Tfw chronic disease

>tfw chronic disease
Never gonna make it

Attached: crohn.png (1288x1004, 1.35M)

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Fucking bitch man up its all in your head


I don't know what the fuck that is but if it's a gut inflammation problem then there are countless ways to solve inflammation.
Fish oil, Wim Hof method, cut out dairy and gluten, turmeric + black pepper. Take digestive enzymes to help. Done.

Crohns is a little more extreme. I had a friend with it and she tried almost everything. She had a diet now that limits attacks, but ultimately is still at the mercy of her condition.

>took accutane as a teenager
>just waiting for the crohn's to strike

gotta enjoy my life while I can

More like crohnic disease.
For real though I sympathize, it's one of those things where you gotta sit down and reflect, realize that no, we're not ALL gonna make it, brahs, and pour one out for ya.

diet bro. Gonna have to experiment with it go low carb to start with.

Also get some weed cbd oil specifically that doesnt get you high and try that. Helps with the pain a ton

Father has psoriasis, one of his cousin has psoriasis and crohn's disease, I have crohn's disease. Shit genes run in my family, I will not make children.

I have schizophrenia so I don't want to hear you complain


> all these 'its diet bro' responses

Dude has bigger issues. Just look at that gyno.

Sucks man. I've got it too, every time I get properly back into the gym to lift weights I get smashed by it again and end up with another 3+ months of recovery after a surgery.

It's an auto-immune disease.

nice gyno fag

i have the same thing. they say its from stress but i tried to meditate and diet and this shit keeps coming in water-like form

Chronic autoimmune diseases can be fixed with literally laundry detergent:
If you don't live in a free country and can't buy borax, just chug a bunch of boron pills.

Works for psoriasis, too.


just fast dude

ITT: Bitches

Is supplementing with borax the new meme equivalent of making home made crystals?

Dumb meme


I have the disease under control with the help of meds. Just don't eat spicy food and eat healthy. Don't eat anything fried. Also try taking LDS and fasting for that day. That helped me for some reason.

It's also important to decrease your cortisol levels. The adrenal gland produces corticosteroids and cortisol. When it's producing cortisol it can't make corticosteroids so your inflammation can't heal. Try meditating and Wim Hof method, exercise is also good.

Meds work for some but not for all. For sure I'd be a hundred times worse off without them but even on them I get issues. Like the other year I had a fistula join up two bits of my colon back together and ended up in surgery again. Not really anything you can do about that it's just down to luck.

Not eating spicy food when you have ulsers I'd have thought is common knowledge but you're right some people don't get it.

Be careful. The levels that some of these sites promote is pretty high.

I put my mother on 5mg/d when she was diagnosed with osteoporosis, took her off her calcium supplements as well because that shit is overrated and associated with an increase in all cause mortality. She spontaneously reported to me after a few months that her frequent hot flashes were gone. We took her down to 3mg/day.

When she went to get her estrogen refilled they ended up putting her on the lowest dose because her levels were higher than they'd ever been. At her follow-up for the bone density checks her osteoporosis diagnosis wasn't appropriate any longer. She made no changes to her diet then or since other than eliminating milk and going back to Her Mountain Dew for breakfast. Her diet is shit. Despite living in the mother-in-law apartment in our house on our farm, she won't eat my nutritious home grown food. Instead I have to heat up a Banquet TV dinner for her.
>pic related
I have a freezer chest full of these fuckers.

>Not eating spicy food when you have ulsers
>2018 AD
>still not treating ulcers as an infection

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I had endocarditis from sharing a needle with a stripper and little shits dug holes in my heart valves. I'll probably leave humanity behind soon and have access to pianomans REAL routines. Gonna get fuckin jacked and arm wrestle him instead of sit here not making it and sadposting

>/B/ grew up and started a website
Proud t B h

Can girls with crohns or ibs not do anal? I’m thinking about dating one but that would be a dealbreaker

Then get some other meds if you aren't on bio meds yet. If you are on bio meds be careful because switching them can make them less effective.

The Wim Hof method shows a lot of promise for managing those types of things.

Depends where the inflammation is located. It can be found in any area of the intestines, so she can have an inflamed stomach or an inflamed anus. It's different for every person.

I have rheumatoid arthritis and Celiac disease.

I took pretty quick action and got the RA under control even before starting meds. Followed Autoimmune Paleo diet and that seemed to work. I haven't had a flair in 2 years but I still take meds just to be sure. Celiac is easy to treat, you just have to be a gluten free fag for the rest of your life.

Has she tried fasting?

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Unlock think mode

>being vulnerable to psychosomatic diseases
man up

Wats /B/?

Unlock twink mode

damn, feel your fuckin pain bro

>ulcerative colitis bro checking in

whey gives me the worst fucking flares

Have you tried yoga, meditation, plant based diet, and fasting :-)

No direct link bro

i have crohns, i've had it for 12 years, i've made it, first 3 years was a snowball of badness though, too tired to do shit lead to not exercising, not exercising lead to being even more tired and so on, that was a cunt to break

but as i got used to living with it i knew what foods i could and couldn't eat and what shit helped, like a yakult every morning did wonders

on 200mg azathioprine and 4.8g mesalazine a day now, haven't had a huge flare up in years

>plant based diet
Aka malnourishment

Shut up

Attached: >tfw psoriasis.jpg (500x500, 115K)

Anyone here have ulcerative colitis? I don't have to use the restroom a lot like some people, I just have bloody poops but I'm on medicine for it. I keep forgetting to take my fucking suppositories though

I have crohn too. 150mg azathioprine everyday. No flare since 2013. Stay strong, bros!

What kind of benefits can one gain from supplementing borax? Besides healing osteoporosis obviously

dry fasting and fruit only diet... resume normal life when dis-ease has dis-appeared.

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>If only HACK COUGH I had enough strength to lift some weights, then my cancer would be cured.

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If only there was a lifestyle change cure-

Oh wait there fucking is

I cured that with keto, user.

Plant based is the worst you can do with Crohn's, you cunt. Fiber tears the bowel apart.


Enjoy your lethal inflammation

The authors of that study are retards for allowing honey, it's just as bad and arguably worse than other sugars.

To be fair to them, they were going off the AIP diet as it is commonly practiced, in an attempt to see if this fad was really working.

And boi was it fucking working

Fiber is good if you are in remission. But in a flare up it's the worst thing.

No, boron is a mineral that your body uses which many people are deficient in due to soil depletion. Borax aka boron salt (sodium tetraborate) is sold as a cleaning product, but it has other uses. Similar to baking soda.

Testosterone gains.

There's also a potential link to insulin, insulin resistance can increase inflammatory responses

im 2 lazy to read everything, have crohns for 20 years, I found a diet that almost cured me, quality of life way better.

its called IBD-AID, it was discovered by University of Massachusetts Medical School.

if u have crohns my calprotectin levels were between 800-1300 and after literally 6 weeks follow the diet 100% I was down to 15 or less on calproctectin.

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thats the stuff fighting back mate, get through it and all is well


Seriously go 7 days on water/salt only and you will cure your condition

If you're eating your veggies then there would be no real reason the supplement as you should be getting sufficient levels through your food. Root crops would be the highest qty, followed by leaf, then flower and fruit... generally.

A study done on untrained individuals showed an increase in free testosterone, but another study of a bunch of novices beginning a body building (with boron supplemented and placebo groups) found no difference in the testosterone gains between the test and control groups.

My mother's case is an outlier in the scope of this board because she eats like shit, drinks mountain dew, and watches TV.

I was diagnosed with Chrohns 13 years ago. After I went keto 11 years ago it disappeared overnight and hasn't returned.

According to my new physician who I've been seeing since I went keto, suspects it was my heavy reliance on coconut oil as a fat during my transition. But I haven't bought or used it in a long while. I've just stayed keto.

Just get your colon removed.
Its the only real cure for crohns.

Learn what disease you are talking about idiot.

No large scale RCT has ever demonstrated diet having a major effect on crohns. OP disregard most of this thread, stick to your medication and hold out for better. Go fraud, you've been dealt a shit hand might as well make it even.

I like to lift and I have chronic fatigue syndrome... Life is a whore