Jow Forums btfo
Jow Forums btfo
>pecks bigger than your boobs
I stopped reading there, never take a booblet seriously.
>be fit
>can cheat on this mediocre girl if you please
>nothing she can do about it
Jee I wonder why a mediocre female wants an even more mediocre male to latch onto
Titlets are worse people than dicklets and even manlets.
flat bitches are the most bitter cunts in existence
literally who
It all makes sense now...
Literally this.
Eugenics to breed out flat w*men WHEN?!
Doesn't even make a lot of sense. My gfs loved laying on my soft pecs and arm muscles, whereas they are going to be sitting on bone with a dadbod skinny fat.
Sour grapes regardless
>I can't keep a fit boyfriend so I have to settle for less and virtue signal to everyone
>implying I lift for women
another jewish trick REEEEEE
Get fit lads fr dont listen to the jewish tricks, don't drink onions do not focus on lower body workouts and raise your T
Who cares about the opinion of some literally who roastie.
This isn't female cope just cold hard numbers, she knows that most men are not carrying a 6 pack so appealing to them from likes and attention will only net a minority of attention. She knows most men are out of shape so by appealing to them she will have more customers. If you want to sell more tickets you appeal to the lowest common denominator.
>Lifting for women insteat for Jesus
Never gonna make it
No, it really is just sheer cope. "Too hard to attain and maintain that great in shape guy so I'm going to try to convince myself (and others) that the mass of average dudes are just as good".
She already gets hit on by that mass of average dudes. She wants her life to be easy enough to just pick one rather than have to try for a higher value guy.
>lifting for jesus instead of lifting for your waifu
Not gonna make it
Translation: I got cheated on by a chad and am never going to do better than him
jesus is my waifu
(no homo jesus if you read this)
>lifting for your waifu instead of lifting for your bros
not gonna make it
>Stupid thot says something obviously stupid.