Why does this trigger retards so hard?

What is it about bread that triggers retards so hard? There's zero evidence whole grain bread is unhealthy, yet retards have to pop into every single thread where bread is brought up and screech about how bad it is for you.

Why are you so upset with bread and grains you dumb fucking Ketards?

Attached: Bread.png (800x800, 536K)

Other urls found in this thread:



american bread is made with sugar and corn syrup and its shit.
If its made from just regular flour and maybe some added seeds etc - its just like rice or pasta

>(((whole grain)))

Bet you have a fat belly op

It hardly has any nutritional dietary value. Any nutrition in bread can be derived from healthier ingredients. It's okay in moderation -- the only meal you should have bread is with lunch.

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k*toids are retarded.
Nothing new.


Bread is junk food.
Prove me wrong.
I dare you.

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Once upon a time, in a bountyful land
with people all healthy and strong
walked a farmer with a sack in his hand
and on his lips the following song:

"Begone, begone, filthy grain jew
Nobody, nobody really needs you
That's why I collect your fruits all day long
So before spring sets they will be gone"

And in his sack he collected all the grains
to stop the useless carbs to ruin his gains
But alas! The grain jew heard him sing
And thought: "Oy vey! Diabetes I must bring!"

Swiftly like a rat he jumped on the farmer's back
And with his sneaky claws he cut open the sack
And on the way home, all over the field
grain seeds fell out and carbs did they yield

People too stupid to watch what they eat
Saw the sugar as a desired treat
And gorged themselves, no body was save
And all they got was fat and an early grave

Thus ends the tale
Of the filthy grain jew
Beware what you eat
Or it'll happen to you

The farmer however, he was very smart
He know about the jew's evil black art
Instead of oats, he had some goats
Meat and butter and a healthy heart

And whenever he sees someone fat
I can promise you that he gloats

Attached: 1492683612027[1].jpg (1386x1422, 285K)

Because people get "full" and "bloated" when they consume bread, so they assume its making them fatter.

Fun fact: People actually use to think water made you fat if you drank too much (because of how it bloats you if you drink too much)

Gluten is demonstrably terrible for you

Ketofags are literally retardeds.


You don't need to be on keto to know bread is fucking garbage. I eat rice all the time.

>bread is fucking garbage
>I eat rice all the time


>unironically thinking all carbs are bad for you
>unironically thinking no carbs are bad for you
One of those applies to you and either way you're retarded.
Maybe look at Asian diets and how they eat fuckloads of rice themselves, despite their obesity rate being drastically lower than Western countries.

>Eating medium protien 1lb per body weight roughly not lean mass
>Increase carbs to around 200-300g a day
>lowered fat intake from 60-100g a day to 20-40g

I'm losing weight I don't know what to do.

you faggots just dont know how to buy bread. you dont buy that brand white fluffy bread, you buy it from a bakery that fresh brown bread or whole bread. ofc ameritards dont know any of that and go to a gas supermarket and talk shit about their bread

Well if bread is good for your heart, like you suggest, then how come my stomach hurts when I eat ant entire loaf of it?
If anything it makes my chest feel light and the doom gets dizzy.
Honestly they should stop Malik bred out of grains and instead make it out of wheat or cotton or something that comes naturally made and processed.

>lowered fat intake
Don't do that

its unneeded

Most people here are amerimutts and their """bread""" is something totally different than bread in other parts of the word.


>T. retarded dyel faggot

rent free

>complex carbs
>or complex carbs
whether or not you think carbs are bad or not is irrelevant, either way you're retarded because nutritionally they're essentially the same

>they eat fuckloads of rice themselves, despite their obesity rate being drastically lower than Western countries
ohhh wow dat must be bcuz of da rice, there couldn't possibly be any other social or economic factors that could affect that. If you think you can't get fat on a typical southeast asian diet, you're fucking delusional, and have clearly never seen a fat asian. There are more than a few of them.

>eating non green carbs

this post was written by (((them))), gr8 b8 m8

Whole grain bread has the same nutritional value as the whole grains it's made from, which are a good source of minerals, b-vitamins, and fiber, among other things

Please demonstrate it.

Jow Forums is full of meme diets and food faddists because the board has been infested with large numbers of fatties recently.
We need to get back to lifting and IIFYM.

If you're not eating like our hunter-gathere ancestors did you're doing it wrong. Fast and eat protons and animal fat. Carbs were not as available as they are nowadays, they were seasonal foods and they certainly didn't eat grains. At best they ate carbs to fatten up for winter.
However instead of being fucking retards and talking about it you could actually do the experiment and take your bloodtest now, start a diet you have in mind, and test again in a month.

terrible false flag grain merchant

>eat like your hunter-gather ancestors, whose diets varied dramatically based on their location and season
>who lived short, painful lives full of disease, infection, and brutality

>they certainly didn't eat grains
Certainly did. Where do you think grains came from?

Hunter gatherers were gathering wild grains for a long ass time and in many places made up a big part of their diet

Because threads are full of american retards who's rather eat canned bread if it existed.

Because Americans don't eat actual bread

> disease
No, there wasn't much disease killing them. And they lived long and strong if they got out of childhood/early adulthood
> humans
> research on niggers
Whatever you say my man

>posts mouldy bread
>probably eats meat

>No, there wasn't much disease killing them. And they lived long and strong if they got out of childhood/early adulthood
You've been watching The Flintstones. It's not reality.

>Meat and butter and a healthy heart

>medium protein
>1g per bw
What the fuck?

>d-don't make yourself healthier!

It's ok if Americans are too stupid to eat grains. That just means they will lose all wars in the future.

Maybe if you're thinking of infectious disease, but those are a big deal of any pre-industrial society. Hunter gatherers didn't die of chronic disease, thet only happens in agrarian societies.
The introduction of grains in our diet also lead to weaker muscles, smaller statures, weaker bones, crooked and cavity-ridden teeth, smaller cranial volume.
The question of meat vs carbs is a question of quality vs quantity. There's no reason to eat carbs as an individual, and today we can provide a nation with a carnivorous diet.
There is no causal link between animal fat and cardiovascular disease. However there is between carbs and cardiovascular disease as we know that carbs cause inflammation in the arteries which cholesterol is meant to heal. You always eat carbs so it never heals, so the cholesterol stays there. At some point you get a stroke.

>Hunter gatherers didn't die of chronic disease
They didn't live long enough to, because they died young mostly of infection or violence. There's no reason to think they were a role model of diet-related health.
>The introduction of grains in our diet also lead to weaker muscles, smaller statures, weaker bones, crooked and cavity-ridden teeth, smaller cranial volume.
Not the introduction of grains but the beginning of farming and the effects of stress and poor nutrition caused by lack of variety. After 10,000 years of practice, humans are bigger and stronger than they ever were.
>There is no causal link between animal fat and cardiovascular disease
LDL cholesterol is a causal link.
>However there is between carbs and cardiovascular disease as we know that carbs cause inflammation in the arteries
Which animals fats do as well, in addition to raising LDL cholesterol.

>However there is between carbs and cardiovascular disease as we know that carbs cause inflammation in the arteries which cholesterol is meant to heal
Post proof.

Here is proof you're full of shit:

And if you start posting shit to do with sugar you can get the fuck on out of here. Nobody is claiming sugar is good for you but ketards immediately jump on it because it's the only thing they can attack.

Whole food plant based diets are objectively the healthiest diet.

Life expectancy wasn't higher in neolithich populations.
> the introduction of farming and the ecfects of stress and poor nutrition
> after 10.000 years humans are bigger
I can understand being delusional about that, but not about
> and stronger than they ever were
> hurr if you have cholesterol in blood you get heartattack
That's not a causal link, it doesn't prove that dietary cholesterol causes high cholesterol or cardiovascular disease.
> which animal fats do as well
What kind of fats do you think our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate and did not get chronic disease compared to our agrarian ancestors. Strange that when you add carbs to your meat you get heart disease. Must be a coincidence. Just like carbs causing inflammation in the arteries being a coincidence.
First study
> BMI accounts for a significant proportion of the associations with these biomarkers
You're a B12 deficient cretin, not going to bother any further.
It's simple you mindless grazer, carbs get turned into glucose, glucose goes into the blood and scrapes your arteries, also insulin resistance.

>It's simple you mindless grazer, carbs get turned into glucose, glucose goes into the blood and scrapes your arteries, also insulin resistance.
>Can't rebuke studies
>m-muh BMI
>doesn't mention any of the other studies

On an added note, bread in Japan is sold in loaves of 6 next to the pastries. Really makes you think.

>That's not a causal link
It absolutely is. Excess blood cholesterol, specifically LDL, is the main risk factor in heart disease. Dietary cholesterol wasn't even mentioned, you said animal fat.

>d-don't make yourself healthier!
How is lowering your fat intake healthier?
Found the retard lardass guys

>How is lowering your fat intake healthier?
How is it not?

It's not if it isn't industrial white bread
t. baker

A risk factor isn't a causal link, it is correlation. Sitting is another risk factor for all sorts of diseases, it doesn't cause any of them. Animal fat is a big source of dietary cholesterol.

In this case it's a risk factor that acts as a causal link, in the same way that smoking is a risk factor for lung disease.
>Animal fat is a big source of dietary cholesterol.
Though the first thing anyone would think of is the fact that it's high in saturated fat, which is unanimously accepted as raising LDL cholesterol.

Lmao this is absolutely retarded. Cholesterol can't be a cause of plaque build-up because your liver fucking produces it. Why anybody would listen to the advice of mainstream american health associations is beyond me, considering they're all paid for and the state of america.

Because American bread is cancer and Americans like to cry

>Lmao this is absolutely retarded. Cholesterol can't be a cause of plaque build-up because your liver fucking produces it.
I like how you set up your cholesterol comment with a preface.
Like every consituent of the blood, there is a range that is considered healthy and a level that is considered unhealthy. The fact that your liver produces cholesterol, which serves a biological purpose, doesn't mean there's no limit to how much cholestesterol is safe to be in your blood at any one time. Think of glucose. It's vital for life to have glucose in your blood. There's obviously a range that would be considered healthy though, and a chronically high blood sugar would be bad for your health even if the opposite, no blood sugar, would also be fatal.
>Why anybody would listen to the advice of mainstream american health associations is beyond me
Because the alternative is dumb broscience bullshit like what you're saying.

My dad's friend is a surgeon and says that they have a scale in the medical industry from 0 to 10 which represents genetic susceptibility to high blood cholesterol, with diet affecting the scale by only a single point. I think it's much more likely that you lack context to properly analyse these studies than of the medical industry being incorrect.

>high insulin can't be bad for you, your pancreas fucking produces it

>There appears to be a common belief that atherosclerotic plaques consist mainly of lipid material. Several studies have examined the composition of atherosclerotic coronary plaques at necropsy in patients with fatal coronary heart disease (5–8). The studies traced out the various components of plaques from each 5-mm-long segment of each of the 4 major coronary arteries, and fibrous tissue was by far the dominant component of coronary plaques, comprising about 70%, while lipids comprised about 10%; calcium, about 10%; and miscellaneous, the other 10%.

>Studying atherosclerosis at necropsy or after endarterectomy has convinced Roberts that the only real long-term therapy for the Western world's number one disease is prevention. Although the Framingham investigators and others have convinced most physicians and the lay public that atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease, Roberts is convinced that the disease has a single cause, namely cholesterol, and that the other so-called atherosclerotic risk factors are only contributory at most (9–13). As shown in Figure Figure11, most of the risk factors do not in themselves cause atherosclerosis.

Is there anything you wanted to say with these quotes?

There are in Roberts’ opinion 4 facts supporting the contention that atherosclerosis is a cholesterol problem: 1) Atherosclerosis is easily produced experimentally in herbivores (monkeys, rabbits) by giving them diets containing large quantities of cholesterol (egg yolks) or saturated fat (animal fat). Indeed, atherosclerosis is one of the easiest diseases to produce experimentally, but the recipient must be an herbivore. It is not possible to produce atherosclerosis in carnivores (tigers, lions, dogs, etc.). In contrast, it is not possible to produce atherosclerosis simply by raising a rabbit's blood pressure or blowing cigarette smoke in its face for an entire lifetime. 2) Atherosclerotic plaques contain cholesterol. 3) Societies with high average cholesterol levels have higher event rates (heart attacks, etc.) than societies with much lower average cholesterol levels. 4) When serum cholesterol levels (especially the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDL-C] level) are lowered (most readily, of course, by statin drugs), atherosclerotic events fall accordingly and the lower the level, the fewer the events (“less is more”). Although most humans consider themselves carnivores or at least omnivores, basically we humans have characteristics of herbivores (Table (Table11).

You are literally promoting a vegan shill, fuck off you disingenuous piece of shit.
And he's a fucking kike to boot, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_C._Roberts

>He is a Master of the American College of Cardiology, a leading cardiovascular pathologist, and the current editor of both the American Journal of Cardiology and the Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings.
Is that not good enough credentials?
It's not a controversial opinion. High LDL is causal of atherosclerosis.


Not really, desu I just wanted to post a short video of me jacking off on the feet of an escort because I can’t stay hard for long enough to normally penetrate her.

Yes, that you're literally pushing broscience, or veganscience.


> 2 completely different things

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i don't get it. just say "jews" you fucking beta trash excuse of a human being. hope you get culled :3

>Yes, that you're literally pushing broscience, or veganscience.
How so? Because cholesterol attracts foam cells that form fiberous plaques, you're going to argue that cholesterol isn't involved in heart disease?

>There appears to be a common belief that atherosclerotic plaques consist mainly of lipid material.
The studies traced out the various components of plaques from each 5-mm-long segment of each of the 4 major coronary arteries, and fibrous tissue was by far the dominant component of coronary plaques, comprising about 70%, while lipids comprised about 10%; calcium, about 10%; and miscellaneous, the other 10%.
>Although the Framingham investigators and others have convinced most physicians and the lay public that atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease
>Roberts is convinced that the disease has a single cause, namely cholesterol

I would unironically kill you.

See You don't understand what you're reading if you think that stating that plaque is mostly fiberous tissue means it's not cholesterol's fault

> demonstrate a remarkably consistent dose-dependent log-linear association between the absolute magnitude of exposure of the vasculature to LDL-C and the risk of ASCVD


Ok then, the only logical conclusion is that the evidence is inconclusive, otherwise there would be a consensus surrounding the issue. That does mean that we should err on the side of caution though.

"Correlation isn't causation" isn't a valid response here. That study looks at evidence from everything from RCTs to mandelian randomization, only to verify in humans what has been known for decades from thousands of other studies that have been done on animals. Every animal species ever tested has developed atherosclerosis under conditions of high blood cholesterol. It's just stupid to argue this point.

The reason it's inconclusive is because you have everybody with money dumping it in science to get the results they want to get more people to buy their stuff. That means empirical evidence is king.

> "Correlation isn't causation" isn't a valid response here.
I'm done.

>I'm done.
Your get out of logic free card didn't work and that's all you had.

because I'm allergic to wheat and I am jelly

Attached: 1520367955182s.jpg (241x209, 7K)

>Not baking your own bread
>Only seen soft, processed bread in plastic bags

Fuck bread, dun eat that shit it's baaaad

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....Well fucking show it then. Does she have nice feet?

> your get out of logic free card didn't work and that's all you had
You dumb cunt i asked you to give me a causal link not fucking correlation and all you gave me was correlation and claimed it is a causal link. It doesn't fucking matter how perfectly things correlate. It's ourageous that you tell me i'm illogical for following the scientific method.
I'm done because you're a cretin, or worse, and my preferred hypothesis, intellectually disingenuous, trying to push your agenda no matter the truth. This is why i would unironically kill you, you are scum, an enemy of Truth and Order.

Finally a based user

>This is why i would unironically kill you, you are scum, an enemy of Truth and Order.
lmfao look at this angry nerd having a tantrum because he doesn't want his preferred diet to be harmful to him

>H-he he look at t-this n-nerd anons, h-he is so d-dumb hehe
Beeing this of an insecure, illiterate faggot

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Because retards love listening to dyel skinnyfat "experts" with 0 training in nutrition talking about how all grains are bad cause they're "unnatural".
Same type of people that push for ketogenic diets yet literally eat tubs of butter.

Bread is godtier food for athletes, anyone who denies this is a retard of the highest order.
Also everyone can make their own bread with vital gluten or just regular wheat/rye/corn flour so this whole talk about "commercial bread" being bad is irrelevant, it's just lazy misinformed people talking trash about shit they know nothing about.

I just made a literal 80% protein bread an it costs me next to nothing to make.

>stuttering green text and meme arrows
look at this sad cunt

>Insecure anons feelings got æhurt
Beeing this pathetic

Attached: dae.jpg (980x1040, 138K)

>haha ur feelings got hurt proving me rong xD
You know I'm not even the same guy you autistically wasted time arguing with right?

Lmao i don't have a diet, i don't eat. I'm just defending the position that seems most reasonable. When i start eating again i'll get on a carnivorous/paleolithic diet and log results, because it's retarded to see dietary studies as anything but interesting ideas. They're all paid for, the only thing that matters is empirical evidence.

>let me just jump on a diet that's a literal new age meme that has never been tested for longer than one generation in any single living population with similar genetics to my own

imagine being this fucking stupid
the only meaningful carnivorous diet is a seafood based diet, because that's what the vast majority of what your own ancestors ate post glacial maximum, not fucking beef steak, pork, chicken and turkey.
estimated polyunsaturated fat intake in paleolithic humans was around 10x higher than the modern human, almost no one eats that much because all they want to eat is butter and bacon

>Lmao i don't have a diet, i don't eat
>it's retarded to see dietary studies as anything but interesting ideas
>the only thing that matters is empirical evidence
What a fucking retard. You're possibly one of the lowest IQ posters on Jow Forums right now.

You realise I'm not the guy that was arguing either?

Attached: 555-come-on-now-1687205.png (500x522, 133K)

> the only meaningful carnivorous diet is a seafood based diet
> polyunsaturated fat
Literally impossible, unless they somehow had an industrial revolution and managed to produce oils in a large enough quantity which are chemical waste.

> i have any amount of trust in the organizations that are killing us
Look at this big brained boy over here.

Irrelevant, brainlet. You were trying to say that he hurt my feelings when I wasn't even a part of it. Stay mad.

>He's such a retard that he thinks he's a rebellious free-thinker for buying into what industry is selling
Wew lad. Everyone a sheep but you huh?

It's a burden i have to live with, contact me when they cure the chronic disease epidemic.

>duhh there's no difference between bread and rice, they're the exact same!
>what's gluten?

Attached: e09.png (645x729, 69K)

6 of what? Slices, rolls, whole loaves?

if you aren't celiac gluten is fine

>Literally impossible, unless they somehow had an industrial revolution and managed to produce oils in a large enough quantity which are chemical waste.

Fat composition of fatty fish:
25g fat per fillet on average
8.3 mono unsaturated
10g polyunsaturated
3.9g saturated