How the fuck do I quit caffeine?

Seriously how the fuck do you quit this shit. It's easier to quit crack.

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Maybe you should try crack then.


caffeine is not even bad tho

Caffeine? Oh you mean mummy’s feel good juice.

>It's easier to quit crack

Www lad

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snort hot chocolate powder

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i did this recently after years of drinking coffee

>finished all coffee in house so no temptation
>bought 2 weeks worth of earl grey
>drank it on a slightly declining amount that i drank coffwe
>bought 2 weeks worth of green tea
>by second week i was down to 1 cup a day
>finished supply, had no withdrawls, no cravings

pussy just fast and all your cravings will go away.


Currently breaking my addiction with caffeine pills. They take longer to fully kick in so you get less of a crash. Also let’s you track intake better. Started off with one 200mg pill once a day, then a quarter twice a day. Feel great now. I feel as energized without caffeine as I used to when I was drinking coffee.

strong cope

I never drink caffeine. I only drink water and the occasional beer.

Pussy. Just stop taking it.

Start taking Amphetamines instead.

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A man of culture

You just stop drinking it and deal with feeling like shit for a few hours. However I picked the habit back up recently, it's too much fun.

good for u bro do u want that medal in the mail or in person

in my b.hole


Just stop

Just water it down a little bit more each day. By day 5 your cup should be around 90% water and 10% whatever shit you drink