MtF Working out

I'm a trans woman who's been on hormone replacement therapy for 1 year already who wants to get a more feminine body shape.

Any exercises to recommend? Should I avoid exercises like push-ups and bicep curls?

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3x8 squats on my dick. no homo

rope hangs x F

>wants to be a woman
>hasn’t put any effort into the physical state besides hormones for a full year

you’ll make a great woman and an even better corpse when you finally end your life prematurely

I said do the opposite of what Jews say! You... well you didn’t do that user. Anyway, I’d do neck work son. You want a strong neck so you don’t snap your shit and die instantly. You want to suffocate with enough time to feel the shame of your ancestors washing over you in waves, until it feels like their disappointment is killing you rather than the lack of air.

Of course you could be one of the 50% of mentally ill democrat freaks that doesn’t kill themselves. That could be a goal. Best of luck to you.

Unrelated. Isn’t odd that teams freaks and bigger vote for the same policitical party? A nigger would curb stomp you to death on sight in the hood. Well hell, you freaks would probably be jacking it the whole time.

Why did you waste time and effort into getting left pic bod when you knew all the gains will go away once you put on the hormones?

Not my actual body just a pic I found.

Strongly avoid upper body work as bulky arms/shoulders/chest are the last thing you want.

Focus mostly on core and legs with an emphasis on glutes and hams for thicc feminine legs.

Eat a diet high in söy, don't get too lean though, you'll wanna shoot for ~15-17% bodyfat.

Post a pic qt.

A lot of people will look to alternative solutions to transitioning. Working out problems with social life, finding new hobbies, trying to improve the body they have.

Nice OP, what age did you start? Just do cardio and avoid upper body and core exercises. Want to make yourself bottom heavy so work on your legs.

I honestly don't understand how youre supposed to grow old as a tranny? Do they not plan that far ahead??