>I don't take protein, i am NATURAL
>proceeds to down proccessed food from grocery stores for 50% of his daily caloric intake
>nigga what.jpg
Shit DYEL fags say
Nicholas Watson
Other urls found in this thread:
Nolan Rogers
>yea just do SS+GOMAD bro
Nathaniel Martinez
>i'll have a good physique without steroids
Bentley Johnson
>Yeah I browse Jow Forums
Easton Perez
>focus on the "big" three bro
Chase Reyes
>Jow Forums told me to do SS + GOMAD to get a good physique without roids
Parker Gray
>squats are bad for your back
>dont wanna get too big
>women dont like muscles
>Tobey Maguire was on steroids
>whey is dangerous
>just wanna get toned
Michael Turner
>I don't take protein, i am NATURAL
nobody says that. people know what protein is. underestimating "muh masses" makes you sound like a massive neckbeard.
Nathan Stewart
Except they do, faggot
Jordan Jenkins
>isolations are useless
>i want a six pack
>i only bench once a week