> be me
> 6'1 barefoot, 185.9 cm exactly
> girls think I'm 6'4 or 6'3 with shoes
> start LARPing as 6'3 now
is this too much or is it fine? do you larp about your height too
> be me
> 6'1 barefoot, 185.9 cm exactly
> girls think I'm 6'4 or 6'3 with shoes
> start LARPing as 6'3 now
is this too much or is it fine? do you larp about your height too
Other urls found in this thread:
Being just a few inches taller than your partner is the best imo. How do you even function in everyday life with a gap that huge?
Always say 1-2 inches above what your height is and .5-1 inches above what yout dick size is.
Do you know why sloots never go into stem? Its because they suck at measurements. This gives you the freedom to tell then that you're taller than you actually are.
Back pain.
>source: dated a 5'1" chick for a while.
Manlets lie about their height, so why can't we?
no point in being tall with average looks, you're only dragging more attention into your subhuman 5/10 face this way
205 cms
Larp as a 6'4'' cuz body insecurities
Started lifting because of it
Never had a girl, but I kinda am attracted more to smaller girls, I like to fantasize about throwing them around and holding them up in bed, since I'm a pretty big guy.
>think I'm 174cm high
>pretty proud of being the same height as Hitler
>have to get measured for university graduation gown
>get mom to measure me with tape measure
>replies 68
>just fucking end me, 168cm
>contemplate suicide feeling like my whole life has been a lie and that I'm sub 170cm
>mind engages 30 minutes later and I think hang on a sec did she mean 68 inches
>check tape measure 68 inches = 173.5 cm
>realise she read out inches instead of cm
>sense of relief that I'm not sub 170
So yeah feeling pretty fucking good right now lads.
I never knew how much I liked being at least 170 before I had it taken away for 30 minutes
Did you at least bang a lot of hairy sluts?
Yes, because of Jow Forums. I'm saying I'm 1M83 when I'm obviously only 1M82.
>wanting to cuck your future son by reproducing with a midget
the mother of my children 5'10" at minimum
>68 inches
>5' 8
yeah you should just end it
So what you are inferring is that the human population will die out because most people are not fit to reproduce just by the factor of height.
dad; 5'10''
mom; 4'11
me; 6'4''
I don't know how height genes work, but it's not as simple as averaging your parents
see above
you look like your """""mom""""" or no?
>tell people I'm 5'10 to make manlets feel bad
Height of the mother is not a big factor in male offspring height. Too lazy to sauce atm.
Female height does not matter if you're not a literal midget or a giant.
you usually show the genes of your grandparents. if you marry a normal hight grill, changes that one of your two kids to be and stay a small prick are big
>6'4 220lbs
>never hold hands with a girl
>how tall are you user?
>u-uh 5'10
>what...i'm 5'10 and you're way taller
>y-you too
>a thread died for this
Women have at least a dozen methods of taqqiya, men should level field.
>Too lazy to sauce
that means it's a blatant lie.
If there is a huge height difference each kid is a dice roll.
Jesus christ
How did she utterly obliterate what looks to be her sister in that pic
>be me
I'm going to kill myself.
>just compensate by becoming a gazillionaire!
I'm going to kill myself
Fuck you
I'm 5'1
Just fuck you.
Yeah im 5'10 and get away with 6ft
Unless you're body has poor proportions you can usually get away with 2 or so inches
Pls be a grill
Nope, Just got a condition that stunted my growth when I was a kid so I practically never aged past 12, I'm 22 years old and I still look exactly the same as I did.
Shit sucks
>I'm 5'1
*Corners you in a dark alley and have my way with you*
You do realise you condition is caused by lack of GH and test, right? And that your idiot parents should have gotten you perscription roids+gh when you were 13?
How do you read the measuring tape so you can measure yourself?
iktf even though i'm a few inches taller than you
life sucks and then you die
Pics for proof?
Cover yourself in paint and run into a wall
Then you pull out a measuring tape and measure the height of the silhouette
>6'0 or 6'1, don't feel like checking fuck you
>Absolutely love girls that are my height or taller
>They're nonexistent, only ever knew once and she was 6'5
>Just want mini-gts qt3.14 gf
Who else feels this way?
Same here. Love me some amazon snu snu.
That fucking feel user
>6'2", want qt 6' gf to wrap her legs around my whole house
Yes. When women say they want 6 ft tall guy they actually mean 5'10. They're too dumb to tell the difference IRL.
>sociopathy: the post
6'5 checking in, when I am out I usually tell the girls who ask that I am like 6'1 tops. really pisses off the other smaller guys there
>not saying you're barely 6' so manlets get upset
Yeah it's random. My dad is 6'1" or 6'2", my mom is 5'6", I'm 5'11". I look exactly like my dad did at my age but not as tall.
Mom: 5’11
Dad: 6’5
Me: 6’6
Any of you 6’0 & abovers get tired of midgets asking you how y’all you are? I just say I’m 5’11 and they actually believe me. They’re Hispanic btw.
I guess I got really. Both grandparents were sub 5’8 on dads side feelsfoodman
>mfw 5ft 9.5” but day I’m 5ft 10”
>cousins all giants minimum of 6'2
>was bulimic during puberty like a retard
>only 5'8
I played myself
i’m bang on 6ft and my gf is bang on 5ft
she thinks our heights are perfect
I am 180cm and just call it 6'
1.87cm but Jow Forums made me insecure about my height despite that for whole my life i was totally confident that i am tall. FUCK YOU.
6 ft male + 5ft woman (equivalent to 5ft5 man) leads to male offspring that is 5'8.5" on average (mean value of the bell curve with which it will be distributed).
This is while just taking your two heights into account, there's a better estimate with more heights (parents, grand parents) involved, but you're kinda setting yourself up for manlet sons that will hate you for that
this fucking guy is actually proud of the fact he's 5'8"
Lol Manlet when you reach 200cm then you can feel good about yourself
shut up lanklet i will fight you
you forgot 6'3"
>tfw we killed a mole with an excavator today
I'm 6'5 and I larp as 6'4 because I think it looks better and sounds better
Yes it is, my dad is like 5ft7.5 and my mother is 5ft10, both me and my brother are 6ft1+
>inb4 cuck lole
How do you get the doctor to measure your height and weight? Just ask?
Yes? They won’t mind
desu I agree.
6'4 is prime NFL QB height that gets pussies wet
Everyone forgets 6'3" :(
6'1 is pretty much medium height honestly
Trips of truth 6'3 is like that cool uncle that only shows up at Christmas to bang your mom
Yoga can help stretch your spine and help you gain some height