Post your lunch or dinner

Post your lunch or dinner.

Bet you don't have Omega 3s and quick absorbing calcium like me.

Wtf are you doing with your life.

Attached: IMG_20180606_164643.jpg (3264x2448, 1.78M)

what the fuck are YOU doing with your life

De novo lipogenesis evangelion

>simple carb
user please don't be retarded

Get better Tupperware ffs. You either live with your grandma or a third world shithole that passes down it’s dishes

>600 calorie meal
>"bet you dont have omega 3s and quick absorbing calcium like me"



Attached: 7382b442.png (645x729, 42K)

lmao this looks like something a lonely 75yo widower would make for himself.

Only 20 carbs relax bro dude chill out man cool down