetic. To suggest he's small is retarded since he's better looking than 75% of the populous anyways.

Was he always roided or was that something that came later?

You don't get from where zyzz was to where he stopped in less than 2 years user. He roided from the start.

It's delicious and lean. Like lamb with less fat and a bit more chewy

sub 5pl8 puller
would get mogged by random bloatmaxxers

imagine looking this good in open lighting. thats right homo, that awkward angle photo you have of yourself next to your fav mirror doesnt count

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How tf do you make time to eat 7 meals a day? What if you work? I don't think my boss would be too happy with me taking a 10 minute break to eat 5 times a day.

They're """""""""""meals"""""""""""""

aka just some shit you bring in a tin to work. CICO, timing doesn't mean shit.

Books, nigger. Read some. No point in getting Jow Forums if you're still retarded.

I really don't understand why so many people want to suck his decomposed dick. Most of what made him look good was his insertions, which are genetic. In terms of mass and leaness he wasn't even that good.

hur dur books ahah spelling lmao

go back to pleddit you fucking snowflake

>blames genetics
Zyzz looked very aesthetic brah. If you don't get that post body and we can see whats up.

You eat at your desk you fucking moron
protip: your boss does not give a fuck about what you do as long as you get your work done

ITT: fags that look DYEL call zyzz out for being small,

guarantee yall wouldnt be talking shit if he was alive today

You don’t gain weight with roids, do you?

You've obviously never worked with a micro-managing boss before.

>You don’t gain weight with roids, do you?
You have to be 18 to post here.

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roos are a pest in ausland. when I was there for study abroad I went hunting on dorm mate's ranch, if you can call it hunting. we just rolled all around the ranch and stopped the truck to shoot roos whenever we spotted some. meat is decent too, very tough and lean meat

OP's image is incomplete, where does it say what gear to cycle and how to explode your heart by the age of 22

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burra means female donkey in Spanish

Never tried roids in my life and barely know anything about them so bare with me.Some people say they’ve gained significant weight other say they’ve just burnt bf and no significant weight gain whatsoever.

roids aren't going to alter the fabric of reality to add mass when you aren't eating enough

Roids do increase muscle gain even at rest though. It's a fucking waste of time to roid if you're not exercising, but if you roid it will at-least increase your metabolism.

they can increase gains, yes, that's why you take them
but injecting yourself without eating isn't going to net you any muscle mass

thank you for sharing with the class

>I have never done cardio before
He was asking for it really.