I just spent like 3 hours at the gym, what the fuck is wrong with me? Highlights include

I just spent like 3 hours at the gym, what the fuck is wrong with me? Highlights include

250 lb rows
350 lb shrugs
275 lb RDLs
315 below the knee rackpull
like 30 pull ups
some biceps shit

jesus, there is no way I can do a PPxPP while lifting heavy and keeping the workout time low. I mean im seeing great results, but im pretty fucking sure 2-3 hours is overkill at my frequency, no?

you dudes doing PPL only do like 3x10 pump and fluff sets per muscle group or something? Designate heavy days vs volume days? I do heavy and volume the same day

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>he shrugs more than he deadlifts

lmao wtf

That row is disproportionately large for your rdl and rack pull

OP is prolly one of those twats that does everything with an inch ROM and thinks they're badass.

I'd fucking love to see 350 lb shrugs with proper form

I wasn't exactly looking for a stat critique since you don't know my training goals, but I also never mentioned if I was doing strict/cheat, nor did I put the amount of reps I did for each lift

Regardless, can somebody post what they usually do on their pull days? I wanna see how you can hit everything within an hour

I spend 24-30 hours a week at the gym lul, what’s the big deal about being there for 3 hours

If you can workout 2-3 hours and you aren't on roids then you either aren't working hard enough, are going catabolic, or, you're full of shit with your lifts and are cheating on reps.

Post body OP

Doing heavier shrugs than rack pulls(lmao) implies you're a retard who doesn't know what he's doing

3 hours? You're obviously NEET. Anyone who works 40+ hours a week would never spend that much time in the gym

Are your training goals to look like this?

Attached: 175D16A8-4C9E-4612-9A5B-B852764346D3.gif (287x409, 23K)

I don't put too much emphasis on my lower back because it fucks with the taper, I still train it, but I place much more emphasis on my lats and traps. Also for all you know I could have done 20 reps?? Im not really getting how you think sheer weight means anything, lol? Not only that, but you're exposing yourself as somebody who has never lifted heavy if you think im going to be able to go 100% of 1rm on lats, then on traps, then on lower back, then on hamstrings

post stats

>dont tell me what to do Jow Forums

Attached: 1524970342142.png (265x292, 114K)

>you dudes doing PPL only do like 3x10 pump and fluff sets per muscle group or something? Designate heavy days vs volume days? I do heavy and volume the same day

By managing your time correctly and efficiently.
For example on my Pull days I do:
3x5 Pendlay Row -5mins rest
3x8 Cable Row -3mins rest
3x5 Weighted Chinups -5min rest
3x8 Latpulldown -3min rest
4x12 Shrugs -2min rest
4x15 Facepulls 1min rest
5x15 bicep curls 1min rest

That's literally 1:30h of a good workout warmups excluded

you only need to be taking PEDs if all of that 2-3 hours is actually consumed doing heavy lifting the majority of the time (read: having an average HR above 70%). There’s plenty of other useful activities to do at the gym if you’re serious about becoming athletic or getting strong.

I'm sure everything was "cheat". If you're gonna Estat at least use believable numbers that make sense within themselves. Post a vid or you're just Larping.

>Anyone who works 40+ hours a week would never spend that much time in the gym

That’s just wrong mate, hang out with any intermediate level triathlon club for example

It's obviously very likely, using straps and using some sort of momentum. And he was listing romanian deadlifts which are way harder than the conventional variant

never gonna make it

5x5 some kind of row
3x10 delts
3x10 biceps
3x12 some fucking back excercise
3x10 latelal laises
3x10 curls for the burls
2x15 pulldowns

Takes me around 50 minutes.

Dude how did that take you 3 hours? I did 3 variations of bench, 3 tricep variations, chin ups, and flies in maybe an hour. Time your sets

So, doing exercise incorrectly and wasting everyone time including yourself by taking some long ass time in doing them. Dank