>Got tired of being a fat fuck, never got any attention from non-hambeast grills all through high school and first year of university
>Started picking things up and putting them down 3 years ago
>I'm not huge or anything, but I've got a little bit of mass. 5'10, 175.
>Leaving for work from my apartment (I work as an RN, so was in scrubs)
>See 7/10 black girl who just moved in the floor up walking up the stairs.
>Keep my eyes down because awkward, shy faggot from years of being ignored
>She says "haaaaaaay, you live here?"
>My first impulse is to think what a dumb question, obviously I live here. She knows I'm here every day, my car is here every day.
>Then I realize what's habbening. "y-yeah, you're up a floor, right?"
>"mmmhmmm, you goin to work? Watchu a CNA or summin?"
>"No, I'm a nurse. I work over at XYZ"
>She looks me up and down very obviously and says "Well you can come up and check my temperature any time, fine ass."
>I didn't know what to do and froze. Again, in 25 years literally no woman has ever paid me any remotely romantic attention and what happened was forward as fuck.
>"h-heh, yeah okay. I got to go now"
>scurried down the stairs and got in my car, she looked confused.

I dropped the ball, boyos. I started worrying about shit that was three moves ahead. Incel so worried about if she did want to fuck if I'd have any idea what I was doing or would pop too quick and she would tell everyone. Also, I'm not even particularly attracted to black grills. Two questions. First, wat do? Second, if you've made it, how long before white and asian girls start paying attention to you?

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Good job user. This gives me motivation as a 22 year old khv

Just knock on her door and apologise and ask her is she wants to go for a coffee some time.

>he cute

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You know what to do now right? Alpha up, take some flowers or chocolates as a housewarming, say you'll check her temp, win.

Do I be honest and tell her I got nervous because former fat virgin? That might make her less likely to mock me if I fuck up first time with sexing her.

You can tell her if you want. Might be a weight off your shoulders if you tell her everything and she will prob still fuck you.

Ignore the other fucking virgin. Don't tell her shit. Just knock on her door and say you're doing a house call. Don't sperg out. Do get your dick out.

Fuck this
Paint your dick like a thermometer and tell her you need to put it in her ass to get a good read. Your best chance of this working is in scrubs.

Have fun with your HIV and herpes

Do not take flowers or chocolates what the fuck is wrong with you people

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immediately discard for your health and safety user

If you go in there pretending to be alpha, you will unravel faster than boogies diet.

This x100. If there is a hint of bitch in you a black girl will smell it out and test you on it. It's like ingrained in them from birth. Also, this one in particular sounds like she is sexually aggressive and not a beginner's model. On the plus side honestly she probably already figured out that you're a bit shy and was okay with it. I say let her know just prior to sex youve never done it before and she'll probably jump on the chance to "teach you the ropes"

Also, wrap your shit up. First, you'll last longer. Second, a sexually aggressive negress almost certainly has herpes.

>wrap your shit to protect you from herpes
Dude if she has herpes that shit isn't going to help.

Yeah, but that can't be worse than just being me and unraveling anyway, can it?

nigga what? NEVER tell them that shit

they'll act all understanding and shit and you'll feel like you got a weight off your chest but you will dry up that clam FOREVER

Yeah, but I'm not looking to have a steady thing with her. I honestly just want to finally lose my vcard. Maybe use her as a starter fuck buddy until I can move up to a white or asian gf.

^^^^^^this is really good advice please listen. I wouldn’t fuck her though honestly. Just tell her you’re gay for now. Go test out our attractiveness somewhere with a lot of females. Like a downtown area with lots of bars. Ex. 6th street

See how many looks and stares oh get make sure you where something decent. If girls come up to you just say you’re gay ou need to tally up the results first trust me. I’ve been through it.

knock on her door in the middle of the night wearing nothing but a doctors outfit holding a thermometer

This nigga said move up to a white or Asian gf hahahaha

You funny white boy
Funny but true

You could pop a Viagra and wear one of those numbing condoms to soldier through the first few times. You may not have rhythm or anything down but you'll at least be able to keep your dick hard and last which is at least enough by most girls standards to have continued access to the vag. Meanwhile, work on edging, PC squeezes and breathing when whacking off to build up stamina and control.

Stop acting like an insecure cunt. Sack the fuck up and talk to this chick. Have fun. What the fuck do you mean you got nervous? She didn't even notice trust me.

Other than the increased STD risk thing what's the issue with black girls? As long as she looks good and is clean, what's the difference. Also, it's statistically proven that WMBF marriages are more likely to last than even white-white marriages. Either something else is going on, or black girls are semi decent partners.

Black girls repulse me but to each their own

My parents (dad at least) and definitely my grandparents would not be cool with it, and being that I'm very close to them it'd be a problem to actually be with her. On the other hand, I'm starting to worry they think I'm gay which they would see as worse. Anyway, long story short is it would just be better for me to have a white gf and I don't think they'd have a problem with asian gf since I know my granddad banged all kinds of gooks in 'nam.

i dont think he banged any gooks and he would likely not be ok with having an asian gf

You won't fuck her even once if you immediately use her as your therapist. She doesn't want to hear that you're a sadfuck fatty wearing the flesh of a fit person and don't have any idea how to handle yourself or a woman. Do not expect a woman who's treating you like a sexual object to give a ratfuck shit about your sob story.

The only thing you should be unloading on her is a nut, not your airport luggage claim's worth of baggage.

Bruh fuck your family, they're all inbred Europoors anyways. Be your own man, if you fall in love with a black chick then so be it. I'm making babies with a half Spanish half African chick and with my Scandi genes our children will be fucking immortals. depends on the black girl. Ofc you don’t want a ratchet but even some blacks girls people still have that ghetto in them and some whites don’t like that. They want a submissive woman. A black girl raised by whites would probably be the best but she’d also have like identity issues or some shit lol.

White girls are incredibly basic nowadays and Asians are just....wannabes. Plus think of your kids. Don’t give your son a small peepee.

Well, the whole steadier marriage thing could probably be a product of many things, but personally I'd say one of the biggest factors is that black women are typically higher educated and earn more than black men. "Swirling" is pretty popular as an idea among these girls because there are so few "acceptable" black guys to go around, and in general white guys are seen as better catches.

It's the old
>If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life. Never make a pretty woman your wife.

Except it's more about desirability. There aren't actually many white guys to go around that are into black women. They are just gonna be more desirable and more of a prize to the type of black woman who wants to "swirl".

Lol don't do this. The point of coffee is to get to the bed... Ask if she has a Keurig kek.

Wait for someone worthwhile otherwise enjoy your aids faggot.

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sure they will, pal

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Man if this ain’t the biggest lie I’ve ever heard. Most black girls don’t want to swirl. I’m not saying that they won’t fuck a white dude but there’s no preference towards fucking him over a black guy. If they do have that swirl fetish they were probably raised around a lot of whites or want their children to be white.

>randomly tested

How were they randomeley tested? Also I was told I was negative for it feelsgoodman still get no pussy

>ywn live in a world where 6+/10 girls force beta males to slay their pussies
>ywn live in a world where bands of rogue snu snu gym goddesses seek to eliminate male virginity and nurture future societal prosperity by grooming smart neets into real men

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I dated a hot black girl in college when I was a bumbling virgin and awkward with women. She put up with me longer she should have and I would have had I been in her position. She was definitely LTR material. Like any race the key is to find a good black girl and not trash

>"Well you can come up and check my temperature any time, fine ass."

choose one of the following responses:

"call me dr love, gurl. i'ma come write you a prescription"
"temp's already rising. i better come up now and cool you off"
"this doctor does house calls. give me your apartment number and make sure you have loose clothing on when i come check you out"
"stop flirting with me, gurl, you gonna make me violate the hypocratic oath when i come see you tonite"
"gurl, you gonna make the other nurses jealous with the way you talkin' to me"
"i'ma take more than your temperature, gurl. get ready for your checkup, cuz the doctor will see you at 8 tonite"
"i hope you got insurance, gurl, cuz you about to get the best physical that this doctor offers"
"you look like a fiesty patient. i'ma have to strap you down tonite."

Dont want to swirl you.

unironically kill yourself, i already feel sorry for your children.

t. racemixed

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kill yourself

why u mad tho

In a few hundred more years everyone will be mixed. It's sad we'll lose millennias of human diversity and adaptations, but it's irreversible.

>Most black girls don’t want to swirl.

Yeah, that's most likely true, but to be fair, black women aren't even particularly desired by their own men, they don't really get to pick and choose. As for the whole swirling thing, there are whole books on the topic and telling black women how to land a white husband.

>swirl fetish they were probably raised around a lot of whites or want their children to be white.

Well their children certainly aren't gonna be white, but yeah, living around a bunch of white people is sort of required to actually have enough white men around that there's one into black girls anyway and if we think about it if there's not a lot of white people around, then there probably aren't any (at least not around blacks), though I guess you could say south africa is an exception, but most are just victims of circumstance anyhow.

You are truly clairvoyant if you can see what the future will be like in a few hundred years lmao, just 40-50 years ago they unironically thought we'd be driving flying cars and have active working colonies on other planets by now. A few hundred years ago they had never even imagined really in their wildest dreams the way things would be now.

Fucking jew bastard I was about to say this god damn monkey fucking fuck.

>just 40-50 years ago they unironically thought we'd be driving flying cars and have active working colonies on other planets by now.
they didn't realize american exceptionalism would be extinguished by the beaner invasion, or else LBJ would have been murdered as well for the 1965 immigration act.

Fucking pseudointelligent faggot, it is a fact that everyone will be mixed and races will not exist. It's a harsh and sad truth.

The white man was on track to do so but then niggers came flooding in.

oh i know, that’s why i’m probablygonna off myself in the next 10 to 20 years. We have jews and a certifiabley retarded population to thank for the damnation of seperate cultures and (racial)identities.

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>we have a certifiabley retarded population

>these are the people blaming "LE DA JOOZ" for everything

This is hilarious. I hope you die in a coal mine.

Obviously providing no catastrophic event or big war happens, globalisation won't stop and the concept of race will become extremely fluid or even cease to exist. There'll probably be books about what old humans looked like.

Stop with the nigger cope, they've always been in America from the beginning. Immigration hasn't slowed down technological progress, if anything it has accelerated it.

niggers are fucking shit

Bruh I'm going to make sure my children marry back into the Nordic blod so they carry only the strongest traits. There is such a thing as selective lineage.
We're talking
>bone density of Scandi
>muscle density of African
>bone structure of Iberian
>good chance for A- or O- blod type
>good chance for 6'2+ height
>good chance for higher immunity to diseases common to both
The ones that don't make these requirements will be fed to the ones that do.

O- is literally the shittest blood type
>t. AB+

wew good thing i made a typo so you didn’t have to come up with an actual argument or anything

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>calls entire external population "retarded" while he misspells two elementary school words

>implying i don’t hate myself and think i’m retarded as well

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>complaining about a problem which you are part of

>I hope you die in a coal mine
Spotted the solar panel shill.

i literally said i’m gonna kill myself

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Not how it works. You'll pollute your gene pool with black/spic idiocy forever. Remarrying with whites will only taint other, pure whites. You're a disgrace, and contributing to the problem. Divorce the bitch now and remarry a white girl. Good ones are hard to find these days, but they're out there.

>what is genetic bottlenecking
Glad I majored in Bio

Return to her apartment. If you don't have a clever line, or don't feel you can confidently deliver it, come back to her place and only say basic things. She'll think you're cool/calm for it. Or think nothing. Doesn't really matter, she's dtf, so there's no reason to be nervous, any bad experience on her part is her own fault after that point. You're trying to fuck this bitch, not marry her, so your performance, or what she thinks of you afterward, is irrelevant.

Cope much you fucking inbred redneck?

Blame it on his racial purity, he dun learnt basic g-neckticks very good

n-no u

For further motivation I was a virgin til I was 23 (not kissless hhless tho)

amerimutt detected

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100% Norwegian, you lil cuck

lel fucking newfags

This. Collect yourself, then go up to her apartment door at around 9pm. No pressure situation, no expectations. Then when you get in her apartment just plop down on whatever piece of furniture she has that can seat two people. Hopefully she offers you a drink, then she initiates it by sitting next to you.

Bang her soon. The longer you wait the more likely she brings up tyrone carrying whatever stds.

Highly underrated

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What's your bf% my stats are similar.

Me i like the ratchet bitches

Autismo maximo


You have no idea how brainwashed you are, just regurgitating that same mantra you've been taught.
Eurasians have been separated from Africans for 30,000 years, and we've been doing just fine.

Yeah they've been separated and now they're not, you are the one that is brainwashed. I don't know where you think I'm getting a mantra from "that I've been taught", it is my own opinion.

The difference between predicting flying cars and predicting migration and interracial breeding is that the former had never been observed before/was wishful thinking and the latter has consistently occurred since, well, forever and shows no sign of stopping any time soon. Feverdreams of nerds vs evolutionary pressure and biological drive to reproduce.

Then you also learned that there's no way to prevent cross-contamination.

Any amount is too much.

I don't know exactly since I'm not motivated enough to get a dexa scan, but just visually ~10-12%. Not shredded, but you can make out the shape of all my abs and I've got low facial fat distribution.

Pass, you dont like her. Your answer was natural

lmao underrated

Wow how does it feel to be retarded? You're in reality downgrading your bloodline by introducing inferior genes into it

Immigration of whites accelerated it dumbass. Now that most migration to USA is by mongrels, USA is 10 years away from becoming a slum country like Brazil

No it isn't, your opinion is word for word the stance of the government agenda. And that guy was wrong, there was actually never any contract between Europeans and negroes for 200 000 years of human history. This century is the first time in the history of humans that Aryans and negroes have lived together, and evidence shows it is leading towards collapse of all civilization.

this is a great example of what not to do

Godspeed user, stick your thermometer in that nigress asss and take revenge for us white brothers.

Relax, you're already in, she likes you. This whole thread gives advice, but I'll give you some meta advice. Throw most of these replies out of the window and just go talk to her. Most guys are delusional when it comes to chicks because all they do is readl. He is alright though.

Ignore all advices. Just go in cold. Experience is the best teacher. If you score, keep repeating that with other girls. If you fail, report back and we csn analyze what went wrong together.

Gidsoeed user, remember condoms, yes, with an s behind.

What the fuck absolutely no fuck no you dumb shit

>inbred Europoor

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>O- is literally the shittest blood type
O- is literally the purest blood type.

theyre black